Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/06/2008 10:04 AM CDT
The Tavern Troupe Performing Order will be happy to get the ball rolling for a grand opening and an Order Mixer. We propose this co-hosted event be held in the latter part of May. If each of the orders could identify one or two of their members to work with a member or two of the Troupe, we'll get started with the planning.

Cheers! Dulcinie, Speaker
The Tavern Troupe Performing Order
Re: Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/06/2008 11:36 AM CDT
For the Theren Guard, please make note that Angellicia and Dechtire will need to be your contacts for anything we can do to help out with. I will be sure to alert them to the Tavern's initiative on this.

Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this!

By my hand~

Aaiyaah Kenman
Order of the Theren Guard
Re: Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/07/2008 03:07 AM CDT
Thanks for getting it started. I'm not sure who we can use for ODS so I guess either Krumbard or myself if I can squeeze more into my schedule to work on it. If that changes I'll let you know.

Re: Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/07/2008 12:45 PM CDT
For the Order of the White Rose, the people you would want to talk to would be our ambassadors. And that would be, oh look, me!

Feel free to contact my play.net address as my schedule is a bit wonky. I think a meeting of the Orders is a great idea, and what better a reason than to christen the new Order Headquarters?

Zakuro Beltshumeltz
Ambassador of the Order of the White Rose
Re: Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/09/2008 06:08 PM CDT
Our Vice Sliayyl told me to shove him to the front on this so our contacts are Krumbard and Sliayyl. If you need to get their contact info you can IM me at Katyaska.
Re: Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/14/2008 07:21 PM CDT
The Apostles contact is myself, Callek.

There may be some complications for my personal attendance, but I can conduct that in private e-mail.
Re: Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/14/2008 07:21 PM CDT
Might help if I list my e-mail as well. Callek@Gmail.com
Possible dates for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/15/2008 06:01 PM CDT
Hi folks,

To get the schedule going and so that we all know what deadline we are working towards, I would like to get a date set.

Because we don't want to conflict with other player run events, we could do either Sunday 18th or Saturday 31st May. Which date suits best? We would start the party at say 9.30 pm EST.

Re: Possible dates for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/16/2008 11:58 PM CDT
My Personal preference is the 31st
Re: Possible dates for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/30/2008 03:22 AM CDT
I have scheduled this event for 31st May 9.30 pm EST. I hope this is convenient for everyone.

Re: Possible dates for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/30/2008 05:41 PM CDT
Sounds great Ariawen, looking forward to it.

By my hand~

Aaiyaah Kenman
Order of the Theren Guard
Re: Possible dates for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 04/30/2008 06:06 PM CDT
That date works for us. I do hope the coordinators are getting all the help they need, I haven't heard much personally but my comp is still having issues.

Re: Possible dates for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 05/12/2008 12:58 AM CDT
Can we meet after the ODS function on Wednesday, May 14? Please and thank you.
Re: Possible dates for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 05/12/2008 04:59 AM CDT
>Can we meet after the ODS function on Wednesday, May 14? Please and thank you.

Sorry, confused now. Who are you and who are you wanting to meet with?
Re: Planning meeting for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 05/12/2008 09:02 PM CDT
Oops sorry! This is Dulcinie, I was asking if the coordinators from the other Orders could meet with me after the ODS function on Wednesday, May 14? Let's meet at the Pierless Inn. Thanks!

My email is Dulcinie@hotmail.com.

Dulcinie, Speaker
The Tavern Troupe Performing Order
Re: Planning meeting for the Order Mixer and Grand Opening Party 05/13/2008 02:09 AM CDT
Oooh, okay. If it works out that way, then absolutely.