Recovering yarn? 03/21/2016 07:01 PM CDT
I was reading up on crafting a bit ago and came across this:

>So you can see its actually very simple. And one thing you should know. Lets say you complete some socks. And you want to convert the socks back to yarn. Get your yarn out and socks in the other hand. Combine. No wasted yarn and you can start again with the same yarn. Keep in mind this wont work if your doing work orders as you have to turn in the project to complete the work orders.


I could not get this to work using the combine verb. Does anyone know (a) whether it does work, and, if so (b) how to do it?
Re: Recovering yarn? 03/21/2016 07:13 PM CDT
Pretty sure that was a bug, not a feature.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Recovering yarn? 03/21/2016 07:26 PM CDT
Oh. Too bad, but thanks for the info.


As an aside, this cropped up a few times while I was knitting:

>Plugin Send: knit need

finished knitted clothing

Now the needles must be turned to add some ribbing to the piece.
Roundtime: 22 sec.

which I assume is a bug. Bugged in game as well.