A Plethora Of Positions! 02/20/2011 10:34 PM CST
"Would you say I have a... plethora?"
"Oh yes, you have a plethora!"

On that note, I'd like to congratulate several of our members and update our Council List!

First off, congrats so Samarah, who took over the role of Vice Speaker!

Second, contrats to Jerde, who took over the roll of Adjutant as well as his current role Chancellor!

Thirdly, but certainly not lastly, Congratulations to Aspasia Darkbrook who was promoted onto the Recruit Officer Position. As she was Samarah's assistant, it seems only natural.

I know all three of the people will bring honor to their positions and the Guard itself, and with a full council once again, we can move on to become bigger, better, and more awesome!

Speaker Somniumvisum LeoRudo
Vice Speaker Samarah Riverhawk
Treasurer Achkilles Lacaedomian
Council Members
Adjutant Jerde
Chancellor (Combined With Adjutant)
Chronicler Morlokk Rokk
Keep Lieutenant Mahone Rale'Vayato
Triage Lieutenant Tolena Blasenr
Ambassador Addisyn Rokk
Communications Officer Healfdene Rokk
Events Coordinator Whitbuffalo Buffont

-Healfdene Rokk
Re: A Plethora Of Positions! 02/20/2011 10:40 PM CST
In my haste of posting that awesome quote, I failed to add Aspasia onto the Council table! :( I'm sorry... Here is the revised table.

SpeakerSomniumvisum LeoRudo
Vice Speaker Samarah Riverhawk
Treasurer Achkilles Lacaedomian
Council Members
Adjutant Jerde
Chancellor (Combined With Adjutant)
Chronicler Morlokk Rokk
Keep Lieutenant Mahone Rale'Vayato
Triage Lieutenant Tolena Blasenr
Ambassador Addisyn Rokk
Communications Officer Healfdene Rokk
Events Coordinator Whitbuffalo Buffont
Recruiting Officer Aspasia Darkbrook

I am very sorry, ma'am.
On another note. I'd like to ask, is there any way modify your existing posts? :P

-Healfdene Rokk
Re: A Plethora Of Positions! 02/20/2011 11:31 PM CST
>>Bennett083: On another note. I'd like to ask, is there any way modify your existing posts? :P

No, but you can delete your posts.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: A Plethora Of Positions! 02/21/2011 07:33 AM CST
Congratulations all! Looking forward to a bright future with The Theren Guard!
