I've been considering joining an order with one of my PCs. Whats the status on this one? Is it still Rakash - Prydaen only?
A fellow gamer
Re: Questions
08/18/2008 11:39 AM CDT
The Order of the Black Fox is currently going through some changes. The charter for this order has reverted to one that is more similar to its original form. That is, a group that is devoted to helping resolve conflict through peaceful means by being a neutral third party. In addition, the order strives to help those in need regardless of personal gain or glory, defend the weak and innocent from harm, provide guidance to the inexperienced, inspire citizens to find enjoyment and gratification outside of material reward and personal gain and to preserve Elanthian traditions and culture
Tabby Faye
Tabby Faye
Re: Questions
09/29/2009 07:56 AM CDT
Is anyone still active amongst this group. I was a member/council about two years back now... helped plan and run the Festival of Light, for those that remember that fun. I have had to take some educational time away, and now find myself wandering the paths and forrests of Elanthia once again. Would like to rejoin the group as I had a lot of fun.
Teloak Avenshire
Teloak Avenshire