Aesry Pub's 06/15/2008 10:36 PM CDT
So when you coming to our fine island of Aesry?

Re: Aesry Pub's 06/18/2008 08:21 PM CDT
Greetings Yarrius~
We are planning to come on July 30th at 10:00 p.m. eastern. We will be sailing the Star's Grace and holding a fishing contest of sorts before we arrive. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if that will work for you.

I apologize for the lateness in my reply.

Dulcinie, Speaker
Re: Aesry Pub's 06/24/2008 09:08 PM CDT
Works for me, I'll get it on the Dragoon calendar. Send me an email or message via AIM to work out a couple of the finer details when you get the chance. Thanks.
