I'm somewhat of an XCOM fan (the new one, I never played the classic version) and while I eagerly await the release of XCOM2 I've been revisiting the first game and decided to finally do a run through where I customized everyone after friends and family. Because of this I've been doing a write up (with screen shots) of each month of play for them. After several terrible disasters (I was rusty and it was Classic/Ironman) the current playthrough will end as soon as I decide to go stomp the Temple Ship. This has left me musing what to do next.
I've been considering both a non-Ironman Impossible run or reinstalling Long War now that the release version is out and seeing if I can finish it this time.
So what I'm considering is this, I'll fire up Long War and you can all join the ranks since I'll need a much larger roster. Many of you will die.
Right now I think I'll continue with just doing screen caps and written commentary and I'll set up a Tumblr for it or something since I can't host pictures on these forums.
If you're interested in joining the war I've set up a survey here that will let you put in some basic customization information. Feel free to use your favorite DR character's name, your own name (if you don't mind it being public).
I can't promise to follow all the customization requests (I need to keep things playable, it's hard to control who's psionic, MECs happen to people who take terrible wounds etc.) but I'll try. I won't be customizing nationality or spoken language since one is a pain to mod and the other doesn't really matter since I don't plan to do videos.
"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things