Please join us at 10pm est tonight in the courtyard of the Apostles Order House for a meeting to discuss the state of Zoluren's triage and to formulate plans for moving forward. Everyone is welcome to attend as this effort is for all of Zoluren's citizenry, not any single organization, in light of the recent skirmishes. (From the Crossing bank: nw, n, n, n, n, n, n, go archway)
"The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
Re: Zoluren Triage Meeting tonight
07/23/2012 03:43 AM CDT
Any chance of a log of this event?
- player of Talliska
- player of Talliska
Re: Zoluren Triage Meeting tonight
07/24/2012 01:36 PM CDT
We'll try to get one up soon -- probably tonight. Just need to do some clean-up on it.
Re: Zoluren Triage Meeting tonight
07/24/2012 05:18 PM CDT
Here's a quick summary, because this is a very long log:
A lot of people had great ideas. We're hoping that this will be the first in a series of triage forums where people can basically share their own observations and ideas. In this one, the general consensus settled on using the Healerie as a triage spot. (Enter the Empath Guild, go down the stairs, go through the door.) Alternate locations appear to be Town Green Southwest for healing and TGNW for raising, and the Apostles Order house (on Clanthew, next to the Gray Raven commissary. Go through the arch and one north for good life mana.) There will be another get together early next month, so people can come armed with ideas how to improve.
As a side note, although this session was organized by the Apostles, triage should not be viewed as being owned by the Apostles. The open-ended nature of the forum was to enable those most likely to be involved to have a major hand in creating a system that works for them.
You say, "Okies, so, while we're waiting for any last minute attendees, I go ahead and outline what I hope we accomplish this evening."
You say, "First, let me explain a little about the reasoning for holding this."
You say, "The triages during the most recent emergencies have been somewhat hectic and I'm hoping we can find a system that works for the most people in Crossing."
Allye nods to you.
You say, "Beginning in the Lyras War, triage was held in the temple. Due to the strengthed defenses then, it was the safest place for it. Nearly impenetrable."
You say, "However, since the war, fewer and fewer people seem to be willing to drag bodies there, and most seem to end up in the infirmary."
You say, "The problem with the infirmary is that it become crowded and difficult to heal in and for clerics to clearly see souls when ready. It's also a prime target for invaders."
Ellyzia says, "Plus poor Holy mana."
Ellyzia waves her hand distractedly.
You nod.
Rheeni nods to Ellyzia.
You say, "Very, and the life mana isn't even fantastic for less-skilled empaths."
Tsaru praises Sneeky.
Sneeky asks, "What's wrong with usin' yer place here?"
Briarose nods in agreement.
You notice as a sly-looking sleek white lynx looks upward negligently.
You say, "Nothing! I'm going to get to that."
Sneeky angles his ears forward in curiosity.
Sneeky nods to you.
Linett groans.
Linett bops Sneeky over the head.
You say, "Or I should say, nothing in particular."
Ayalen chortles softly at some secret joke.
You say, "So, we're looking for an alternate site or sites, and maybe some sort of standard procedure."
Sneeky raises his hand.
You say, "I'd mentioned using the order house as a possibility at the last Town Hall Meeting sponsored by the White Rose."
You nod.
You say, "I'll get to Ellysia and Sneeky right after I finish. Just a moment or two more."
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
> >
You say, "However, someone brought some reasonable objections to our attention, not least, they didn't like the idea that triage seemed sponsored by the Apostles. That's not our wish or our desire, as it must be a community effort to be successful."
Sneeky rolls his eyes.
Allye nods to you.
You say, "They also brought up the advantages to using the temple, such as good life mana and holy mana."
You say, "So, first, Ellyzia. And I apologize for mispronouncing your name a moment ago."
Ellyzia waves her hand distractedly.
Ellyzia says, "I've heard much worse."
Allye grins at Ellyzia.
Ellyzia says, "I just wanted to say that a lot of non order Empaths are concerned about it being held here, for a couple reasons."
Ellyzia says, "I highly doubt that favoritism is anything to be worried with here, but the concern is there and I'm afraid of the hostility that can breed between order members and non members."
Aykasha raises her hand.
Sneeky blinks.
Katjia asks, "Favortisem for?"
Ellyzia says, "Plus, I was under the impression that this was suggested as a safer place, but it doesn't seem to be warded any better then the infirmary."
Ellyzia says to Katjia, "Favoritism for wounded order members, or ordered triage workers getting all the good wounds, I don't know.."
Lancel says to Ellyzia, "I'd like to address your concern about hostility between members and non-members."
You say, "That's another thing about triage, actually, that needs to be addessed."
Katjia says, "If there was favortism for order members it would happen no matter where traige was."
Ellyzia says, "I'm personally all for it being anywhere but the infirmary, but I think a more neutral spot might be best."
Ezeria says, "I would think healing the best fighters would be the only favoritisim that would be understood."
Ellyzia gestures.
You say, "No place is safe unless bannered now, including the temple now that the temple defences have been dismantled."
Linett raises her hand.
Ellyzia nods to you.
Eochaidh raises her hand.
Sneeky snarls.
Ellyzia says, "But any place can be bannered as easily as here."
Ellyzia shrugs.
You say, "Right, I'm not arguing for here, I'm arguing for anywhere but the infirmary."
Ellyzia nods to you.
Allye grins at you.
Lancel says to Ellyzia, "Should a member show hostility towards a non-member assisting during distressing times I'd like to personally hear about it."
Allye nods to Lancel.
Rheeni nods at Lancel, obviously agreeing with his views.
Ellyzia says to Lancel, "As I said, I highly doubt it's an actual concern. But you know how drama likes to root itself."
Ellyzia waves her hand distractedly.
Lancel nods to Ellyzia.
Briarose asks, "Is there a way that drama can be escorted out of triage?"
Ayalen asks, "I think having a plan B would be wise, either way. If the enemy can find their way to the infirmary, what would stop them from making the few paces here?"
Sneeky says, "At blade point."
Lancel says, "I'm sure in the past we've had members that may have been uh... less than pleasant. But I think we're good now. And I doubt members would cause issue."
Sneeky nods to Briarose.
Allye nods in agreement.
You say, "Also, for the proper sharing of wounds, I'm not sure what to say. Triage should be no time to be territorial. My only concern is to get people up and out as soon as possible."
You nibble on your lip.
Rheeni clears her throat.
Lancel says, "But if they did it should be addressed by the Officers and the Counsil of the order."
Ellyzia says, "I've personally never worried for wound sharing during triage."
Jerodan asks, "I think I have a good, valid reason to support triage being done here if I may?"
Ellyzia shrugs.
Sneeky continues to hum an off-key tango with only the slightest hint of difficulty.
You ask, "Sneeky, you had your hand up?"
Sneeky says, "Aye."
Sneeky asks, "My time ta speak a bit?"
Sneeky says, "Ladies and others, I'm Sneeky. Some may know me, some may not. I was a council member up in Haven fer a long while."
Sneeky says, "Now..what ye've got ' a buncha whiny brats. It's yer order. Ye're wantin' ta run a triage. If it's war, and I'm wounded, I'm runnin ta where th' local order has set up triage. Provided they thrown down a banner, or have some bards about playin that calm-inducin' tune, I'm happy. While I'm there, if someone decides ta put on their big-boy trousers and try ta start somethin stupid, well.."
Sneeky draws a glaes sabre with a honed blade from an errant shadow, smiling confidently.
Sneeky says, "I've opened a few tin-cans in my time."
Sneeky's sabre suddenly slips away into an errant shadow.
Allye covers her mouth with her hand.
Sneeky says, "Ye should, in this old prydaen's opinion, run with a plan of 3 locations."
Ellyzia chuckles.
Korutu nods to Sneeky.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Sneeky says, "If one is overrun, move. Dun bother fightin. Jest run dammit."
Sneeky says, "Temple, here, cleric's guild, it don't matter."
Ayalen nods at Sneeky, obviously agreeing with his views.
Sneeky says, "Someone gets mouthy, order member or not, tell 'em ta leave."
Sneeky says, "Failing that, yer empaths."
Sneeky says, "Knock 'em flat."
Ellyzia chuckles.
Allye grins at Sneeky.
Sneeky says, "Failing that..well, Korutu is a bloody nightmare."
Sneeky points at Korutu.
Sneeky says, "Let 'im haunt their dreams a bit."
Briarose grins at Sneeky.
Mazrian says, "I think that has never, in the history of anything, resulted in LESS drama."
Mazrian coughs.
Sneeky says, "Drama."
Sneeky fixes Mazrian with an intent, predatory stare.
Korutu grins.
Sneeky says, "It's a WAR. Drama is th' least of yer worries at that poiunt."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Sneeky clears his throat.
Sneeky says, "Point."
Ellyzia says, "But, we're Empaths."
Sneeky says, "If someone wants ta pout, jes' ignore 'em til after all is said and done. Then, Lancel, or whever, kin deal with 'em."
