Quest Donation 09/02/2005 02:59 PM CDT
You know what would be kind of cool is that DR had some type of quest or something and have the fees be donated. Not sure if that could be done or not. I know it's kind of short notice but maybe something from the past or some one could whip something up.
Re: Quest Donation 09/02/2005 04:41 PM CDT
That's a great idea! Don't know what the coders could come up with on such "short" notice. Short being a few months or so.

Just a little barb. : P

On another note....before the hurricane struck, the news station I was watching interviewed some people evacuating from Grand Isle (hope I spelled it right) and I got the impression it was a barrier island of some sort. It's been 5 days since and I haven't heard anything about Grand Isle and there were 3 old cajun types planning on staying. Has it been oblisterated? Is there an island left? Anyone know?
