Assess teach ranges 08/16/2011 03:14 PM CDT
Just curious - what are the ranges of skill you see when you Assess Teach?

For example, I saw someone with Extremely Simplistic evasion compared to me... but they're hunting in the same area I hunt. I would think "extremely simplistic" would be like 100 ranks lower than me or somesuch, but I can't imagine having much more than 30 ranks lower than me and hunting in this area.

So - what do each of those ranges represent?
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/16/2011 03:48 PM CDT
>>I can't imagine having much more than 30 ranks lower than me and hunting in this area.

Idle curiosity, but why not? Skill bosters, or large gaps in reflex could account for quite a significant rank difference.

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/16/2011 04:13 PM CDT
Because I personally started hunting in the area about 20 ranks ago and was pretty close to the bottom of being able to hunt here... i.e. anything more than 2 critters I had to run immediately cause I'd get killed, and with 2 critters I still had a pretty decent chance of being beat on pretty good.

I also have pretty good reflex for my circle, although maybe you're right that they've got some type of class bonus that's really powerful.

It's also entirely possible I'm wrong - hence this experience making me curious what the ranges were. It just surprised me that someone with "extremely simplistic" evasion compared to mine would be able to still hunt in the same area as I am.
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/16/2011 04:39 PM CDT
<<For example, I saw someone with Extremely Simplistic evasion compared to me... but they're hunting in the same area I hunt. I would think "extremely simplistic" would be like 100 ranks lower than me or somesuch, but I can't imagine having much more than 30 ranks lower than me and hunting in this area.>>

The levels we have are:

Level*DifferencePerson A Person B
Extremely Simplistic -18 Ranks 1634
Basic ? ? Ranks- -
Same ? ? Ranks- -
Intermediate +75 Ranks466391
Extremely Advanced +51 Ranks598

*from the view of person B

Doesn't seem to be straight up skill difference.

(This is a rough estimate because the two people I'm testing with don't have a lot of skills close together.)


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/16/2011 05:08 PM CDT
There seems to be some variability, possibly depending on the assessor's appraisal or scholarship.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/16/2011 05:21 PM CDT
>Doesn't seem to be straight up skill difference.

Might be a function of teaching skill as well.

Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Assess teach ranges 08/16/2011 07:43 PM CDT
>>Might be a function of teaching skill as well.

My experience suggests this.

~ Pansophist Kougen

"Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee what thou art." - Miguel de Cervantes
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 08:36 AM CDT
Hm. That's interesting - only an 18 rank difference to get extremely simplistic. Well, guess now I know that you can't really rely on that assessment to gauge others strength!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 03:19 PM CDT
I crunched some more numbers. ASSESS TEACH is more complex than I realized.

I'm not sure whether the variations in ASSESS TEACH are merely an issue of accuracy (due to the student's stats) or whether they actually indicate how effective that class would be for that student. If it's the latter, that would be more useful in deciding which class to listen to, even if ASSESS TEACH is not an accurate predictor of the teacher's ranks in the subject.

Possible assessments:

- extremely advanced
- advanced
- intermediate
- basic
- simplistic
- extremely simplistic

Factors that may affect assessments:

- difference between the teacher's and student's ranks in the subject being taught
- teacher's/student's ranks in the subject
- teacher's/student's skillset placement
- teacher's/student's ranks in teaching
- student's ranks in scholarship?
- student's ranks in appraisal?

Unless otherwise noted, when I say "ranks" or list numbers, I am referring to ranks in the subject being taught.

Unless the difference between the teacher's and student's ranks is extreme, that factor alone doesn't seem to be a very good predictor of assessment level.

Assessment Min. Diff. Max. Diff. Mean Diff. Median Diff.
extremely advanced 6 N/A N/A N/A
advanced 19 117 78.75 88
intermediate 3 119 34.2 19
basic 1 48 9.2 4
simplistic -1 -48 -8 -3
extremely simplistic -8 N/A N/A N/A

A class is more likely to appear "extremely advanced" if the student has few ranks, even if the teacher only has a few more ranks than the student.