Sneeky says, "Essentially, 3 points fer gatherin' as triage."
Korutu says, "Casualty collection points."
Sneeky says, "Run banners and bards. If yer over-run, leave to B or C."
Korutu says, "CCP."
Sneeky grins at Korutu.
Sneeky says, "Plus..let's be honest."
Sneeky says, "Yer th' most active Order here in this place."
You say, "Well, part of the problem is the lack of clerics. In my ideal world, we'd have three spots. Infirmary for the walking wounded. And two others for the dead."
Sneeky shakes his head at you.
Korutu says, "No."
Sneeky says, "All in one. Ye split up, yer dead."
Ellyzia nods to Sneeky.
Briarose nods to Sneeky.
Tsaru says, "It's triage."
Tsaru says, "They'd be dead anyways."
Mazrian rubs his neck.
Heucuva says, "He means back up places to go in case ones attacked."
Sneeky says, "Here's great. Especially if ye've got some arse-bag runnin off at th' mouth."
Ellyzia says, "Move when you need to, not before."
Tsaru says, "The fighters are out fighting."
Sneeky grins at Korutu.
Sneeky says, "Eject 'em."
Sneeky says, "If here's overrun, move elsewhere. Hell, find a bar with good mana."
Sneeky says, "But if I were invading this place..."
Sneeky says, "I'd destroy yer infirmary first."
You say, "That's the problem."
Sneeky says, "Then I'd go after yer cleric's guild, then th' temple. In that order."
Korutu says, "I would listen to the gweths for where "triage" is."
Sneeky says, "S'why ya establish code-words."
Sneeky says, "Yer a huge damned order. Start actin' like it."
Briarose says, "Yeah, why not The Half Pint Inn or someplace like that."
Korutu says, "Challenge and pass."
Sneeky says, "Somebody gets their underoos in a twist, tell 'em where ta shove 'em."
Sneeky shrugs.
Ellyzia says, "Why doesn't the town use the Cleric's guild anymore? Heard that was always the place, before."
Sneeky says, "An' with dat, I'm done."
Sneeky takes a drink of his passionfruit vodka. He begins to look very wobbly, and crumples to the ground in a very uncomfortable-looking position. Strangely, he doesn't seem very bothered by it.
You say, "Somethinig I'd like to encourage everyone who would like to work triage, whether here or anywhere, is to get a crystal ring so you can think to other empaths and clerics and ask for aid."
Briarose says, "I'd love one."
Abie asks, "Free albredine rings for all empaths and clerics?"
Korutu whistles a merry tune.
Abie whistles a merry tune.
Jerodan asks you, "My turn?"
Linett says, "Crystal rings, not colored albredine."
Sneeky says, "Colored kin be good."
Linett says, "Not unless everyone has one."
Sneeky says, "All of th' same color, set by someone on yer council."
Tsaru says to Linett, "Everyone can get one."
Korutu says, "I got a couple points to add."
You whisper to Katjia, "She's next"
Sneeky says to you, "Pass 'em out to every initiate of yer order."
Linett says, "Good for the order, sure. but not some joe on the street trying to find out where triage is."
Sneeky says, "Joe on th' street can gweth askin, then an order member can pick 'em up."
Zeroe asks, "How about the other oders?"
Sneeky says, "ODS has done that fer AGES."
Zeroe coughs.
Zeroe says, "Other orders try to establish triage as well."
Lancel says, "But were not the ODS."
Sneeky says, "Yer body-draggers fix that."
Korutu flails his arms about.
Korutu says, "Its not TRIAGE."
Sneeky says to Lancel, "No, but ye kin certainly learn from what they do well and what they don't."
Ellyzia says, "Are there other orders? I only know you all and the Rose, and you guys seem to work pretty swell together."
You say, "Well, I'm going to have Aykasha speak next. Once everyone has had their turn, we'll have an open-ended discussion."
Sneeky nods.
Ellyzia says, "Sorry."
Ellyzia covers her mouth with her hand.
Sneeky says to you, "Thanks fer my time."
You shake your head.
You say, "Oh no! And I'm not cutting anyone off, I just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to speak."
Sneeky mutters to himself.
Korutu grins at Sneeky.
Abie bows her head and chants a prayer.
Ellyzia nods to Zeroe.
Lancel says, "There is the Black Fox and Tavern Troupe in Zoluren as well."
Allye nods.
Lancel says, "Troupe is trying to rebuild and I have no idea what Fox is doing."
Jerodan says, "Don't forget about the Iron Circle."
Lancel says, "Circle is Qi."
Allye says, "Iron Circle is Qi."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
You say, "Next, Aykasha."
Aykasha says, "Im Aykasha a member from the Order Of The White Rose order member or not we should work together without the hostility alot more things can be accomplished without it. I have at different times gwethed when our province was in need as a concern of a backup plan for triage in case of emergency and haven't gotten very much help."
Aykasha says, "I was in the temple being the only one there if a place is overrun there has to be another set up."
Aykasha says, "We teach to hold repect and work together teach love."
Aykasha says, "If we can't get along then the whole thing falls apart."
Allye grins at Aykasha.
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Briarose grins at Aykasha.
Aykasha says, "Its not a time to fight over who gets which wounds but what we can do to to get our fighters out there to defend."
Sneeky nods at Aykasha, obviously agreeing with her views.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Allye nods.
You nod to Aykasha.
Aykasha says, "I have been in the empath guild during triage it gets crowded and some which are dead don't get healed fast enough."
Briarose says, "Sometimes you can't see them with everything happening."
You nod to Aykasha.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Aykasha says, "More of a reason to have other triages held."
You say, "I think what we hope to do with this meeting is get everyone working together, in whatever form it eventually takes."
Tsaru loudly says, "Not all the dead need to be healed. If they're REEALLY dead, a cleric can protect their memories and they can travel the starry rode and come back at the temple."
Tsaru quietly says, "Myself excluded, of course."
Ellyzia chuckles.
Rheeni gives Tsaru a gentle poke in the ribs.
You say, "And honestly, if they're not going to be able to go out and fight, don't heal them all the way up until you have everyone breathing again. Just get them to where they can hold life."
Eochaidh shifts her weight.
You say, "That's if triage is particularly swamped, though."
Zeroe mutters something into the air about wards.
Korutu grins at Sneeky.
You say, "And I think Mazrian was next."
Mazrian smiles.
Mazrian says, "Thanks."
Mazrian says, "I have just a couple of questions."
Mazrian asks, "One, is the main problem you want to address the lack of coordination?"
Mazrian asks, "Two, do the Apostles have enough members around at the right times to fully staff whatever triage setup is agreed on?"
Korutu says, "Its not just Apostles."
Katjia says, "But we don't want just the Apostles staffing, we work with others."
You say, "We're not hoping to staff triage as the Order of the Apostles."
Korutu says, "Its a group effort."
Mazrian nods.
You say, "We're hoping to staff triage as citizens of Zoluren."
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Sneeky says, "Good luck."
Briarose says, "Yup."
Briarose says, "But, The Order should coordinate it."
Jerodan says, "It's not so much of a slack of coordination even as it honestly is a lack of good location."
Tsaru asks, "Why is it on their shoulders, alone?"
Katjia says, "The other night we had a gate set up outside, draggers, empaths and a cleric inside here, not just Apostles and we had a very smooth triage."
Korutu nods to Katjia.
Katjia says, "But we can't do that without others joining in."
Tsaru says, "Well - if you just had better fighters, you wouldn't need triage."
Ellyzia raises her hand.
Tsaru loudly exclaims, "Just saying!"
Tsaru hums to himself.
Mazrian says, "Okay, maybe a couple of suggestions."
Mazrian says, "The main problem we always had when I was doing this sort of thing is that most of the people who are going to get involved are not going to be in on the plan."
Mazrian says, "They won't know what your triage scheme is, who to talk to to find out, none of that."
Ayalen furrows her brow.
Mazrian says, "Also, there will be a chaotic invasion going on."
Katjia says, "That's what this is for."
Katjia says, "Bodies follow clerics."
Katjia says, "Wounded follow empaths."
Rheeni says, "And the rings are useful for coordinating and communication, too."
Mazrian says, "It won't matter how much you plan unless you can actually get everyone involved to practice together."
Eochaidh says, "And don't forget thought casting."
Allye nods to Mazrian.
Sneeky sighs.
The rainbow orb spins slowly as it hovers near Abie, bathing the area in a multi-hued glow of a thousand different gemstones.
Sneeky says, "I...."
Sneeky shakes his head.
Katjia says, "If we get empaths and clerics and gaters to work together the rest falls in place."
Mazrian says, "So since you can't, then focus on communication."
Mazrian says, "Make sure everyone in the order knows how things should go, ideally."
Mazrian says, "Then train them to get people directed."
Briarose says, "We can communicate it to the joiners."
Mazrian says, "A situation where you need triage is going to be super chaotic."
