We need more anvils. 02/10/2019 07:58 PM CST
Just ran around to see how crowded things are.
Every single anvil in Shard is being used. All but 1 is being used in Crossing and lava forge. All of them are being used in Haven. 2 are open in Hib.
Can we please get more anvils? It's been taking me close to 10 minutes to find an anvil in shard. I moved from crossing because they're even more crowded, but it looks like they've started coming south.
Re: We need more anvils. 02/10/2019 08:23 PM CST
Have you checked the Leth ones? They are premie and known to be buggy, but they are there.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: We need more anvils. 02/11/2019 03:49 AM CST
That is true, and for the longest time i didn't know the crossing forge has arches that lead to a room with an anvil and forge. Best case, just stick around in the room until the person is done with it (boring i know).
Re: We need more anvils. 02/11/2019 07:59 AM CST
Good luck!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: We need more anvils. 02/11/2019 04:26 PM CST
Insert my standard whine that there is a fully written forge in Shadow Clan that just needs to have Forging2.0 anvils/crucibles dropped into it. See top right side of this map. It's locked now, but used to work in the old forging system. Great out fo the way place and ranger neutral to boot.


~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
Re: We need more anvils. 02/24/2019 12:12 AM CST
I swung by there tonight and will see about getting it updated. Just need to check with the current owner to see what is what.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: We need more anvils. 02/25/2019 07:47 AM CST
>I swung by there tonight and will see about getting it updated. Just need to check with the current owner to see what is what.

Awesome! <3

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim