A book for enchanting tells me a need 1 of a refraction sigil but yet as I craft I'm told that I need another. Then when I get another and try to trace like it tells me too, it won't let me. Instructions for crafting in this game, not just for enchanting, are very, very poor and need be greatly improved. Most the time I had learn through trial and error more than by poor instructions, but with enchanting it made that much more difficult as the sigils don't stay in memory long enough and I have to keep running back in fourth between the sigil store and the brazier. Here is an example below.
You put your book in your tool bag.
>scribe rod with burin
You need another rarefaction primary sigil to continue the enchanting process. You believe you can STUDY the sigil and then TRACE it on the unfinished item to prepare it for continued scribing.
[Sigils can be added to the artifact to continue crafting.]
>get sigl
What were you referring to?
The sigil fades from your memory.
>get sigil
You get an intricate rarefaction sigil-scroll comprised of broad strokes from inside your watersilk bag.
>study sigil
You study the sigil-scroll and commit the design to memory.
Roundtime: 14 sec.
>trace sigil on rod
You trace your hand randomly through the air!
>trace sigil on rod with burin
You trace your hand randomly through the air!
>scribe rod with burin
You need another rarefaction primary sigil to continue the enchanting process. You believe you can STUDY the sigil and then TRACE it on the unfinished item to prepare it for continued scribing.
[Sigils can be added to the artifact to continue crafting.]
>study sigil
You must be holding the sigil-scroll before studying it.
I could not find what you were referring to.
You can always count on Americans to do the right thing, after they've tried everything else. - Winston Churchill