Katjia says, "As an order we've worked together quite a bit, it's getting others to want to join in."
Mazrian says, "So people will appreciate being told what the deal is, as long as it makes sense and isn't bossy."
Allye nods.
Heucuva says, "It will take time to get people used to a certain plan but if you keep at it and dont change it up it will become more and more smooth."
Ayalen shifts her weight.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Zeroe says, "A standard operating procedure goes a long way."
Ellyzia nods to Zeroe.
Korutu says, "Good ole sop."
Mazrian says, "I wouldn't use code words or colored rings."
Zeroe says, "You can hold meetings like these to relay those procedures to the public."
Zeroe says, "So that they are aware of what goes on when something happens."
Mazrian says, "Becuse most of the people you need to help you won't actually know about either of them."
You nod to Zeroe.
Zeroe says, "At least on your end."
Zeroe says, "So they know how they can help or assist."
Briarose says, "Mix up the times so you get to everyone."
Mazrian says, "Also, they won't remember your procedures."
Mazrian says, "They sure as hell never remembered ours."
Mazrian asks, "Where do people naturally gather?"
Korutu says, "The warrior mage guild."
You say, "Basically, this can't be only one or two orders doing triage. We don't have enough people, most empaths aren't affiliated, and most clerics aren't either. We need everyone to pitch in their hands. That's why we're holding the meeting to try to disseminate information, get people thinking about ways to make it work."
Katjia nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Mazrian nods to you.
You say, "I don't want to dictate to people what to do. If it were only our order, I suppose I could if Allye and Katjia wouldn't kill me, but I wouldn't dream of doing that to people who aren't in it."
Allye grins at you.
Ellyzia chuckles.
Heucuva chuckles.
Gamador says, "Lately it seems empath guild, used to be cleric gathering hall... i can tell you clerics guild is a ghost town, even during invasions now."
Ellyzia nods to Gamador.
Mazrian says, "So maybe feel out what people are trying to do when things get hairy, and train up to help that work better."
Jerodan says to Mazrian, "Naturally gathered locations are horrible because we've already ruled they're quick targets for invaders."
Katjia says, "This is the problem we had over the last couple invasions."
Mazrian says to Jerodan, "But nonetheless they're where people are going to go, so if you can't convince them otherwise (and it sounds like you can't) you have to work with that."
Katjia says, "Some are going to the temple and gwething triage is there and no one shows up."
Katjia says, "Some are saying triage is in the infirmary."
Katjia says, "And then we've been setting up here."
Katjia says, "It's confusing, we just want to try and settle some confusion."
Zeroe nods at Katjia, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say, "Yah, so successful my opinion, a bare bones triage needs an empath or two, a cleric or two, hopefully a paladin, and bodies. Without bodies, it's useless."
Gamador nods to you.
Allye grins at you.
Abie says, "Or injured. Not everyone has to die ya know."
Katjia says, "So clerics and empaths sitting in the temple with no bodies are wasted."
You grin.
Ellyzia grins at Abie, her dimples flashing into view.
You say, "Well, I do tend to forget that."
You nod at Abie, in complete agreement with her views.
Katjia says, "Then they move and if someone does go tot he temple no one is there."
Ellyzia nods to Katjia.
Mazrian asks, "Do you have people on the gweths promoting the fact that clerics and empaths are sitting there?"
Allye says, "Everyone has to die."
Allye rubs her hands together.
Katjia nods to Mazrian.
Abie grins at Allye.
Mazrian nods.
Aykasha says, "I have seen a few dead dragged past by me in the temple."
Katjia says, "Some don't know how to get to the temple."
You say, "Okay, Eochaidh."
Heucuva says, "I think maye it would be a good idea for maybe like the mentors to hold a few practice triage events to get the ball rolling."
Katjia says, "I don't go there because I get lost."
Allye grins at Heucuva.
Ayalen blinks.
Ellyzia pats Katjia on the back.
Ellyzia says, "Someone go beg the royals to build a triage hall smack in the middle of the green."
Ellyzia says, "Problem solved."
Heucuva says, "There shouldnt be a problem to begin with."
Zeroe says, "Rally point gelapod."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Eochaidh says, "Being a gater, and dragger. It would be nice to have it centerly located. It seems that all the attacks come from the northeast gate, and west gate. and some rare cases the north gate. Not the East gate. So draging to the temple can be very dangerous. Since it seems the bank is always attacked."
Katjia says, "Horrible mana there."
A gold-colored horse whickers softly.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Korutu says, "TGSW is a safe room with good mana."
Ellyzia nods to Korutu.
Katjia asks, "It is?"
Korutu says, "Not that I can check mana."
Zeroe says, "That area isn't far fromt he temple either."
Tsaru says, "Every area can be blessed and safe."
Heucuva chuckles at Korutu.
Zeroe says, "If people need to come back."
Zeroe says, "Don't forget about banner of truce."
Zeroe says, "That works great too."
Rheeni nods to Zeroe.
Gamador exclaims, "Triage infront of the Moony guild!"
Tsaru says, "When I tried to kill the Outcast princess - the therengians were quick to bless their triage areas."
Eochaidh says, "Never."
Ellyzia says, "Any spot can be safe enough, if you've got the right company."
Katjia says to Gamador, "I'd be lost forever."
Zeroe asks, "Oh... have people forgotten about wards?"
You say, "And Jerodan."
Eochaidh says to Zeroe, "Seems so, since I can never get one."
Tsaru says, "I did - until you spoke up."
Zeroe says, "No one ever asks for one."
Jerodan says, "Okay we've pointed out that the Infirmary is bad for Clerics, okay for Bards, and isn't even great for Empaths. The Temple is good for both Clerics and Empaths, however Elementalists are left out in the cold if I remember right."
Zeroe says, "I ward anyone and everyone who wants one."
Ellyzia says to Zeroe, "It's getting people able to do them to show up, that's the problem."
Zeroe frowns.
You grin at Mazrian.
Jerodan says, "However this serves a good, central location in town. It provides great mana for Empaths, Clerics, and Bards."
Allye nods at Ellyzia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Jerodan says, "People tend to forget how useful Hodierna's Lilt can be to those fading quickly, how great Naga's Blessing can be to keep the wounds healing, and how great Nexus can be for increasing attunement altogether."
Jerodan says, "After everything is said and done though, we need to make sure we can pick a place as a whole and not as an Order or two Orders even. We need to make sure that community members, Order members, and even outsiders can support the central location or locations otherwise it will not work and we will keep up the chaotic mess."
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Heucuva nods at Jerodan, obviously agreeing with his views.
Jerodan says, "As far as people not knowing where triage is, or what is going on it should be made their own priority. People shouldn't wait until the time of an invasion to suddenly try to figure it out. If people stay informed, as they should, they will know. We can also make it a goal after we call, as citizens of Zoluren, decide on a good, central location to spread the word as often as possible to everyone."
Tsaru says, "I think you're over thinking it, Jero."
Eochaidh says, "Thats my biggest thing is Central located."
Jerodan says, "One thing that needs to be kept in mind, if a truely good triage location includes Life, Holy, and Elemental magic and these areas are rare and few and far between. This one offers those and a central location."
Tsaru says, "If I'm hurt and running in circles - and someone gweths triage is at xyz - I'm going to go there."
> >
Ellyzia nods at Eochaidh, obviously agreeing with her views.
Heucuva nods to Tsaru.
Jerodan bows.
Zeroe says, "Perhaps someone should be assigned that job."
Tsaru says, "You don't need the entire town to vote."
You clear your throat.
Korutu says, "Doesnt really matter where triage is if you cant make it there."
Jerodan says to you, "Sorry, I've been holding my tongue to share those points and I realize a few were already made but still."
Korutu says, "No plan in affect to keep the streets clear."
You say, "Before I open it up to discussion, and since we won't be able to get something more concrete nailed down tonight, I'd like to just put a few things out there."
Tsaru says, "You're right. I should just the bard-wagon and say that it's all the Apostle's job to setup triage, clear the streets, and fight back the invaders."
Katjia says, "That's quite a bit of multi tasking."
You say, "First, I'd like to hold more of these meetings. I think it's important that everyone gets together to hear what we're all thinking and experiencing."
Korutu nods to Katjia.
Tsaru says to Katjia, "Go big, or go home."
Zeroe nods to you.
Tsaru grins.
Ellyzia nods to you.
You say, "So, a few alternate locations have been suggested to me..."
Ellyzia says, "Not pond, the southwest corner of the green."
You say, "Right."
Briarose says, "TGSW."
Rheeni peers quizzically at Korutu.
Ellyzia says, "I'm pretty sure it's good for holy and life, not too sure on elemental though."
You say, "Actually, I've sent some people to scout a couple places."
Rheeni joins Tsaru's group.
Rheeni nods to you.
You say, "Sorry, just a moment."
