The crafted ritual foci don't appear to be using up their charges. At least not the one I have created. I don't have the feat that allows the use of the mana-based foci that don't have charges, so I suspect this is a bug. I've used this bead multiple times, likely a lot more than the 23 charges it has. I only thought to check, because I was surprised I hadn't run out of charges on it yet. I've always used invoke to use it, even though the focus says to use rub. Testing shows that neither option uses up a charge, and they appear to only differ with a slight difference in messaging (rubbing it vs. raising it up).
> focus bead
You take the bead in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Ritual Focus enchantment.
The enchantment has great potency and is completely abstract. You sense it was enchanted using a gray fragile fount with a rough surface making it minor grade. The matrix originally supported 23 charges, and has 23 charges remaining.
The focus is attuned to the Elemental Invocations spellbook.
You believe this item can be activated with rub.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
s> prep will
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
You feel intense strain as you try to manipulate the mana streams to form this pattern, and you are not certain that you will have enough mental stamina to complete it.
However, if you utilize a ritual focus: That will disrupt less than a quarter of your current attunement.
You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Will of Winter spell.
s> rub bead
You rub the bead and an orange glow surrounds it.
You make sweeping gestures through the air, gathering mana streams with each swing.
Roundtime: 31 sec.
Learned: Augmentation, Elemental Magic, Attunement
Your bead steadily brightens, until it burns like a vivid and fiery torch!
You direct the flow of power you've conjured up into your spell pattern, taking much of the strain of empowering it off you.
Your bead fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
You gaze about seeking the trace flows of Water within the air.
The mental strain of this pattern is considerably eased by your ritual focus.
Mentally steeling yourself in preparation for the unnatural action, you inhale sharply refilling yourself with the frigid element reinforcing your determination.
You feel fully rested.
s> focus bead
You take the bead in your hands and focus carefully upon it.
You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Ritual Focus enchantment.
The enchantment has great potency and is completely abstract. You sense it was enchanted using a gray fragile fount with a rough surface making it minor grade. The matrix originally supported 23 charges, and has 23 charges remaining.
The focus is attuned to the Elemental Invocations spellbook.
You believe this item can be activated with rub.
Roundtime: 6 seconds.