Container Repair 03/20/2016 03:55 PM CDT
I have noticed, that my crafted rucksack appears to wear with use, which is fine by me, but it does not appear to be possible to repair it.

Surely, if something wears with use, it ought to be possible to repair it?
Re: Container Repair 03/20/2016 06:01 PM CDT
That's been a feature of all rucksacks since release of the original store bought ones. Unlike the store bought ones, however, the crafted ones never break so it's just a visual thing so at least it won't matter much that they can't be repaired. I suppose it might be nice to allow repair using the already existing tailoring repair techniques even though it isn't strictly mecessary.. I wouldn't want a separate tech just for non-armor tailored repair for sure though.