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Ayalen says to you, "I must be going, but I wanted to say before I left that I think you've done a good job with this. I was originally opposed to the idea of having Triage here, but I've since begun to see things differently. I wish you best of luck in organizing things from here forward."
Ayalen says, "Good night, all."
You say, "Okay, so the town green, town green southwest is safe, but town green northwest is best for holy in that location."
Ayalen nods politely.
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Rheeni waves to Ayalen.
You exclaim, "Feel free to contact me anytime!"
Allye waves to Ayalen.
You say, "About anything regarding triage."
Temple Maiden Ayalen went through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
You say, "And that goes to anyone, too."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Rheeni nods.
Mazrian smiles.
Katjia asks, "So would people be more accepting to tgse and sw?"
You say, "The empath guild has a basement, reasonably secure and good for life mana and holy mana."
You say, "I think Town Green might be a good starting place. People know where it is."
You ponder.
Briarose says, "I was wondering about the Healerie."
Nomad Soldier Heucuva went through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
Rheeni says, "And if we have the people to do it, we can secure a location."
Nomad Soldier Heucuva came through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
Jerodan says, "My vote is those three be our centralized locations. Town Green Southwest, with northwest being the raise spot. Healerie, then here."
Chieftain Korutu came through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
Ellyzia says, "I'm a fan of healing and raising having their own areas, anyway."
Ellyzia shrugs.
Katjia asks, "So is town green safe from critter attacks since no violence?"
You nod at Allye, in complete agreement with her views.
Tsaru leans on Rheeni.
Rheeni nods to Ellyzia.
You nod at Ellyzia, in complete agreement with her views.
Ellyzia nods to Katjia.
Jerodan says, "Southwest is, we'd need banner, consecration, or Bards for northwest."
Eochaidh says, "I just need to know where to set my gates up."
Eochaidh shrugs.
Rheeni says to Jerodan, "If we have the people to do it, we can secure any location."
Mazrian says, "Setting up in Southwest would be bold. I don't think anyone's considered it before."
Rheeni gets a stick of fragrant incense from inside her spidersilk backpack.
Rheeni points at a stick of fragrant incense she has.
Rheeni puts her incense in her spidersilk backpack.
Katjia says, "It's definitely centrally located."
You say, "Let's try to focus on that location. Be aware that this spot will remain open and available for triage, and the Healerie is certainly viable."
Katjia says, "And protected."
Korutu says, "Its been used in other wars."
Briarose asks, "Healerie was triage during sorrow, wasn't it?"
Rheeni asks, "So...we spread the news a bit? Let people digest the information and come back with thoughts and concerns?"
Jerodan says, "And with the Infirmary being a popular first pick when panicing, the healerie might work out to be the best bet. Because someone could be in the Infirmary directing people down to the Healerie."
You say, "I think we'll hold another one of these soon and hopefully we'll all come back with more experience to discuss."
Ellyzia nods to Jerodan.
Katjia exclaims, "My favorite place!"
> l
Katjia says, "Lots don't know where it is."
Mazrian says, "Might make sense to make the Healerie your primary, then."
Ellyzia says, "That would work as well for anywhere though. If there's someone wanting to help but unable to do much, they could sit in the infirmary and direct anywhere."
You say, "And the ones who do get lost."
Mazrian asks, "Instead of TG?"
Rheeni says to Tsaru, "Maybe as an alternative spot. But many people wouldn't know how to get there."
Korutu says, "Theres another good spot in the temple as well."
You say, "People get lost in the temple, though, which is one reason I've heard why they don't go."
Ellyzia says, "I think at this point people hear 'temple' and cringe. I don't really know why."
Ellyzia looks at Korutu and shrugs.
Rheeni nods at Ellyzia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Allye says, "Healerie seems like the best option to me. Town Green has definite advantages, but it's so out in the open that it seems quite vulnerable. Temple is definitely too far, in my opinion."
Ellyzia says, "There's some nice places in the grounds outside of it, though."
Allye says, "Just as someone who's been a dragger when temple truly was the best option."
Ellyzia nods to Allye.
Katjia asks, "Where is the healerie?"
Ellyzia says, "I like the healerie."
Allye says, "It's a long way away from most of the fighting usually."
Zeroe says, "Empath guild basement."
Tuviano says, "Down stairs in empath guild."
You say, "When you walk in the empath guild, go down the stairs."
Ellyzia says to Katjia, "Downstairs in the guild."
Allye nods.
You say, "The go through the door."
Katjia says, "Shows how much I get around."
Tuviano says, "Der a triage place down there er somethin."
Ellyzia says, "We can all slide down the pole to triage."
Ellyzia beams!
Tuviano asks, "With guards I think?"
You say, "You can also slide down the pole."
You laugh!
Allye laughs at Ellyzia.
Tuviano says, "And multiple rooms."
Tuviano nods.
Allye nods.
Katjia asks, "Throw bodies down the pole?"
Briarose says, "And if you have someone get unruly in the healerie a couple of empaths can have them removed."
Katjia exclaims, "And yell incoming!"
Mazrian asks Tsaru, "To get who?"
You say, "So, let's try the Healerie. Just be sure to announce how to get there. Most people who aren't empaths have no idea that it exists."
You ponder.
Mazrian chuckles.
You say, "Another advantage, it's connected to the escape tunnels under the city."
Rheeni nods to you.
Ellyzia nods to you.
You exclaim, "Next meeting, let's take a field trip to the tunnels!"
Allye says, "This has been great, Nesra, I feel like a lot of progress has been made. By the next meeting it sounds like we may be able to have a solid protocol that everyone had input on."
Briarose exclaims, "Good idea!"
Eochaidh nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Zeroe exclaims, "We can all escape to the Paladin guild!"
Zeroe says, "And turn it into a good hangout once again..."
Rheeni squints at Zeroe.
Zeroe stares blankly into the distance.
Ellyzia chuckles.
Allye begins chortling at Zeroe.
Rheeni chortles softly at some secret joke.
Allye says, "Nice try."
Heucuva grins at Zeroe.
Ellyzia pats Zeroe on the back.
Zeroe frowns.
You say, "Except only you would be able to get through the soulstone arch."
Zeroe shrugs.
Briarose says, "Actually showing people where to go would vastly improve our chances of a successful triage."
You say, "So, I think we'll just call the main part of the meeting at an end and just open up discussion."
Zeroe begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.
Ellyzia smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
You exclaim, "Thank you for showing up everyone!"
Zeroe says, "Oh, I have something to add."
Zeroe says, "Before everyone leaves."
Allye says, "Thank you, Nesra."
Zeroe exclaims to Jerodan, "I can get on a rant too you know!"
Zeroe asks, "Everyone is familiar with how wards work right?"
Jerodan asks, "You do some weird holy Paladin tracing that no one really understands?"
Zeroe says, "Well yes."
Zeroe says, "But if you are not getting a resurrection, a ward will not hurt."
Tuviano says, "Will not hurt, is that almost saying it will help or is that too far."
Zeroe says, "If you want to simply depart, you can come back and get your belongings from in it, holds them all in place and you touch it. It's all magically put back on you."
Zeroe says, "Don't ask me how it works."
Zeroe says, "I don't know."
Rheeni grins impishly at Zeroe.
Katjia says to Zeroe, "Oh those."
Zeroe says, "ANYWAY... if you choose to depart with your coins or anything else with a ward on you."
Tuviano says, "So like when ya go to jail."
Zeroe says, "It will act like you departed with EVERYTHING."
Tuviano says, "Or so I hear."
Zeroe says, "At the cost of only TWO favors instead of three."
Tuviano blinks.
Zeroe says, "And you won't have to get your ward."
Katjia says to Zeroe, "I remember those, didn't know they were called wards."
Zeroe nods to Katjia.
Jerodan says, "Glyph of Warding to be more precise."
Rheeni says to Zeroe, "Thank you for the reminder."
Zeroe says, "SO... sometimes if people are willing, might be easier to ward a bunch of people if it gets swamped."
Zeroe nods.
Zeroe says, "Most people have forgotten, it's been a long time since there was no resurrection."
Katjia asks, "That works on the favorless?"
Rheeni says, "And to save some of our empaths..."
Zeroe says, "You know, I'm not sure."
Jerodan says, "It does."
Jerodan nods to Zeroe.
Ellyzia nods.
Zeroe says, "I haven't tried it on them."
Zeroe nods to Jerodan.
Jerodan says to Zeroe, "Come on, how come I know this and you don't and I can't even do it."
Jerodan gives Zeroe a gentle poke in the ribs.
Zeroe exclaims, "Hey!"
Zeroe grins at Jerodan.
Zeroe says, "I always show up and offer wards, before I can finish what I'm saying they're alive again."
Zeroe says, "Or already departed."
Zeroe says, "So I just wanted to throw it out there and clear the air."
Gamador says, "We used to walk uphill both ways from the temple barefoot in three feet of snow in those days."
You say, "Like I always say, I love paladins in triage."
