Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:19 PM CDT
I meant that, in the greater sense of game design, I wish that there were more non-magic driven guilds. This is much like "There are some fundamental things with skill set placement I'd do different if I was writing Dragonrealms from scratch today" and a number of other musings.

As a developer who understands the staffing and development bandwidth we have I am petrified by the idea of even more non-magic guilds.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:20 PM CDT

<You have a violinist, a pianist, a flutist, and a painter. The violinist, pianist, and flutist can all teach other how to perfect their artistry even though there are significant differences in the way they produce it>

A pianist can't teach a violinist how to tune their strings, a flutist can't tell the pianist how hard or softly to hit their keys etc. If you can't teach the basics of how to do something, how can you teach the nuances of mastering the craft. You all can either help each other, or you can't...
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:22 PM CDT
Arguing by analogy just isn't going to be productive here. Turns out we don't have real world examples of teaching magic.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:28 PM CDT
>Turns out we don't have real world examples of teaching magic.

We have Penn and Teller. They are awesome at exposing secrets and even telling you how the trick was done. Just sayin'

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Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:28 PM CDT
If anything, the ability to teach and listen to classes during combat (or possibly during any setting while also training more than a certain number of skills) should be a function of the under-utilized stat of concentration.

Concentration cost would depend on lore skillset placement and the number of other skills that are currently being trained. If you were teaching a class or listening to a class on a skill that you were actively using (for example, teaching shield usage while defending with a shield), there would be no concentration cost. (The rationale is that teaching the subject you are demonstrating would be easier than teaching something unrelated.)

Such a mechanism would address concerns that GMs have raised about not wanting to encourage learning even more skills while in combat. (The more "efficiently" you are training, the harder it is to tack on another skill via teaching.)

>>DR-Raesh: How Charisma influences teaching has been revamped. It is now a linear function instead of a LN mechanic, and pure upside.

What is an "LN mechanic"?

>>Gamergirl151: Seems like bards being able to teach things in combat either at a penalty to the teaching rate or having to use bardic lore to compensate, or something, would be fair. Bards need love.

It seems like no matter how skilled the Bard is, the student's ability to focus on an unrelated lecture during combat would still be a limiting factor.

>>DR-Armifer: I sometimes contemplate if that's warranted but it certainly exists.

I know I'm in the minority, but I like systems that discriminate based on skillset placement. It contributes to guild identity.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:31 PM CDT
>>What is an "LN mechanic"?


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:31 PM CDT

I think that is kind of the point Raesh. There is no way to compare one to another as they are all very different in the mythical sense. Healing spells are very different from TM spells which are different from warding but certain folks can teach them to each other and certain ones are excluded. Why should someone that can barely cast a basic healing spell be able to teach a grandmaster WM how to better cast ice patch? Why should anyone be able to teach outside their field of expertise? It is either general enough that everyone should be able to teach everyone or its specialized enough that it should be restricted to like types of magic/supernaturals.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:34 PM CDT
<<A pianist can't teach a violinist how to tune their strings, a flutist can't tell the pianist how hard or softly to hit their keys etc. If you can't teach the basics of how to do something, how can you teach the nuances of mastering the craft. You all can either help each other, or you can't...

1. That kind of stuff is what sorcerous backlash is meant to represent.
2. As someone who was a music major in university, I get a good chuckle out of your ignorance of how musical artistry can be taught between the disciplines despite not being to get into the technical minutiae of the instrument.

<<What is an "LN mechanic"?

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:35 PM CDT
>>Healing spells are very different from TM spells which are different from warding but certain folks can teach them to each other and certain ones are excluded.

This is why Healing spells (Utility) use a different skill than Targetted Magic spells which use a different skill than Warding spells.

>>Why should someone that can barely cast a basic healing spell be able to teach a grandmaster WM how to better cast ice patch?

They can't. Healing is based on the Utility skill. Ice Patch is based on the Debilitation skill.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:41 PM CDT

>>Why should someone that can barely cast a basic healing spell be able to teach a grandmaster WM how to better cast ice patch?

>>They can't. Healing is based on the Utility skill. Ice Patch is based on the Debilitation skill.

