The Order of the Black Fox formally extends an inviation to the Leadership of the Mentor association (maximum three representitives), to attend some closed sessions regarding the future of Order's in Elanthia. We would appreciate all responses to The intended date for talks will be Saturday the 28th May 2005 at approx 2pm EST. from the Empath's Guild in Crossing west, north, go gate, east, go cottage.
The future of Elanthia's official Order's lies no where but within our own hands. Lets us mold our future and in so doing mold Elanthia.
Kindest Regards,
Kintalia Runemore, wife to Tensia, Vice Speaker for The Order of the Black Fox
~It is only knowledge and wisdom which seperates Us. Seek the knowledge to learn from experience; Hope to have the wisdom to understand - You are the sum of Your experiences~