Zeroe exclaims to Gamador, "It was!"
You say, "And bards, and war mages who cast zephyr..."
Mazrian says, "Those were the days."
Korutu begins to listen to Katjia teach the Mechanical Lore skill.
Jerodan says, "Blah, three Bards and War Mages aren't needed."
Allye says, "Mmm naga's blessing."
You exclaim, "Thank you all!"
A lot of people had great ideas. We're hoping that this will be the first in a series of triage forums where people can basically share their own observations and ideas. In this one, the general consensus settled on using the Healerie as a triage spot. (Enter the Empath Guild, go down the stairs, go through the door.) Alternate locations appear to be Town Green Southwest for healing and TGNW for raising, and the Apostles Order house (on Clanthew, next to the Gray Raven commissary. Go through the arch and one north for good life mana.) There will be another get together early next month, so people can come armed with ideas how to improve.
As a side note, although this session was organized by the Apostles, triage should not be viewed as being owned by the Apostles. The open-ended nature of the forum was to enable those most likely to be involved to have a major hand in creating a system that works for them.
You say, "Okies, so, while we're waiting for any last minute attendees, I go ahead and outline what I hope we accomplish this evening."
You say, "First, let me explain a little about the reasoning for holding this."
You say, "The triages during the most recent emergencies have been somewhat hectic and I'm hoping we can find a system that works for the most people in Crossing."
Allye nods to you.
You say, "Beginning in the Lyras War, triage was held in the temple. Due to the strengthed defenses then, it was the safest place for it. Nearly impenetrable."
You say, "However, since the war, fewer and fewer people seem to be willing to drag bodies there, and most seem to end up in the infirmary."
You say, "The problem with the infirmary is that it become crowded and difficult to heal in and for clerics to clearly see souls when ready. It's also a prime target for invaders."
Ellyzia says, "Plus poor Holy mana."
Ellyzia waves her hand distractedly.
You nod.
Rheeni nods to Ellyzia.
You say, "Very, and the life mana isn't even fantastic for less-skilled empaths."
Tsaru praises Sneeky.
Sneeky asks, "What's wrong with usin' yer place here?"
Briarose nods in agreement.
You notice as a sly-looking sleek white lynx looks upward negligently.
You say, "Nothing! I'm going to get to that."
Sneeky angles his ears forward in curiosity.
Sneeky nods to you.
Linett groans.
Linett bops Sneeky over the head.
You say, "Or I should say, nothing in particular."
Ayalen chortles softly at some secret joke.
You say, "So, we're looking for an alternate site or sites, and maybe some sort of standard procedure."
Sneeky raises his hand.
You say, "I'd mentioned using the order house as a possibility at the last Town Hall Meeting sponsored by the White Rose."
You nod.
You say, "I'll get to Ellysia and Sneeky right after I finish. Just a moment or two more."
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
> >
You say, "However, someone brought some reasonable objections to our attention, not least, they didn't like the idea that triage seemed sponsored by the Apostles. That's not our wish or our desire, as it must be a community effort to be successful."
Sneeky rolls his eyes.
Allye nods to you.
You say, "They also brought up the advantages to using the temple, such as good life mana and holy mana."
You say, "So, first, Ellyzia. And I apologize for mispronouncing your name a moment ago."
Ellyzia waves her hand distractedly.
Ellyzia says, "I've heard much worse."
Allye grins at Ellyzia.
Ellyzia says, "I just wanted to say that a lot of non order Empaths are concerned about it being held here, for a couple reasons."
Ellyzia says, "I highly doubt that favoritism is anything to be worried with here, but the concern is there and I'm afraid of the hostility that can breed between order members and non members."
Aykasha raises her hand.
Sneeky blinks.
Katjia asks, "Favortisem for?"
Ellyzia says, "Plus, I was under the impression that this was suggested as a safer place, but it doesn't seem to be warded any better then the infirmary."
Ellyzia says to Katjia, "Favoritism for wounded order members, or ordered triage workers getting all the good wounds, I don't know.."
Lancel says to Ellyzia, "I'd like to address your concern about hostility between members and non-members."
You say, "That's another thing about triage, actually, that needs to be addessed."
Katjia says, "If there was favortism for order members it would happen no matter where traige was."
Ellyzia says, "I'm personally all for it being anywhere but the infirmary, but I think a more neutral spot might be best."
Ezeria says, "I would think healing the best fighters would be the only favoritisim that would be understood."
Ellyzia gestures.
You say, "No place is safe unless bannered now, including the temple now that the temple defences have been dismantled."
Linett raises her hand.
Ellyzia nods to you.
Eochaidh raises her hand.
Sneeky snarls.
Ellyzia says, "But any place can be bannered as easily as here."
Ellyzia shrugs.
You say, "Right, I'm not arguing for here, I'm arguing for anywhere but the infirmary."
Ellyzia nods to you.
Allye grins at you.
Lancel says to Ellyzia, "Should a member show hostility towards a non-member assisting during distressing times I'd like to personally hear about it."
Allye nods to Lancel.
Rheeni nods at Lancel, obviously agreeing with his views.
Ellyzia says to Lancel, "As I said, I highly doubt it's an actual concern. But you know how drama likes to root itself."
Ellyzia waves her hand distractedly.
Lancel nods to Ellyzia.
Briarose asks, "Is there a way that drama can be escorted out of triage?"
Ayalen asks, "I think having a plan B would be wise, either way. If the enemy can find their way to the infirmary, what would stop them from making the few paces here?"
Sneeky says, "At blade point."
Lancel says, "I'm sure in the past we've had members that may have been uh... less than pleasant. But I think we're good now. And I doubt members would cause issue."
Sneeky nods to Briarose.
Allye nods in agreement.
You say, "Also, for the proper sharing of wounds, I'm not sure what to say. Triage should be no time to be territorial. My only concern is to get people up and out as soon as possible."
You nibble on your lip.
Rheeni clears her throat.
Lancel says, "But if they did it should be addressed by the Officers and the Counsil of the order."
Ellyzia says, "I've personally never worried for wound sharing during triage."
Jerodan asks, "I think I have a good, valid reason to support triage being done here if I may?"
Ellyzia shrugs.
Sneeky continues to hum an off-key tango with only the slightest hint of difficulty.
You ask, "Sneeky, you had your hand up?"
Sneeky says, "Aye."
Sneeky asks, "My time ta speak a bit?"
Sneeky says, "Ladies and others, I'm Sneeky. Some may know me, some may not. I was a council member up in Haven fer a long while."
Sneeky says, "Now..what ye've got ' a buncha whiny brats. It's yer order. Ye're wantin' ta run a triage. If it's war, and I'm wounded, I'm runnin ta where th' local order has set up triage. Provided they thrown down a banner, or have some bards about playin that calm-inducin' tune, I'm happy. While I'm there, if someone decides ta put on their big-boy trousers and try ta start somethin stupid, well.."
Sneeky draws a glaes sabre with a honed blade from an errant shadow, smiling confidently.
Sneeky says, "I've opened a few tin-cans in my time."
Sneeky's sabre suddenly slips away into an errant shadow.
Allye covers her mouth with her hand.
Sneeky says, "Ye should, in this old prydaen's opinion, run with a plan of 3 locations."
Ellyzia chuckles.
Korutu nods to Sneeky.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Sneeky says, "If one is overrun, move. Dun bother fightin. Jest run dammit."
Sneeky says, "Temple, here, cleric's guild, it don't matter."
Ayalen nods at Sneeky, obviously agreeing with his views.
Sneeky says, "Someone gets mouthy, order member or not, tell 'em ta leave."
Sneeky says, "Failing that, yer empaths."
Sneeky says, "Knock 'em flat."
Ellyzia chuckles.
Allye grins at Sneeky.
Sneeky says, "Failing that..well, Korutu is a bloody nightmare."
Sneeky points at Korutu.
Sneeky says, "Let 'im haunt their dreams a bit."
Briarose grins at Sneeky.
Mazrian says, "I think that has never, in the history of anything, resulted in LESS drama."
Mazrian coughs.
Sneeky says, "Drama."
Sneeky fixes Mazrian with an intent, predatory stare.
Korutu grins.
Sneeky says, "It's a WAR. Drama is th' least of yer worries at that poiunt."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Sneeky clears his throat.
Sneeky says, "Point."
Ellyzia says, "But, we're Empaths."
Sneeky says, "If someone wants ta pout, jes' ignore 'em til after all is said and done. Then, Lancel, or whever, kin deal with 'em."
Sneeky says, "Essentially, 3 points fer gatherin' as triage."
Korutu says, "Casualty collection points."
Sneeky says, "Run banners and bards. If yer over-run, leave to B or C."
Korutu says, "CCP."
Sneeky grins at Korutu.
Sneeky says, "Plus..let's be honest."
Sneeky says, "Yer th' most active Order here in this place."
You say, "Well, part of the problem is the lack of clerics. In my ideal world, we'd have three spots. Infirmary for the walking wounded. And two others for the dead."
