So I made some practice longbows out of yew today and they came as this:
>appr longb
A yew practice longbow is a long bow type weapon.
A yew practice longbow trains the bow skill.
The practice longbow is soundly designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the longbow is well balanced and is soundly suited for adding attack power from its draw strength.
The longbow appears set for a draw strength that is average for a bow of this type.
The longbow does not appear to have an adjustable draw strength.
You are certain that the practice longbow is rather flimsy and easily damaged, and is in pristine condition.
It appears that the practice longbow can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the practice longbow weighs exactly 33 stones.
You are certain that the practice longbow is worth exactly 5600 Lirums.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
R>ana longb
You analyze the practice longbow and learn more about its construction.
This appears to be a type of finished longbow that is masterfully-crafted.
The longbow is a basic piece to make.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Yew is 70 durability, Osage is 80 durability
my Osage Longbow:
An osage battle longbow is a long bow type weapon.
An osage battle longbow trains the bow skill.
The battle longbow is superbly designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the longbow is fairly balanced and is excellently suited for adding attack power from its draw strength.
The longbow appears set for a draw strength that is exceptionally high for a bow of this type.
The longbow does not appear to have an adjustable draw strength.
You are certain that the battle longbow is highly protected against damage, and is in pristine condition.
It appears that the battle longbow can be slung over one shoulder.
You are certain that the battle longbow weighs exactly 57 stones.
You are certain that the battle longbow is worth exactly 8833 Lirums.
so rather flimsy and easily broken (70) to highly protected (80)?
the trader scale says rather flimsy is 5 while highly protected is 13
Something here seems outta whack
A Maelshyvean shadow beast slows long enough to deeply inhale some of the swirling shadows surrounding it. After a moment, it sighs with great releif and blackness oozes from its ears and nostrils.
Re: Durability of Yew
01/29/2016 06:47 PM CST
It's very possible that something is wrong, but durability is based on the durability stat for the material and the template you are making. Unlike all the other crafted weapon systems that have been released Shaping has the durability change based on the template. The best way to check out if something is up is to make a practice longbow out of osage also. IIRC the battle longbow template has higher than normal durability.
Re: Durability of Yew
01/29/2016 06:55 PM CST
Practice longbow
force 8 - soundly
Balance 9 - well
Power 8 - soundly
Draw Strength 4 - average
Construction 5 - particularly weak
Weight 38 stones
Sorry for the odd formatting as I have all this saved into a spreadsheet.
Re: Durability of Yew
01/29/2016 09:06 PM CST
if its based on the template then Im all good
thanks all
A Maelshyvean shadow beast slows long enough to deeply inhale some of the swirling shadows surrounding it. After a moment, it sighs with great releif and blackness oozes from its ears and nostrils.
thanks all
A Maelshyvean shadow beast slows long enough to deeply inhale some of the swirling shadows surrounding it. After a moment, it sighs with great releif and blackness oozes from its ears and nostrils.