Wear Armor
By: Benan
Originally posted by THE-COFFEE-GUY (Ranger Benan) on May 22, 2001 to the:
DR Message Boards > General Discussion > Humor
Wear armor.
If I could offer only one tip to a new Elanthian, armor would be it. The long-term benefits of armor have been proven by clerics and empaths, whereas the rest of my advice come from my own wandering, over foraging mind. Some things to ponder...
Enjoy the magic of 1st circle. Never mind. You'll never understand the infinite promise of 1st circle until you hit 30th or so. But trust me, one day, you'll be cherishing your new guild title, and you will see a first circle. As the memories flood back in, you will see how far you've come. And yes, you really really looked that dorky when you first got to Crossing.
Don't hassel emapths or clerics. They are the allies you have never met. The time will come one day when you will need the service of both guilds. And they do not have to help you.
Learn at least one other kind of armor.
Tip the empaths.
Don't get lost in the race to rank. Sometimes you will, more times you won't. Advancement is a journey, not a destination. Do not get blinded by the circle.
Don't waste your time with snerts.
Don't feel bad if you get lost. Some of the best places I have found where because of a wrong turn.
Get lots of herbs. And always check how much you have. You'll be in big trouble when you don't.
Maybe you'll walk, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll circle, maybe you won't. Maybe you will rise to the peaks of your guild, maybe you will reroll after 10 circles. Whatever happens, enjoy yourself, but not at the expense of others. You are here to have fun, so is everyone else.
Explore your city. Even if it only a few shops, get to know your surroundings.
Ask for directions, even if you don't use them.
Do not rob people's graves. It is the fastest way to lose allies in the realm.
Be careful of where you hunt. The Great Mages change the rules of the Universe much of the time and what was easy a few weeks ago may now rip out your chest in one shot.
Accept certain inalienable truths: People will script, Crossing will get invaded. You will get mouthed off too. And when it happens, you'll fantasize that when you were younger, you never mouthed off, Crossing monsters were much tougher and you never scripted.
Do not script while away from game.
Take pride in your accomplishments, but be watchful of arrogance. The time after you talk about how strong or fast or tough you are is almost always followed be a swift and embarrassing death.
But trust me on the armor.
"The probability of someone making a mathematical formulation on a non-mathematical subject is inversely proportional to its usefulness."
- Brust's Law of Mathematical Formulations