At least I hope this would be simple... Rather than going the usual route of books and complex crafts, why not do something like this...
* Quill (non-consumable)
* Magical sealing device (non-consumable)
* vial (non-consumable, optional stacker)
* scroll case (non-consumable, optional stacker)
* desk-knife (made with blacksmithing)
* Magical material (consumable, nouns are all scroll nouns, sold or farmed - one for each magic type: lunar, arcane, elemental, ambiguous [AP], and holy).
* ink (consumable, farmed).
- Create the parchment by A) finding an existing spell scroll. B) cleaning the ink off it using the desk knife. This contests outfitting (Artistry) at rates relative to scraping hides. This process also creates "ink shavings" (at your feet). C)
- Create ink by combining "ink shavings" with "water" or "oil". Uses a 1:1 ratio of ink shavings to water, both stack, can create up to 100 volume of "ink" at a time. Contests artistry at the same rate as forging. You can put ink in a pyramid to turn it back into ink shavings (to reduce weight) or deed it.
- Prepare the quill (similar to needles and thread) by combining quill with ink. 100% success. Blow quill to remove the ink. It's lost in the process.
- Prepare the source scroll (find or buy a scroll, let's say blackfire). Read source scroll (blackfire). Get the blank [noun]. Write [surface] to turn blank [noun] into an unfinished [noun]. Continue writing until it's a [spellname] [noun].
- Several things can happen during the writing process.
1) Run out of room in your destination scroll. You now need to get your sealing device, rub unfinished [noun], swap unfinished [noun] with blank [noun], rub blank [noun] and then combine unfinished [noun] with blank [noun]. This will combine the nouns together seamlessly (technically destroys blank noun and extends the length of unfinished noun). Contests artistry for success and to determine if you degrade the quality of unfinished [noun]. Depending on your skill, you may need multiples of this item to finish it. Conversion rate is 10:1 at the low-end, and 3:1 at the top-end.
2) Smudge unfinished [noun]. This happens if you failed the artistry test - difficulty of write is a mix of spell difficulty [more complex spells increase the difficulty tier] or quality of tools.
3) Tear the scroll. Random chance. Fixed by rubbing the scroll with the sealant, and it reduces the quality.
4) Fail to read. You lack the arcana and scholarship to read the source scroll.
5) Overuse your source scroll. The source has a small chance to be damaged, increased by low scholarship or artistry relative to the scroll's difficulty.
As a bonus, with enough arcana and scholarship, you can attempt to devise a spell (create one that you do not know from your mana type). You have no source documents in this case, and it's a difficult feat to pull off.
The task master will give you a scroll to copy. This is non-magical, and any parchment will work. They want [x] copies of this scroll bundled with the logbook. Maybe they give you a name, and you have to buy the source material.
- The main goal is to convert scrolls from junk scrolls (ie: unleash) into useful scrolls, especially for scroll-only spells or frequently used spells.