Characters' Stats
Paladin Empath
Appraisal 497 430
Scholarship 494 542
Teaching 538 523
Charisma 44 47
Intelligence 43 46
Wisdom 43 45

Paladin-Empath Paladin's Class Empath's Class Paladin's Ranks Empath's Ranks Skillset
425 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 447 22 Armor
383 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 388 5 Armor
276 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 336 60 Weapon
218 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 476 258 Armor
213 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 273 60 Weapon
166 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 200 34 Weapon
166 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 200 34 Weapon
165 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 200 35 Weapon
164 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 200 36 Weapon
161 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 200 39 Weapon
161 extremely advanced 161 0 Armor
140 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 200 60 Weapon
140 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 200 60 Weapon
132 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 390 258 Weapon
128 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 386 258 Weapon
126 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 161 35 Armor
125 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 162 37 Armor
97 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 356 259 Survival
88 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 346 258 Armor
82 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 340 258 Armor
67 intermediate extremely simplistic 497 430 Lore
64 intermediate extremely simplistic 465 401 Survival
58 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 92 34 Weapon
56 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 92 36 Weapon
56 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 91 35 Weapon
55 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 91 36 Weapon
54 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 92 38 Weapon
54 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 91 37 Weapon
42 advanced extremely simplistic 245 203 Survival
18 extremely advanced extremely simplistic 54 36 Lore
15 basic simplistic 538 523 Lore
13 intermediate extremely simplistic 126 113 Survival
12 intermediate simplistic 123 111 Survival
12 extremely advanced 12 0 Lore
8 extremely advanced 8 0 Lore
6 basic simplistic 115 109 Survival
3 intermediate simplistic 40 37 Weapon
1 basic simplistic 38 37 Weapon
1 basic simplistic 34 33 Weapon
-1 simplistic basic 40 41 Weapon
-2 simplistic basic 35 37 Weapon
-3 simplistic intermediate 34 37 Weapon
-3 simplistic intermediate 34 37 Weapon
-4 simplistic basic 88 92 Survival
-5 simplistic basic 88 93 Survival
-6 extremely advanced 0 6 Lore
-19 extremely simplistic advanced 75 94 Survival
-25 extremely simplistic intermediate 208 233 Lore
-33 extremely simplistic intermediate 225 258 Weapon
-48 simplistic basic 494 542 Lore
-59 extremely simplistic advanced 210 269 Magic
-75 extremely simplistic advanced 347 422 Survival
-76 extremely simplistic extremely advanced 72 148 Survival
-101 extremely simplistic advanced 366 467 Magic
-102 extremely simplistic advanced 398 500 Magic
-115 extremely simplistic advanced 399 514 Magic
-117 extremely simplistic advanced 431 548 Magic
-119 extremely simplistic intermediate 612 731 Lore
-244 extremely simplistic extremely advanced 342 586 Survival

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 03:41 PM CDT
Could it be a percentage of the viewer's ranks?

Elemental Lord Opieus, Expert Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 04:01 PM CDT
I'll be honest, I'm not too interested in the endpoint of this discussion, but that's a fine set of data there, excellent job and idea in gathering it. :)

Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 04:43 PM CDT
>>Could it be a percentage of the viewer's ranks?

It's looking like that to me.

Going from the data set presented and making some guesses to fill in the blanks (knowing that human developers would tend to pick round numbers), here's what I get:

Extremely Simplistic - -%10% and less
Simplistic - -10% to 0%
Basic - 0% to 8%
Intermediate - 8% to 20%
Advanced - 20% to 50%
Extremely Advanced - 30% and greater

(calculation uses teacher/viewer)

I found this using the paladin as teacher, and checked with empath as teacher, and the percentages held up. The thing I'm most uncertain about is where basic changes to intermediate; going both ways, there's no percentages between 105.71% and 108.11%, so the switchover could happen at 106% or 107.5% or so.

