The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/12/2014 08:28 PM CDT
I was just informed that the player of the elder cleric Rehobaum passed yesterday at his home. As i was growing up in DR Reho was a fixture on Aesry and such a great guy to everyone. I got to know Troy a bit in real life as well and he was a very kind soul that helped out quite a few players in DR both in game and out of game. He will be greatly missed not only by me but by many in DR.


rub other gweth
[Assuming you mean the Barbarian Guildleader Les.]
You rub your jadeite gwethdesuan.
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/12/2014 09:02 PM CDT

Sad thing to hear. He was a great friend in my early DR years, and was always available to help or answer questions. He was the motivation behind the first cleric I ever created. My heart goes out to his family and close friends.

-Master Ndin
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/12/2014 09:03 PM CDT
Sorry for the loss.

"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/12/2014 09:03 PM CDT
he will be greatly missed by our island community. May the gods ever favor you with joy and laughter my friend.

Jeff Perry aka Luach
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/12/2014 09:12 PM CDT
>Sad thing to hear. He was a great friend in my early DR years, and was always available to help or answer questions. My heart goes out to his family and close friends.

~Player of Liurilias
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/12/2014 09:15 PM CDT
>>Sad thing to hear. He was a great friend in my early DR years, and was always available to help or answer questions. My heart goes out to his family and close friends<<

Yes a very sad day indeed. He raised elf several times and was always there to help out in invasions.

M@c ~]X!j % %AN_rrWB5z4%p rBa =jZb*h[mp,0;pv` knIM%aJ|
WARNING: You are carrying an extremely large number of items on your person.
Having a very high number of items can cause character corruption or
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/13/2014 01:24 AM CDT
Very sad, may his soul find everlasting peace.


In memory of Lisa/Martee. Passed 6/17/2013. A friend. A sister.
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/14/2014 08:35 AM CDT
suuuuuucks. reho was everyone's bud back in the day. Unassuming, "up for it", kind of guy everyone wanted to make their friend.
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/16/2014 04:03 AM CDT
I really liked him, I'm so sorry to hear about his passing. My thoughts to his family and all that will miss him.

My spathas at hand,
From the ashes I rise,
With resolve in my heart,
And fire in my eyes.
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/18/2014 10:16 PM CDT

Rehoboam was one of my teachers as a baby cleric and all around newbie.

Ryeka and the mind behind...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: The sad passing of Rehobaum (Troy Adams) 03/19/2014 04:00 PM CDT
I only knew Troy in Dragonrealms, yet I have yet to meet a more approachable, light-hearted person. I will miss the smiles he would put on my face.