Sneeky shakes his head at you.
Korutu says, "No."
Sneeky says, "All in one. Ye split up, yer dead."
Ellyzia nods to Sneeky.
Briarose nods to Sneeky.
Tsaru says, "It's triage."
Tsaru says, "They'd be dead anyways."
Mazrian rubs his neck.
Heucuva says, "He means back up places to go in case ones attacked."
Sneeky says, "Here's great. Especially if ye've got some arse-bag runnin off at th' mouth."
Ellyzia says, "Move when you need to, not before."
Tsaru says, "The fighters are out fighting."
Sneeky grins at Korutu.
Sneeky says, "Eject 'em."
Sneeky says, "If here's overrun, move elsewhere. Hell, find a bar with good mana."
Sneeky says, "But if I were invading this place..."
Sneeky says, "I'd destroy yer infirmary first."
You say, "That's the problem."
Sneeky says, "Then I'd go after yer cleric's guild, then th' temple. In that order."
Korutu says, "I would listen to the gweths for where "triage" is."
Sneeky says, "S'why ya establish code-words."
Sneeky says, "Yer a huge damned order. Start actin' like it."
Briarose says, "Yeah, why not The Half Pint Inn or someplace like that."
Korutu says, "Challenge and pass."
Sneeky says, "Somebody gets their underoos in a twist, tell 'em where ta shove 'em."
Sneeky shrugs.
Ellyzia says, "Why doesn't the town use the Cleric's guild anymore? Heard that was always the place, before."
Sneeky says, "An' with dat, I'm done."
Sneeky takes a drink of his passionfruit vodka. He begins to look very wobbly, and crumples to the ground in a very uncomfortable-looking position. Strangely, he doesn't seem very bothered by it.
You say, "Somethinig I'd like to encourage everyone who would like to work triage, whether here or anywhere, is to get a crystal ring so you can think to other empaths and clerics and ask for aid."
Briarose says, "I'd love one."
Abie asks, "Free albredine rings for all empaths and clerics?"
Korutu whistles a merry tune.
Abie whistles a merry tune.
Jerodan asks you, "My turn?"
Linett says, "Crystal rings, not colored albredine."
Sneeky says, "Colored kin be good."
Linett says, "Not unless everyone has one."
Sneeky says, "All of th' same color, set by someone on yer council."
Tsaru says to Linett, "Everyone can get one."
Korutu says, "I got a couple points to add."
You whisper to Katjia, "She's next"
Sneeky says to you, "Pass 'em out to every initiate of yer order."
Linett says, "Good for the order, sure. but not some joe on the street trying to find out where triage is."
Sneeky says, "Joe on th' street can gweth askin, then an order member can pick 'em up."
Zeroe asks, "How about the other oders?"
Sneeky says, "ODS has done that fer AGES."
Zeroe coughs.
Zeroe says, "Other orders try to establish triage as well."
Lancel says, "But were not the ODS."
Sneeky says, "Yer body-draggers fix that."
Korutu flails his arms about.
Korutu says, "Its not TRIAGE."
Sneeky says to Lancel, "No, but ye kin certainly learn from what they do well and what they don't."
Ellyzia says, "Are there other orders? I only know you all and the Rose, and you guys seem to work pretty swell together."
You say, "Well, I'm going to have Aykasha speak next. Once everyone has had their turn, we'll have an open-ended discussion."
Sneeky nods.
Ellyzia says, "Sorry."
Ellyzia covers her mouth with her hand.
Sneeky says to you, "Thanks fer my time."
You shake your head.
You say, "Oh no! And I'm not cutting anyone off, I just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to speak."
Sneeky mutters to himself.
Korutu grins at Sneeky.
Abie bows her head and chants a prayer.
Ellyzia nods to Zeroe.
Lancel says, "There is the Black Fox and Tavern Troupe in Zoluren as well."
Allye nods.
Lancel says, "Troupe is trying to rebuild and I have no idea what Fox is doing."
Jerodan says, "Don't forget about the Iron Circle."
Lancel says, "Circle is Qi."
Allye says, "Iron Circle is Qi."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
You say, "Next, Aykasha."
Aykasha says, "Im Aykasha a member from the Order Of The White Rose order member or not we should work together without the hostility alot more things can be accomplished without it. I have at different times gwethed when our province was in need as a concern of a backup plan for triage in case of emergency and haven't gotten very much help."
Aykasha says, "I was in the temple being the only one there if a place is overrun there has to be another set up."
Aykasha says, "We teach to hold repect and work together teach love."
Aykasha says, "If we can't get along then the whole thing falls apart."
Allye grins at Aykasha.
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Briarose grins at Aykasha.
Aykasha says, "Its not a time to fight over who gets which wounds but what we can do to to get our fighters out there to defend."
Sneeky nods at Aykasha, obviously agreeing with her views.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Allye nods.
You nod to Aykasha.
Aykasha says, "I have been in the empath guild during triage it gets crowded and some which are dead don't get healed fast enough."
Briarose says, "Sometimes you can't see them with everything happening."
You nod to Aykasha.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Aykasha says, "More of a reason to have other triages held."
You say, "I think what we hope to do with this meeting is get everyone working together, in whatever form it eventually takes."
Tsaru loudly says, "Not all the dead need to be healed. If they're REEALLY dead, a cleric can protect their memories and they can travel the starry rode and come back at the temple."
Tsaru quietly says, "Myself excluded, of course."
Ellyzia chuckles.
Rheeni gives Tsaru a gentle poke in the ribs.
You say, "And honestly, if they're not going to be able to go out and fight, don't heal them all the way up until you have everyone breathing again. Just get them to where they can hold life."
Eochaidh shifts her weight.
You say, "That's if triage is particularly swamped, though."
Zeroe mutters something into the air about wards.
Korutu grins at Sneeky.
You say, "And I think Mazrian was next."
Mazrian smiles.
Mazrian says, "Thanks."
Mazrian says, "I have just a couple of questions."
Mazrian asks, "One, is the main problem you want to address the lack of coordination?"
Mazrian asks, "Two, do the Apostles have enough members around at the right times to fully staff whatever triage setup is agreed on?"
Korutu says, "Its not just Apostles."
Katjia says, "But we don't want just the Apostles staffing, we work with others."
You say, "We're not hoping to staff triage as the Order of the Apostles."
Korutu says, "Its a group effort."
Mazrian nods.
You say, "We're hoping to staff triage as citizens of Zoluren."
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Sneeky says, "Good luck."
Briarose says, "Yup."
Briarose says, "But, The Order should coordinate it."
Jerodan says, "It's not so much of a slack of coordination even as it honestly is a lack of good location."
Tsaru asks, "Why is it on their shoulders, alone?"
Katjia says, "The other night we had a gate set up outside, draggers, empaths and a cleric inside here, not just Apostles and we had a very smooth triage."
Korutu nods to Katjia.
Katjia says, "But we can't do that without others joining in."
Tsaru says, "Well - if you just had better fighters, you wouldn't need triage."
Ellyzia raises her hand.
Tsaru loudly exclaims, "Just saying!"
Tsaru hums to himself.
Mazrian says, "Okay, maybe a couple of suggestions."
Mazrian says, "The main problem we always had when I was doing this sort of thing is that most of the people who are going to get involved are not going to be in on the plan."
Mazrian says, "They won't know what your triage scheme is, who to talk to to find out, none of that."
Ayalen furrows her brow.
Mazrian says, "Also, there will be a chaotic invasion going on."
Katjia says, "That's what this is for."
Katjia says, "Bodies follow clerics."
Katjia says, "Wounded follow empaths."
Rheeni says, "And the rings are useful for coordinating and communication, too."
Mazrian says, "It won't matter how much you plan unless you can actually get everyone involved to practice together."
Eochaidh says, "And don't forget thought casting."
Allye nods to Mazrian.
Sneeky sighs.
The rainbow orb spins slowly as it hovers near Abie, bathing the area in a multi-hued glow of a thousand different gemstones.
Sneeky says, "I...."
Sneeky shakes his head.
Katjia says, "If we get empaths and clerics and gaters to work together the rest falls in place."
Mazrian says, "So since you can't, then focus on communication."
Mazrian says, "Make sure everyone in the order knows how things should go, ideally."
Mazrian says, "Then train them to get people directed."
Briarose says, "We can communicate it to the joiners."
Mazrian says, "A situation where you need triage is going to be super chaotic."
Katjia says, "As an order we've worked together quite a bit, it's getting others to want to join in."
Mazrian says, "So people will appreciate being told what the deal is, as long as it makes sense and isn't bossy."
Allye nods.
Heucuva says, "It will take time to get people used to a certain plan but if you keep at it and dont change it up it will become more and more smooth."
Ayalen shifts her weight.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Zeroe says, "A standard operating procedure goes a long way."
Ellyzia nods to Zeroe.
Korutu says, "Good ole sop."
