You never know what you've lost 04/02/2015 07:22 AM CDT
I randomly stumbled onto this folder and decided to read through from start to finish.

I am sincerely glad I did.

Firstly, I will say, I have been "back" now for almost a year next month. When I first arrived back after almost a decade of being away I felt like I was starting over from scratch. I didn't seem to recognise anyone and I wasn't even able to use the same UI to play so it was like learning the game all over again. I wondered what had happened to all the people I had known but assumed they probably did what I did, drifted away from DR and the community and perhaps, one day, they would come back as I did, to reminisce or just reconnect with folks again.

As I read through the folder I came to tears and at one point even threw off my headphones in horror (I'm sure folks think I'm loosing it in the office) and just sat in disbelief as names I had once known appeared in post after post. I am devastated, we as a community, have lost so many good people. To hear of one or two losses as they happen was difficult (Thundrek, Socharis) but to see all these names and realise the scope of how much has been lost while I was gone feels like my world just cracked a little. Now I know that Kittrinna, Tallie, Jeremael, Miryam, Tinsie, Serenanna, Ketrianna, Mendasity, Veralika, Terra, Martee, Mekhi and Gharrick aren't coming back at some point and I feel like a little bit of the magic of my role-play world of Elanthia just crumbled away.

As a community, the players of DR and GS are one of the most unique and close knit communities I have come across. You see beyond lines of code and role-play and make lasting connections that extend into your real lives. You are brothers and sisters to each other and I am proud to be a part of this community both past and present.

For the memory of all those who we have lost that I simply was not aware of. You are missed.

~Lady Kintalia Silvermist~
Re: You never know what you've lost 05/02/2015 10:56 PM CDT
That was a beautiful tribute, Kintalia. And you're right, this is a hard folder to read. I don't find my way here very often for just that reason. But after reading your post I had to go back through it because there are several of my old friends listed in here as well. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew it wouldn't end well. But sometimes you just have to pause and remember the things that came before.

It has always been the most amazing thing to me how one day you can be having so much fun with someone: talking, joking, laughing, telling tall tales, and then all the sudden they're simply no longer there. Instead, they're off somewhere beyond this world. Beyond our reach. Beyond our touch. And those of us who remain can only reflect and wish it wasn't so.

DR is a fantasy community. We all come here to live in a fantasy world and interact with fantasy characters and do fantastic things. But then, once in a while, the fantasy fails as dark reality hits out of nowhere and shatters all our fantasies in a heartbeat. It's unfair and I hate it.

I hope you stay in DR. The game is better than ever and worth playing with lots of great players and lots of great adventures yet to be had. And there are people on staff I swear must be real magicians and miracle workers to do the great work improving it all for us every day.

I know I'm responding a month after your post, but as I said I don't read this folder very often.