He's clearly talking skill levels and mana type gaps. Sometimes I think GMs enjoy finding loopholes in arguments and calling it done rather than look at the validity of what people are saying and trying to address the actual point.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:45 PM CDT

what LP said. My point being that anyone can teach anyone how to do magic even when they differ. A 2nd circle empath can teach a 200th circle WM debil. apples and oranges in what they would know or how they would use it, but its general enough that it crosses over.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:46 PM CDT
>>He's clearly talking skill levels and mana type gaps.

Given how the post started, I disagree. But to answer your interpretation:

The ability to teach with lower ranks in a skill was implemented many years ago as a solution to training low levels of teaching. Many guilds required several ranks of teaching and as a 1st circle (or even just low circle) character finding someone you could teach was nearly impossible, forcing you to sit in Teaching classes.

It's not terribly effective, but it does make some real life sense, particularly if you assume teaching is a two day dialog (They say teaching is the best way to learn afterall).

It's also not really needed any more since Scholarship was combined - but then you get into the messy area of teaching becomes a way to feel out someone's ranks, and then everyone starts having ignore teaching on by default and so forth.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:51 PM CDT

Ok, to the short of it:

Is there any hope of reconsideration on the restrictions placed on the NMU guilds at all? I understand lore is a driving force, but this is a game. And as per feel, this is a pretty heavy levy on the NMU guilds learning in public settings that is definitely going to have a negative impact.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:54 PM CDT

Still dodging the point, which is(ranks irrelevant)how is empathic debil is so similar to WM/cleric/MM/ranger/necromancer debil that they can teach each other but barbs are another thing altogether even though it does exactly the same thing(debilitates). The skill is either so general that it can crossover to different guilds or so specialized it should be guild only for everyone. At the very least should be a barb/thief/trader crossover.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 04:58 PM CDT
Alright, if you're going to force me to play the analogy game...

Imagine your magic/suparnatural skills are a car engine.

Moon Mages uses premium (Because of course they do).

Clerics use midgrade.

Warrior Mages use regular (Bring the hate boys. I'm not afraid).

Barbarians burn wood.

Thieves use nuclear.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 05:01 PM CDT

wouldn't you burn wood to heat water to create steam?
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 05:05 PM CDT
>>wouldn't you burn wood to heat water to create steam?

... and this is why if you look I changed thieves to nuclear.

But, since you want to go down this path, no. That's not inherently true. It's likely true, but you burn wood to create heat. What you do with that heat is up to you.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 05:05 PM CDT
> Still dodging the point, which is(ranks irrelevant)how is empathic debil is so similar to WM/cleric/MM/ranger/necromancer debil that they can teach each other but barbs are another thing altogether even though it does exactly the same thing(debilitates).

Because all mana manipulation has far more in common than not. When WMs and Clerics cast spells, they're mostly doing the same things; the differences between mana types are entirely captured within the Primary Magic skill. It's not just that Empathic debilitation is similar to WM debilitation---they're literally the same skill. This is in contrast to an NMU's debilitation, where they are doing something very different, even if the final goal is the same.

Maybe Barbarian and Thief augmentation and debilitation should be the same, though.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 05:47 PM CDT
As a ranger, I don't really have a beef with the changes...since Rangers are completely ignored in every aspect of the game.

But not learning skinning in combat makes NO sense to me what so ever. You can learn by makes logical sense to me, especially when you watch the 'teaching' pulses where it says 'you demonstrate this' or you 'show them this'...
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 05:53 PM CDT
>>But not learning skinning in combat makes NO sense to me what so ever. You can learn by makes logical sense to me, especially when you watch the 'teaching' pulses where it says 'you demonstrate this' or you 'show them this'...

I'd assume that being able to skin while in combat is a playability/sanity issue, as opposed to a gateway to assuming that it's something that should be taught in mid-combat.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 06:01 PM CDT
>>I'd assume that being able to skin while in combat is a playability/sanity issue, as opposed to a gateway to assuming that it's something that should be taught in mid-combat.

This. Otherwise we could mimic WoW and give it a several second RT that gets interrupted every time something attacks you forcing you to kill all the enemies before you start skinning.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 06:07 PM CDT
It'd be interesting if DR had a paradigm where a single kill was a big deal. You take 20 minutes to kill a critter, then 10 to arrange and skin the corpse, and are rewarded appropriately for the time investment. A single skin and a single box is considered a decent haul from a hunting trip.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 06:09 PM CDT
I rewrote Elanthipedia's scholarship article, incorporating today's updates.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 06:57 PM CDT
Alright. I've made two additional adjustments (Again, with thanks to Grejuva for rapid fire QCing).