Also, the 494/542 thing with empath teaching seems to break the pattern. I'm assuming that's a mistake, so I tossed that data point. Could you recheck that one if you get the chance, Isharon?

Data, cleaned, calculated, and sorted:

383extremely advancedextremely simplistic3885Armor7760.00%1.29%
425extremely advancedextremely simplistic44722Armor2031.82%4.92%
166extremely advancedextremely simplistic20034Weapon588.24%17.00%
166extremely advancedextremely simplistic20034Weapon588.24%17.00%
165extremely advancedextremely simplistic20035Weapon571.43%17.50%
276extremely advancedextremely simplistic33660Weapon560.00%17.86%
164extremely advancedextremely simplistic20036Weapon555.56%18.00%
161extremely advancedextremely simplistic20039Weapon512.82%19.50%
126extremely advancedextremely simplistic16135Armor460.00%21.74%
213extremely advancedextremely simplistic27360Weapon455.00%21.98%
125extremely advancedextremely simplistic16237Armor437.84%22.84%
140extremely advancedextremely simplistic20060Weapon333.33%30.00%
140extremely advancedextremely simplistic20060Weapon333.33%30.00%
58extremely advancedextremely simplistic9234Weapon270.59%36.96%
56extremely advancedextremely simplistic9135Weapon260.00%38.46%
56extremely advancedextremely simplistic9236Weapon255.56%39.13%
55extremely advancedextremely simplistic9136Weapon252.78%39.56%
54extremely advancedextremely simplistic9137Weapon245.95%40.66%
54extremely advancedextremely simplistic9238Weapon242.11%41.30%
218extremely advancedextremely simplistic476258Armor184.50%54.20%
132extremely advancedextremely simplistic390258Weapon151.16%66.15%
18extremely advancedextremely simplistic5436Lore150.00%66.67%
128extremely advancedextremely simplistic386258Weapon149.61%66.84%
97extremely advancedextremely simplistic356259Survival137.45%72.75%
88extremely advancedextremely simplistic346258Armor134.11%74.57%
82extremely advancedextremely simplistic340258Armor131.78%75.88%
42advancedextremely simplistic245203Survival120.69%82.86%
64intermediateextremely simplistic465401Survival115.96%86.24%
67intermediateextremely simplistic497430Lore115.58%86.52%
13intermediateextremely simplistic126113Survival111.50%89.68%
-25extremely simplisticintermediate208233Lore89.27%112.02%
-33extremely simplisticintermediate225258Weapon87.21%114.67%
-119extremely simplisticintermediate612731Lore83.72%119.44%
-75extremely simplisticadvanced347422Survival82.23%121.61%
-19extremely simplisticadvanced7594Survival79.79%125.33%
-102extremely simplisticadvanced398500Magic79.60%125.63%
-117extremely simplisticadvanced431548Magic78.65%127.15%
-101extremely simplisticadvanced366467Magic78.37%127.60%
-59extremely simplisticadvanced210269Magic78.07%128.10%
-115extremely simplisticadvanced399514Magic77.63%128.82%
-244extremely simplisticextremely advanced342586Survival58.36%171.35%
-76extremely simplisticextremely advanced72148Survival48.65%205.56%

Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 04:54 PM CDT
>>Incarnation: Also, the 494/542 thing with empath teaching seems to break the pattern. I'm assuming that's a mistake, so I tossed that data point. Could you recheck that one if you get the chance, Isharon?

I just double-checked, and the data are correct. There shouldn't be any typos in the rank numbers, because I used /sort in Genie and pasted to Excel.


Scholarship: 494
Teaching: 538

Isharon is teaching a class on simplistic (compared to what you already know) Scholarship which is still open to new students.

Isharon is teaching a class on basic (compared to what you already know) Teaching which is still open to new students.


Scholarship: 542
Teaching: 523

Sarkranis is teaching a class on basic (compared to what you already know) Scholarship which is still open to new students.

