crystal balls as prizes at the moon mage conclave 12/08/2002 09:24 AM CST
I find it a little unfair that crystal balls were given out as prizes at the moon mage conclave. There were only a couple of these in existence in the game and they sell for hundreds of plats. If I had just purchased one at Cesiro's auction for several hundred plats, I would be pretty miffed at finding out they were given out for free as prizes. Guess we can expect moneybelts to be given out at Jadewater next? Snake charms? Toads? etc.

Re: crystal balls as prizes at the moon mage conclave 12/08/2002 10:21 AM CST

well, do they have the same verbage as the auction crystal balls or are they just inert, verbless fluff? there are plenty of items that are close in name but completely different in nature in DR, and it wouldn't surprise me to find out this is one of them
Re: crystal balls as prizes at the moon mage conclave 12/08/2002 10:51 AM CST
I owned an hourglass as a prize from an event before they were sold by merchants.

Mine isn't less fancy. I don't see how there's a problem here.

It's a ball of crystal, these things ain't exactly the hardest things to make.
Re: crystal balls as prizes at the moon mage conclave 12/08/2002 05:43 PM CST
The crystal balls are exactly the same..same verbs, same funcions.
Re: crystal balls as prizes at the moon mage conclave 12/09/2002 06:25 PM CST
Hey Pureblade, I remember that Mentor Event. In fact, I'm about to do Knight Court again in the near future. I thought the hourglass was pretty neat.

Re: crystal balls as prizes at the moon mage conclave 12/09/2002 06:54 PM CST
Instead of "Ah crap! They gave away my XXX plat crystal ball!" maybe you should think, "Holy crap! They're giving away prizes worth XXX plat!"

It's all in how you look at things.

Re: crystal balls as prizes at the moon mage conclave 12/10/2002 11:38 PM CST
>>Hey Pureblade, I remember that Mentor Event. In fact, I'm about to do Knight Court again in the near future. I thought the hourglass was pretty neat.

Heh, I found it cooler than the first place prize, honestly.

Like Pureblade needs giant judge robes. :D