Firstly - I've raised the limit for how much exp can be learned per pulse. This should offer some release at extreme levels of the system.

Secondly - Barbarians/Thieves can now learn Augmentation/Debilitation/Warding|Utility from any guild again. However, it is less efficient. (Barbarian + Barbarian = Good. Barbarian + Thief = Okay. Barbarian + Magic User = Poor).

... logically this means Barbarians/Thieves should be able to teach these skills again, but I, uh, forgot to code that whole making the other update. Gimmie a few minutes.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 07:06 PM CDT
>>Secondly - Barbarians/Thieves can now learn Augmentation/Debilitation/Warding|Utility from any guild again.

Thank you.

“I’m sorry that your mystical, godlike powers do not instantly work as you would like them to.”
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 07:20 PM CDT
Alright, the reverse should work now too.

To recap:

Commoners can only listen/teach Arcana.

Traders... let's not discuss them. They're sorta kinda being treated like magic users to save us headaches down the line.

Thieves/Barbs cannot TEACH Attunement, Target, Warding/Utility.

Thieves/Barbs cannot LEARN Attunement, Target, Warding/Utility.

Thieves can only teach/listen to Inner Magic with another Thief.

Barbarians can only teach/listen to Inner Fire with another Barbarian.

When Debilitation, Augmentation, and Warding/Utility are taught cross guild it is less efficient if you mix NMUs with MUs. Barb/Thief interactions are at the midpoint.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 07:22 PM CDT
>Arguing my analogy just isn't going to be productive here. Turns out we don't have real world examples of teaching magic.

I'm just sad everyone ignored my electrical chocolate analogy.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 07:27 PM CDT
Yay! Thanks for the reconsider!
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 08:00 PM CDT
Raesh, and everyone else involved,

I'd like to thank you for your consideration on this, and your rapid action. I believe what you've managed to do is fair a compromise to support the lore of things, while keeping playability in mind. Very much appreciated.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 08:44 PM CDT
Boo, here I was going to give major kudos for reinforcing the magic/supernatural split.

Guess it goes to show, no matter what you do, someone will be unhappy. :(

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Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 09:23 PM CDT

Woa why are we done here? I think it's a logical progression of you are going to penalize based off skill sets how can it not be across the board?

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Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 09:37 PM CDT
One point of clarification might help with the teaching rates in combat thing. How do these rates compare with out-of-combat teaching? I mean, if everybody's teaching rate is penalized in combat compared to not-combat and it's just that the size of the penalty scales with skillset placement, then it's a bit silly that people are getting up in arms about it. The pleas for applying the concept across the board are a little off in this'd need to suggest that weapon tertiaries should get a larger penalty than everyone else to using weapons outside of combat (whatever that would mean), or something.

I mean, how often are people even teaching in combat to begin with that these changes are such a monumentally big deal? Maybe it happens more than I realize?

-Life Sustainer Karthor
Re: Teaching Updates 04/04/2015 09:40 PM CDT
>>I mean, if everybody's teaching rate is penalized in combat compared to not-combat and it's just that the size of the penalty scales with skillset placement

This is correct. Everyone is worse at teaching in combat vs out. Lore primaries are just less worse at it.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/05/2015 09:44 AM CDT
> Firstly - I've raised the limit for how much exp can be learned per pulse. This should offer some release at extreme levels of the system.

I did some testing here. You might recall that I did some testing on exp per pulse after your first round of changes but before this one (posted in the Bard folders). In that test, I found that one pulse of teaching taught my student 2.21% of a rank of Outfitting regardless of whether my student and I had a Scholarship buff. One possible explanation for that was that I was hitting the limit of exp per pulse even without the buff.

I've just repeated the test. No relevant skills or stats have changed. I'm still teaching 2.21% per pulse regardless of whether I use a Scholarship buff or a Charisma buff.

If I was hitting the limit during the first test, you would expect me to be giving more exp per pulse now that you've raised the limit, but I'm not. If I'm not hitting the limit, then there's the question of why (capped, in sphere) Charisma and Scholarship buffs aren't improving my teaching.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/05/2015 11:29 AM CDT
I won't have any practicable availability for a few days. Can you assist and have another GM do some data collection for me with and without buff? Ask them to turn on debug and watch a few pulses both way and email me that data.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/05/2015 07:00 PM CDT
Had a chance to observe another TM class on my Thief, and I am not gaining any Scholarship from it.

