January Events! 12/21/2012 11:17 AM CST
So, we decided to take the month of December off. Ya know, holidays and stuff. But we're coming back in the new year with a bang and I wanted to give everyone a heads up.

*the Tavern Troupe presents: A Chris' Mass Party and Auction
Fri, January 4, 2013, 9pm – ? EST - Traders' Guild Auction Hall, Crossings

This event is on the official DR calendar currently, most the details are located there. There is a link provided to a googledoc which is a list of some of the items. I'll try and updated it again before the auction, I've added a ton more stuff to it. Items of note are: Gorbesh catapult basket, togball case, one of those old phoenix cases with the buggy dimensions, cavalier hat, hitmans backpack, assassins backpack and a bunch of other stuff that didn't fit into the lootsack. As with our other "party and auction" events, I've got some neat prizes for those who are willing to compete in our performance games at the party before the auction so make sure to get there on time! I'm going to do my best to sell everything so be prepared for a long haul.

*the Tavern Troupe presents: A Fishing Trip!
Fri, January 26, 2013, 9pm - ? EST - Meet at Crossings pier, moving to various places afterwards.

This event will be on the calendar soon, but it's not there yet so I'll give you the details here:
"The Tavern Troupe invite you to join them as they make their way up and down the coastline looking for a mighty catch. Starting in the city of Crossings, the Shadowed Charger will stop at various locations as we search for the ever elusive prize fish. If you are unable to meet in Zoluren, we will be sending notifications when we approach other provinces and you can join up with us later in the trip. Bait and poles will be provided, prizes will be awarded after final weigh in."

It's pretty much exactly what that says, a fun fishing trip! I've got some prizes to hand out for anybody wanting to participate in our competition, or you can simply catch a ride to a far off destination. Whatever you do, do it in style with the Tavern Troupe! We'll go up the coasts, swing over to the Qi islands and circle back. We'll have drinks and food on hand to accommodate guests during the lengthy travel time.

You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.
Re: January Events! 12/23/2012 08:02 AM CST
I've updated the auction list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FyzU3Fi9I-eS49VmycK8OXfSURkuMIxTfucCAJSMaHQ/edit?pli=1

Lots of new stuff!

You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.