Mazrian says, "I wouldn't use code words or colored rings."
Zeroe says, "You can hold meetings like these to relay those procedures to the public."
Zeroe says, "So that they are aware of what goes on when something happens."
Mazrian says, "Becuse most of the people you need to help you won't actually know about either of them."
You nod to Zeroe.
Zeroe says, "At least on your end."
Zeroe says, "So they know how they can help or assist."
Briarose says, "Mix up the times so you get to everyone."
Mazrian says, "Also, they won't remember your procedures."
Mazrian says, "They sure as hell never remembered ours."
Mazrian asks, "Where do people naturally gather?"
Korutu says, "The warrior mage guild."
You say, "Basically, this can't be only one or two orders doing triage. We don't have enough people, most empaths aren't affiliated, and most clerics aren't either. We need everyone to pitch in their hands. That's why we're holding the meeting to try to disseminate information, get people thinking about ways to make it work."
Katjia nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Mazrian nods to you.
You say, "I don't want to dictate to people what to do. If it were only our order, I suppose I could if Allye and Katjia wouldn't kill me, but I wouldn't dream of doing that to people who aren't in it."
Allye grins at you.
Ellyzia chuckles.
Heucuva chuckles.
Gamador says, "Lately it seems empath guild, used to be cleric gathering hall... i can tell you clerics guild is a ghost town, even during invasions now."
Ellyzia nods to Gamador.
Mazrian says, "So maybe feel out what people are trying to do when things get hairy, and train up to help that work better."
Jerodan says to Mazrian, "Naturally gathered locations are horrible because we've already ruled they're quick targets for invaders."
Katjia says, "This is the problem we had over the last couple invasions."
Mazrian says to Jerodan, "But nonetheless they're where people are going to go, so if you can't convince them otherwise (and it sounds like you can't) you have to work with that."
Katjia says, "Some are going to the temple and gwething triage is there and no one shows up."
Katjia says, "Some are saying triage is in the infirmary."
Katjia says, "And then we've been setting up here."
Katjia says, "It's confusing, we just want to try and settle some confusion."
Zeroe nods at Katjia, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say, "Yah, so successful my opinion, a bare bones triage needs an empath or two, a cleric or two, hopefully a paladin, and bodies. Without bodies, it's useless."
Gamador nods to you.
Allye grins at you.
Abie says, "Or injured. Not everyone has to die ya know."
Katjia says, "So clerics and empaths sitting in the temple with no bodies are wasted."
You grin.
Ellyzia grins at Abie, her dimples flashing into view.
You say, "Well, I do tend to forget that."
You nod at Abie, in complete agreement with her views.
Katjia says, "Then they move and if someone does go tot he temple no one is there."
Ellyzia nods to Katjia.
Mazrian asks, "Do you have people on the gweths promoting the fact that clerics and empaths are sitting there?"
Allye says, "Everyone has to die."
Allye rubs her hands together.
Katjia nods to Mazrian.
Abie grins at Allye.
Mazrian nods.
Aykasha says, "I have seen a few dead dragged past by me in the temple."
Katjia says, "Some don't know how to get to the temple."
You say, "Okay, Eochaidh."
Heucuva says, "I think maye it would be a good idea for maybe like the mentors to hold a few practice triage events to get the ball rolling."
Katjia says, "I don't go there because I get lost."
Allye grins at Heucuva.
Ayalen blinks.
Ellyzia pats Katjia on the back.
Ellyzia says, "Someone go beg the royals to build a triage hall smack in the middle of the green."
Ellyzia says, "Problem solved."
Heucuva says, "There shouldnt be a problem to begin with."
Zeroe says, "Rally point gelapod."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Eochaidh says, "Being a gater, and dragger. It would be nice to have it centerly located. It seems that all the attacks come from the northeast gate, and west gate. and some rare cases the north gate. Not the East gate. So draging to the temple can be very dangerous. Since it seems the bank is always attacked."
Katjia says, "Horrible mana there."
A gold-colored horse whickers softly.
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Korutu says, "TGSW is a safe room with good mana."
Ellyzia nods to Korutu.
Katjia asks, "It is?"
Korutu says, "Not that I can check mana."
Zeroe says, "That area isn't far fromt he temple either."
Tsaru says, "Every area can be blessed and safe."
Heucuva chuckles at Korutu.
Zeroe says, "If people need to come back."
Zeroe says, "Don't forget about banner of truce."
Zeroe says, "That works great too."
Rheeni nods to Zeroe.
Gamador exclaims, "Triage infront of the Moony guild!"
Tsaru says, "When I tried to kill the Outcast princess - the therengians were quick to bless their triage areas."
Eochaidh says, "Never."
Ellyzia says, "Any spot can be safe enough, if you've got the right company."
Katjia says to Gamador, "I'd be lost forever."
Zeroe asks, "Oh... have people forgotten about wards?"
You say, "And Jerodan."
Eochaidh says to Zeroe, "Seems so, since I can never get one."
Tsaru says, "I did - until you spoke up."
Zeroe says, "No one ever asks for one."
Jerodan says, "Okay we've pointed out that the Infirmary is bad for Clerics, okay for Bards, and isn't even great for Empaths. The Temple is good for both Clerics and Empaths, however Elementalists are left out in the cold if I remember right."
Zeroe says, "I ward anyone and everyone who wants one."
Ellyzia says to Zeroe, "It's getting people able to do them to show up, that's the problem."
Zeroe frowns.
You grin at Mazrian.
Jerodan says, "However this serves a good, central location in town. It provides great mana for Empaths, Clerics, and Bards."
Allye nods at Ellyzia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Jerodan says, "People tend to forget how useful Hodierna's Lilt can be to those fading quickly, how great Naga's Blessing can be to keep the wounds healing, and how great Nexus can be for increasing attunement altogether."
Jerodan says, "After everything is said and done though, we need to make sure we can pick a place as a whole and not as an Order or two Orders even. We need to make sure that community members, Order members, and even outsiders can support the central location or locations otherwise it will not work and we will keep up the chaotic mess."
Ellyzia nods in agreement.
Heucuva nods at Jerodan, obviously agreeing with his views.
Jerodan says, "As far as people not knowing where triage is, or what is going on it should be made their own priority. People shouldn't wait until the time of an invasion to suddenly try to figure it out. If people stay informed, as they should, they will know. We can also make it a goal after we call, as citizens of Zoluren, decide on a good, central location to spread the word as often as possible to everyone."
Tsaru says, "I think you're over thinking it, Jero."
Eochaidh says, "Thats my biggest thing is Central located."
Jerodan says, "One thing that needs to be kept in mind, if a truely good triage location includes Life, Holy, and Elemental magic and these areas are rare and few and far between. This one offers those and a central location."
Tsaru says, "If I'm hurt and running in circles - and someone gweths triage is at xyz - I'm going to go there."
> >
Ellyzia nods at Eochaidh, obviously agreeing with her views.
Heucuva nods to Tsaru.
Jerodan bows.
Zeroe says, "Perhaps someone should be assigned that job."
Tsaru says, "You don't need the entire town to vote."
You clear your throat.
Korutu says, "Doesnt really matter where triage is if you cant make it there."
Jerodan says to you, "Sorry, I've been holding my tongue to share those points and I realize a few were already made but still."
Korutu says, "No plan in affect to keep the streets clear."
You say, "Before I open it up to discussion, and since we won't be able to get something more concrete nailed down tonight, I'd like to just put a few things out there."
Tsaru says, "You're right. I should just the bard-wagon and say that it's all the Apostle's job to setup triage, clear the streets, and fight back the invaders."
Katjia says, "That's quite a bit of multi tasking."
You say, "First, I'd like to hold more of these meetings. I think it's important that everyone gets together to hear what we're all thinking and experiencing."
Korutu nods to Katjia.
Tsaru says to Katjia, "Go big, or go home."
Zeroe nods to you.
Tsaru grins.
Ellyzia nods to you.
You say, "So, a few alternate locations have been suggested to me..."
Ellyzia says, "Not pond, the southwest corner of the green."
You say, "Right."
Briarose says, "TGSW."
Rheeni peers quizzically at Korutu.
Ellyzia says, "I'm pretty sure it's good for holy and life, not too sure on elemental though."
You say, "Actually, I've sent some people to scout a couple places."
Rheeni joins Tsaru's group.
Rheeni nods to you.
You say, "Sorry, just a moment."
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Ayalen says to you, "I must be going, but I wanted to say before I left that I think you've done a good job with this. I was originally opposed to the idea of having Triage here, but I've since begun to see things differently. I wish you best of luck in organizing things from here forward."
Ayalen says, "Good night, all."
You say, "Okay, so the town green, town green southwest is safe, but town green northwest is best for holy in that location."
Ayalen nods politely.
Ellyzia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Rheeni waves to Ayalen.
You exclaim, "Feel free to contact me anytime!"
Allye waves to Ayalen.
You say, "About anything regarding triage."
Temple Maiden Ayalen went through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
You say, "And that goes to anyone, too."
Ellyzia grins, revealing her dimples.
Rheeni nods.
Mazrian smiles.
Katjia asks, "So would people be more accepting to tgse and sw?"
You say, "The empath guild has a basement, reasonably secure and good for life mana and holy mana."
You say, "I think Town Green might be a good starting place. People know where it is."
You ponder.
Briarose says, "I was wondering about the Healerie."
Nomad Soldier Heucuva went through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
Rheeni says, "And if we have the people to do it, we can secure a location."
Nomad Soldier Heucuva came through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
Jerodan says, "My vote is those three be our centralized locations. Town Green Southwest, with northwest being the raise spot. Healerie, then here."
Chieftain Korutu came through a grand stone archway leading out of the grounds.
Ellyzia says, "I'm a fan of healing and raising having their own areas, anyway."
Ellyzia shrugs.
Katjia asks, "So is town green safe from critter attacks since no violence?"
You nod at Allye, in complete agreement with her views.
Tsaru leans on Rheeni.
Rheeni nods to Ellyzia.
You nod at Ellyzia, in complete agreement with her views.
Ellyzia nods to Katjia.
Jerodan says, "Southwest is, we'd need banner, consecration, or Bards for northwest."
Eochaidh says, "I just need to know where to set my gates up."
Eochaidh shrugs.
Rheeni says to Jerodan, "If we have the people to do it, we can secure any location."
Mazrian says, "Setting up in Southwest would be bold. I don't think anyone's considered it before."
Rheeni gets a stick of fragrant incense from inside her spidersilk backpack.
Rheeni points at a stick of fragrant incense she has.
Rheeni puts her incense in her spidersilk backpack.
Katjia says, "It's definitely centrally located."
You say, "Let's try to focus on that location. Be aware that this spot will remain open and available for triage, and the Healerie is certainly viable."
Katjia says, "And protected."
Korutu says, "Its been used in other wars."
Briarose asks, "Healerie was triage during sorrow, wasn't it?"
Rheeni asks, "So...we spread the news a bit? Let people digest the information and come back with thoughts and concerns?"
Jerodan says, "And with the Infirmary being a popular first pick when panicing, the healerie might work out to be the best bet. Because someone could be in the Infirmary directing people down to the Healerie."
You say, "I think we'll hold another one of these soon and hopefully we'll all come back with more experience to discuss."
Ellyzia nods to Jerodan.
Katjia exclaims, "My favorite place!"
> l
Katjia says, "Lots don't know where it is."
Mazrian says, "Might make sense to make the Healerie your primary, then."
Ellyzia says, "That would work as well for anywhere though. If there's someone wanting to help but unable to do much, they could sit in the infirmary and direct anywhere."
You say, "And the ones who do get lost."
Mazrian asks, "Instead of TG?"
Rheeni says to Tsaru, "Maybe as an alternative spot. But many people wouldn't know how to get there."
Korutu says, "Theres another good spot in the temple as well."
You say, "People get lost in the temple, though, which is one reason I've heard why they don't go."
Ellyzia says, "I think at this point people hear 'temple' and cringe. I don't really know why."
Ellyzia looks at Korutu and shrugs.
Rheeni nods at Ellyzia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Allye says, "Healerie seems like the best option to me. Town Green has definite advantages, but it's so out in the open that it seems quite vulnerable. Temple is definitely too far, in my opinion."
Ellyzia says, "There's some nice places in the grounds outside of it, though."
Allye says, "Just as someone who's been a dragger when temple truly was the best option."
Ellyzia nods to Allye.
Katjia asks, "Where is the healerie?"
Ellyzia says, "I like the healerie."
Allye says, "It's a long way away from most of the fighting usually."
Zeroe says, "Empath guild basement."
Tuviano says, "Down stairs in empath guild."
You say, "When you walk in the empath guild, go down the stairs."
Ellyzia says to Katjia, "Downstairs in the guild."
Allye nods.
You say, "The go through the door."
Katjia says, "Shows how much I get around."
Tuviano says, "Der a triage place down there er somethin."
Ellyzia says, "We can all slide down the pole to triage."
Ellyzia beams!
Tuviano asks, "With guards I think?"
You say, "You can also slide down the pole."
You laugh!
Allye laughs at Ellyzia.
Tuviano says, "And multiple rooms."
Tuviano nods.
Allye nods.
Katjia asks, "Throw bodies down the pole?"
Briarose says, "And if you have someone get unruly in the healerie a couple of empaths can have them removed."
Katjia exclaims, "And yell incoming!"
Mazrian asks Tsaru, "To get who?"
You say, "So, let's try the Healerie. Just be sure to announce how to get there. Most people who aren't empaths have no idea that it exists."
You ponder.
Mazrian chuckles.
You say, "Another advantage, it's connected to the escape tunnels under the city."
Rheeni nods to you.
Ellyzia nods to you.
You exclaim, "Next meeting, let's take a field trip to the tunnels!"
Allye says, "This has been great, Nesra, I feel like a lot of progress has been made. By the next meeting it sounds like we may be able to have a solid protocol that everyone had input on."
Briarose exclaims, "Good idea!"
Eochaidh nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Zeroe exclaims, "We can all escape to the Paladin guild!"
Zeroe says, "And turn it into a good hangout once again..."
Rheeni squints at Zeroe.
Zeroe stares blankly into the distance.
Ellyzia chuckles.
Allye begins chortling at Zeroe.
Rheeni chortles softly at some secret joke.
Allye says, "Nice try."
Heucuva grins at Zeroe.
Ellyzia pats Zeroe on the back.
Zeroe frowns.
You say, "Except only you would be able to get through the soulstone arch."
Zeroe shrugs.
Briarose says, "Actually showing people where to go would vastly improve our chances of a successful triage."
You say, "So, I think we'll just call the main part of the meeting at an end and just open up discussion."
Zeroe begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.
Ellyzia smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
You exclaim, "Thank you for showing up everyone!"
Zeroe says, "Oh, I have something to add."
Zeroe says, "Before everyone leaves."
Allye says, "Thank you, Nesra."
Zeroe exclaims to Jerodan, "I can get on a rant too you know!"
Zeroe asks, "Everyone is familiar with how wards work right?"
Jerodan asks, "You do some weird holy Paladin tracing that no one really understands?"
Zeroe says, "Well yes."
Zeroe says, "But if you are not getting a resurrection, a ward will not hurt."
Tuviano says, "Will not hurt, is that almost saying it will help or is that too far."
Zeroe says, "If you want to simply depart, you can come back and get your belongings from in it, holds them all in place and you touch it. It's all magically put back on you."
Zeroe says, "Don't ask me how it works."
Zeroe says, "I don't know."
Rheeni grins impishly at Zeroe.
Katjia says to Zeroe, "Oh those."
Zeroe says, "ANYWAY... if you choose to depart with your coins or anything else with a ward on you."
Tuviano says, "So like when ya go to jail."
Zeroe says, "It will act like you departed with EVERYTHING."
Tuviano says, "Or so I hear."
Zeroe says, "At the cost of only TWO favors instead of three."
Tuviano blinks.
Zeroe says, "And you won't have to get your ward."
Katjia says to Zeroe, "I remember those, didn't know they were called wards."
Zeroe nods to Katjia.
Jerodan says, "Glyph of Warding to be more precise."
Rheeni says to Zeroe, "Thank you for the reminder."
Zeroe says, "SO... sometimes if people are willing, might be easier to ward a bunch of people if it gets swamped."
Zeroe nods.
Zeroe says, "Most people have forgotten, it's been a long time since there was no resurrection."
Katjia asks, "That works on the favorless?"
Rheeni says, "And to save some of our empaths..."
Zeroe says, "You know, I'm not sure."
Jerodan says, "It does."
Jerodan nods to Zeroe.
Ellyzia nods.
Zeroe says, "I haven't tried it on them."
Zeroe nods to Jerodan.
Jerodan says to Zeroe, "Come on, how come I know this and you don't and I can't even do it."
Jerodan gives Zeroe a gentle poke in the ribs.
Zeroe exclaims, "Hey!"
Zeroe grins at Jerodan.
Zeroe says, "I always show up and offer wards, before I can finish what I'm saying they're alive again."
Zeroe says, "Or already departed."
Zeroe says, "So I just wanted to throw it out there and clear the air."
Gamador says, "We used to walk uphill both ways from the temple barefoot in three feet of snow in those days."
You say, "Like I always say, I love paladins in triage."
Zeroe exclaims to Gamador, "It was!"
You say, "And bards, and war mages who cast zephyr..."
Mazrian says, "Those were the days."
Korutu begins to listen to Katjia teach the Mechanical Lore skill.
Jerodan says, "Blah, three Bards and War Mages aren't needed."
Allye says, "Mmm naga's blessing."
You exclaim, "Thank you all!"