Our Somiumvisum achieved 100th circle 01/17/2010 03:12 AM CST
At 8PM EST, January 16, 2010, friends and family attended a party at the Topiary Gardens of Tamsine's Rest. The party celebrated Somniumvisum achieving 100 circles in his Guild, his dedication and his hard work.

The evening was great fun. Somni received some gifts, Lady Lanita of the Tavern Troupe entertained us with a choice piece from her amazing repertoire and we enjoyed a few games. Everyone attending the celebration had a great time.

Congratulations once more Somni, from every one of us.


~ We are the wind, the hawk on the wing, the soaring spirit of the sky and the patient spirit of the earth. ~
Re: Our Somiumvisum achieved 100th circle 01/17/2010 12:01 PM CST
Congratulations on 100!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy