Empty Room Needed! 11/24/2005 12:13 PM CST
Gather up your strength, because I'm asking you all for your pooled expertise in matters of the heart.

A young player, who wishes to remain anonymous, who is well above legal age, but still young enough to be able to live shamelessly with his overbearing parents (and without bankrupcy/nervous breakdown as a reason), needs you folks to brainstorm places for he and his girlfriend to go for some "private time".

Ideas already on the table are a hotel (good for a special occassion), the graduate center's "study rooms" (which have worked till now, but have their drawbacks when things start going "south", and a friend's apartment (which is proving difficult to actuate).

Do any sympathetic parties have and good ideas? Or bad? Either way, you'll be helping a really nice young guy out, or making me laugh.

P.S. Good life mana and no roaming guards is a plus.
Re: Empty Room Needed! 11/24/2005 02:47 PM CST
Ya know, if you'd asked this 2 years ago, I not only could've given you places, but contact information, addresses and phone numbers, and what to not pay attention to while you're in insert-specific-place-here. Not being a cabbie anymore has really cut down on my significant contacts.

Amagaim; the player of,

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning,
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
Re: Empty Room Needed! 11/24/2005 05:18 PM CST
I'm sure he'd be willing to fly to CO too...

:oP Ragran
Re: Empty Room Needed! 11/24/2005 07:19 PM CST
They could pretend to be in high school and go park there car in a dark parking lot somewhere.

Re: Empty Room Needed! 11/25/2005 02:09 AM CST
They could take up hiking and camping.

Mists and Magic, Ocean Breazes, Deep Rivers Under the Sea, Trails Between the Stars: Where nothing is as it seems.
Re: Empty Room Needed! ***Post Ended*** 11/25/2005 12:11 PM CST
Thanks...prollem settled. I think that my own lack of creativity in this area stems from my own dysfunctional rearing by my mazzah and fazzah plus the fact that i've had my pwn place since I was 19.

Thanks again!

:oP Ragran