“I’m sorry that your mystical, godlike powers do not instantly work as you would like them to.”
Re: Teaching Updates 04/05/2015 07:18 PM CDT
Observe, specifically?


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Teaching Updates 04/05/2015 07:30 PM CDT
In light of the new teaching changes Empaths have lost their ability to teach First Aid in combat. For those of us who are combat-oriented teaching First Aid to a hunting partner was the only efficient way for an Empath to train the skill in combat. Many of us spend a great deal of our time hunting and eschew "guild-sitting." Teaching required us to find a complimentary skilled partner and share a hunting ground, making our reliance on others to train the skill comfortably fall in line with the very nature of it. For those who spend a majority of time out of combat, the quickest way to learn your First Aid is to take a series of wounds from patients until you have "bleeders" and then heal off all the other wounds except for those you plan to learn from. The aforementioned learning method is not recommended for use in combat. This leaves us with compendiums that teach terribly and require immense amounts of scholarship or suffer long round times, which while are fine out-of-combat, do not translate into combat well at all. No one would choose to sit in-combat saddled with a twenty to thirty second round time for barely a mindstate fraction, even on a hard requirement skill. Granted, the round times do lessen but given that I use a compendium with all the four hundred range charts I still have twenty-something round times with eight hundred and thirty (830) Scholarship. I'll need nine hundred and eighty (980) Scholarship to obtain a manageable ten second round time from the highest chart in that range, gaining clarity after one study. That is another very important point. These are twenty to thirty (or higher) round times per study until clarity is achieved which can vary if the Scholarship is not in the that golden "double the difficulty of the chart" range. This is not a viable method for First Aid training.

Combat Empaths have been encouraged recently with the introduction of the Absolution ritual. However, with the change to First Aid teaching we've taken a step backward. I propose that Empaths continue to be allowed to teach First Aid in combat or we be given a similarly efficient avenue for learning First Aid in combat. Necromancers have rituals that allow them to learn the First Aid skill off of corpses in combat and those rituals have been, to my understanding, made more learning efficient recently. I propose we be given a similar ability, like an analyze, that allows us to learn First Aid off of the wounds of what we are "hunting" or "dancing" with and it should scale accordingly with monster strength. It can be given a modest round time and function in a manner similarly to Skinning. Teaching or this new ability seem to be the most available fixes for this new concern.

I would like to also point out, as an aside, that once a modest amount of First Aid skill is achieved it offers no benefit. We can bandage the worst wounds the game has to offer and there's no point to train the skill further other than we are forced to do so because it is a hard requirement for our guild. It's disheartening to be forced out of combat for a skill that effectively amounts to a ball-and-chain around our necks, weighing us down with a learning paradigm that later ranks ensure sitting out of combat and bandaging ourselves over-and-over or not learning First Aid at all.

I'm looking forward to replies and suggestions. Thank you so much for reading.
Re: Teaching Updates 04/05/2015 07:35 PM CDT

> For those of us who are combat-oriented teaching First Aid to a hunting partner was the only efficient way for an Empath to train the skill in combat.

As an empath, wouldn't a pet bleeder work?
Re: Teaching Updates 04/05/2015 07:46 PM CDT
>>Shihari: I propose that Empaths continue to be allowed to teach First Aid in combat or we be given a similarly efficient avenue for learning First Aid in combat.

High-level first aid training is really pet bleeders or bust, which is unfortunate. However, I feel like allowing Empaths to teach first aid during combat would really be more of a Band-Aid than a solution. (Furthermore, first aid needs to be viable for everyone and not just Empaths.)

The real problem is that first aid is not sufficiently developed as a skill. What it does is very niche (halt or slow the bleeding of external wounds), and it doesn't scale past a few hundred ranks.

This isn't the right thread for brainstorming ideas to expand first aid. I have some thoughts, and I will post them on the relevant board (Survival Skills - Staying Alive):,%20Skills%20and%20Magic/Survival%20Skills%20-%20Staying%20Alive/view

>>Volcanus: As an empath, wouldn't a pet bleeder work?

Pet bleeders work, but it isn't a good idea to hunt with them, and it's a really obnoxious, jarringly OOC concept that should die in a fire.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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