new metal 10/27/2013 02:27 PM CDT
I know it wouldnt be mined but there is talk of new metal perhaps from the festival.

I for one would LOVE a metal that has holy properties to it or maybe just a metal that can "hold a bless"

It wouldnt have to be the hardest metal out but something so people could get a weapon made that ends up having a perma bless on it. perhaps make it so the actual weapon would be about as good as a decent store bought weapon but not as good as say top of the line player forged weapons. it would make it so that bless would still be useful but people could have a backup in a pinch.
Re: new metal 10/28/2013 10:03 AM CDT
That is more likely to fall under enchanting, I suspect, than something innate to a metal.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs