An idea for an event to RP a book's publication - A booksigning of sorts. There are many ways to put on such an event, depending on the kind of book and the author. Potentials include storytelling, a lecture, and/or a Question/Answer session.
As part of the event, the signed book. I know when portable library books were asked for earlier, the answer was no, it would be too complicated, so that's not what I'm thinking. With the gift crates or such, a token similar to the cards from the Haven Joy Shop.
The book would appear as it does in the library, but when opened would only have the dedication page. Either pre-made with a snippet and signature, or have it start blank then get the snippet and signature when the author rubs the book.
By snippet and signature, I was meaning something along the lines of:
>open book
>read book
"That's right, I actually wrote this book!"
(signed) Dewsong de Rosa