Sarkranis is teaching a class on simplistic (compared to what you already know) Teaching which is still open to new students.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 04:56 PM CDT
I was thinking skill set might be a modifier. Primary vs secondary vs tert. There were a couple armors pretty close together (80's rank diff) and a few lores (100 rank diff), but nothing spread out over the continum. Need more data.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 05:01 PM CDT
Well, that screws the straight % comparison theory. Something else has to factor in. My guess would be skillset placement. Or maybe scholarship is just weird/bugged. More data needed.
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 05:04 PM CDT
>>Need more data.

>>More data needed.


If anyone's around Mer'Kresh later tonight and would be willing to tellexp for Science!, let me know and we can get the extra data collection started. I'll write some scripts to make this easier a bit later.
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 05:45 PM CDT
I think that it's primarily percentage-based. Sorting my data by percentage (Teacher/Student), the assessments are also in the right order. (This does not happen when I sort by teacher's ranks, student's ranks, or teacher's ranks-student's ranks.)

Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. (I excluded only those cases where either the teacher or student had 0 ranks.)

As Incarnation noted, there is only one case that doesn't fit the pattern: the Empath's scholarship class. (The sort order indicates that it should be intermediate, but it's basic.)

Paladin Teaching Empath Student

Teacher/Student Teacher's Class Teacher Ranks Student Ranks
7760% extremely advanced 388 5
2032% extremely advanced 447 22
588% extremely advanced 200 34
588% extremely advanced 200 34
571% extremely advanced 200 35
560% extremely advanced 336 60
556% extremely advanced 200 36
513% extremely advanced 200 39
460% extremely advanced 161 35
455% extremely advanced 273 60
438% extremely advanced 162 37
333% extremely advanced 200 60
333% extremely advanced 200 60
271% extremely advanced 92 34
260% extremely advanced 91 35
256% extremely advanced 92 36
253% extremely advanced 91 36
246% extremely advanced 91 37
242% extremely advanced 92 38
184% extremely advanced 476 258
151% extremely advanced 390 258
150% extremely advanced 54 36
150% extremely advanced 386 258
137% extremely advanced 356 259
134% extremely advanced 346 258
132% extremely advanced 340 258
121% advanced 245 203
116% intermediate 465 401
116% intermediate 497 430
112% intermediate 126 113
111% intermediate 123 111
108% intermediate 40 37
106% basic 115 109
103% basic 34 33
103% basic 538 523
103% basic 38 37
98% simplistic 40 41
96% simplistic 88 92
95% simplistic 88 93
95% simplistic 35 37
92% simplistic 34 37
92% simplistic 34 37
91% simplistic 494 542
89% extremely simplistic 208 233
87% extremely simplistic 225 258
84% extremely simplistic 612 731
82% extremely simplistic 347 422
80% extremely simplistic 75 94
80% extremely simplistic 398 500
79% extremely simplistic 431 548
78% extremely simplistic 366 467
78% extremely simplistic 210 269
78% extremely simplistic 399 514
58% extremely simplistic 342 586
49% extremely simplistic 72 148

Empath Teaching Paladin Student

Teacher/Student Teacher's Class Teacher Ranks Student Ranks
206% extremely advanced 148 72
171% extremely advanced 586 342
129% advanced 514 399
128% advanced 269 210
128% advanced 467 366
127% advanced 548 431
126% advanced 500 398
125% advanced 94 75
122% advanced 422 347
119% intermediate 731 612
115% intermediate 258 225
112% intermediate 233 208
110% basic 542 494
109% intermediate 37 34
109% intermediate 37 34
106% basic 37 35
106% basic 93 88
105% basic 92 88
103% basic 41 40
97% simplistic 37 38
97% simplistic 523 538
97% simplistic 33 34
95% simplistic 109 115
93% simplistic 37 40
90% simplistic 111 123
90% extremely simplistic 113 126
87% extremely simplistic 430 497
86% extremely simplistic 401 465
83% extremely simplistic 203 245
76% extremely simplistic 258 340
75% extremely simplistic 258 346
73% extremely simplistic 259 356
67% extremely simplistic 258 386
67% extremely simplistic 36 54
66% extremely simplistic 258 390
54% extremely simplistic 258 476
41% extremely simplistic 38 92
41% extremely simplistic 37 91
40% extremely simplistic 36 91
39% extremely simplistic 36 92
38% extremely simplistic 35 91
37% extremely simplistic 34 92
30% extremely simplistic 60 200
30% extremely simplistic 60 200
23% extremely simplistic 37 162
22% extremely simplistic 60 273
22% extremely simplistic 35 161
20% extremely simplistic 39 200
18% extremely simplistic 36 200
18% extremely simplistic 60 336
18% extremely simplistic 35 200
17% extremely simplistic 34 200
17% extremely simplistic 34 200
5% extremely simplistic 22 447
1% extremely simplistic 5 388

