Welcome 05/04/2008 05:19 PM CDT
I am Father Jarle Shannarrah, Speaker of Li Tumbra Mir, in Common, 'The Iron Circle.' I would like to thank you both for your interest in the order. As you probably know we are currently in a state where we are trying to renew membership. I am currently residing on Aesry, and would be more than happy to have your company and discuss your induction into the order as members. If you let me know where you reside, if you can't leave there for one reason or another I will head out to you and we can talk there if that makes things easier. Also If you haven't read our scroll, (http://home.comcast.net/~fatherjarle/) please do so and let me know what if any of the sects within the order you may be interested in joining. I look foward to hearing from both of you and you can also pigeon me if you have any questions.

Father Jarle Shannarrah
Speaker of Li Tumbra Mir.