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 06:06 PM CDT
<<As Incarnation noted, there is only one case that doesn't fit the pattern: the Empath's scholarship class. (The sort order indicates that it should be intermediate, but it's basic.)>>

We know that location can be a factor in teaching... maybe change rooms?


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 06:10 PM CDT
The scholarship datum does seem to indicate that there are other factors, or that scholarship comparisons are bugged. But the assess results do seem to be a pretty accurate predictor of % differences, at this point.

There are bunch of possible explantions for the discrepancy. More data would be great to prove/disprove them. I'm way more interested than I should be now in what the mechanics actually are. I'm willing to tellexp anyone who'll reciprocate and help collect the needed data.
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 08:53 PM CDT
>>Yamcer: We know that location can be a factor in teaching... maybe change rooms?

I gathered my data in the Crossing Dispensary, which does not have any teaching bonus that I am aware of, but perhaps I will run some tests in other areas.

>>Incarnation: There are bunch of possible explantions for the discrepancy. More data would be great to prove/disprove them. I'm way more interested than I should be now in what the mechanics actually are. I'm willing to tellexp anyone who'll reciprocate and help collect the needed data.

I'm willing to do that too. I'm usually in the Crossing area.

Or better yet, some merciful GM can take pity on us and tell us what the factors are. PAFO is only fun up to a point. :-)

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 10:31 PM CDT
While all this is very interesting I would like to see a change in the system. Remove the entire comparison. Change it to "interesting" or "boring" class. If the teachers skill is higher it would be an interesting class. If it's lower, it would be a boring class. This would also fit with how we learn more from people with higher skills.

You do an incredible backflip with a beautiful twist rotation, gaining nearly five feet of air and landing neatly on your feet without so much as a wobble!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/17/2011 11:58 PM CDT
<<This would also fit with how we learn more from people with higher skills.>>

This has not been my experience. I learn more from teachers with higher teaching, not higher skill in the skill I'm learning.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/18/2011 12:34 AM CDT
<<This would also fit with how we learn more from people with higher skills.>>

>This has not been my experience. I learn more from teachers with higher teaching, not higher skill in the skill I'm learning.

Even better. I always assumed it was greater skill in the subject being taught that made for a better class. With "interesting" or "boring" we wouldn't get a clue as to the teachers skill level as it refers to the subject, but rather a sense of their teaching skill.

You do an incredible backflip with a beautiful twist rotation, gaining nearly five feet of air and landing neatly on your feet without so much as a wobble!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/18/2011 01:24 AM CDT
Is the scholarship value maybe skewed because its one of the two classes (the other being Teaching) that have different weightings for experience earned? It might reflect the difference in learning rates for those classes.


Moongate, Ressurection, and Fire Rain, Oh my!
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/18/2011 02:49 AM CDT
were other factors figured in as well? I know there still is a certain teach bonus for teaching if the 2 characters are of the same race/guild.

Explore the Final Frontier - the unknown calls
Re: Assess teach ranges 08/18/2011 04:36 AM CDT
The difference in the rate at which you learn from someone with 580 teaching and 85 Charisma and someone with 575 teaching and 40 Charisma is not indicative of Teaching skill being a major factor in how quickly you learn. Charisma -- yours and the teacher's -- seems to be the primary determinant of how effective classes are.