Not sure if this is a bug but also didn't see a Tinkering folder . . .
Anyway, question is: how exactly does the Tinkering Acumen technique work to "reduce the time each crafting action takes"? I thought it would be through Roundtime reductions but I'm not seeing much of a difference.
For example, if I look at the time taken to make the very first scrape of lumber (each number below represents the Roundtime for that same action after starting a different crossbow project):
Before getting technique: 19 sec, 19 sec, 9 sec, 20 sec, 18 sec, 19 sec
After getting technique: 16 sec, 24 sec, 13 sec, 20 sec, 9 sec, 17 sec, 20 sec, 20 sec
Any clarification would help -- thanks!
Re: Tinkering Acumen
10/20/2018 05:30 PM CDT
Perhaps it reduces the number of times you have to use the commands to craft the product
Like if you had to do something 15 times, it brought it down to 13? Iunno.
"I, for one, think it's nice to have new folks who are excited and already care enough about the game to offer suggestions. We need more of that." -Solomon
Thanks for being in my corner Solomon, come back soon.
Like if you had to do something 15 times, it brought it down to 13? Iunno.
"I, for one, think it's nice to have new folks who are excited and already care enough about the game to offer suggestions. We need more of that." -Solomon
Thanks for being in my corner Solomon, come back soon.
Re: Tinkering Acumen
10/20/2018 05:55 PM CDT
Thanks Syraken -- below is some data I've jotted down on that in case helpful. It's a small dataset, but I would still expect to see a difference. I personally don't see a reduction in individual action times or total project length (all 4 took exactly 17 steps), but certainly welcome other thoughts!
Data represents 4 crossbows -- two made before getting technique and two after. Same types and same woods. Each line is an action -- the number represents the Roundtime for that action.
scrape, 19 sec
carve, 18
carve, 18
tools, 16
carve, 15
carve 16
tools, 11
add mechs
carve 17
adjust 9
clamps 9
pliers 21
tools 13
clamps 13
add string
pliers 10
stain 17
scrape 19
carve 13
tools 13
carve 11
carve 12
carve 15
carve 16
carve 18
tools 11
clamps 18
pliers 11
tools 11
clamps 15
add string
pliers 9
stain 11
scrape 16
carve 21
tools 14
carve 24
tools 8
carve 13
carve 17
add mechs
tools 12
carve 18
clamps 20
pliers 20
tools 20
clamps 21
add string
pliers 19
stain 20
scrape 24
carve 20
tools 18
carve 13
tools 12
carve 21
carve 9
add mechs
carve 21
tools 12
clamps 16
pliers 14
tools 12
clamps 17
add string
pliers 9
stain 19
Data represents 4 crossbows -- two made before getting technique and two after. Same types and same woods. Each line is an action -- the number represents the Roundtime for that action.
scrape, 19 sec
carve, 18
carve, 18
tools, 16
carve, 15
carve 16
tools, 11
add mechs
carve 17
adjust 9
clamps 9
pliers 21
tools 13
clamps 13
add string
pliers 10
stain 17
scrape 19
carve 13
tools 13
carve 11
carve 12
carve 15
carve 16
carve 18
tools 11
clamps 18
pliers 11
tools 11
clamps 15
add string
pliers 9
stain 11
scrape 16
carve 21
tools 14
carve 24
tools 8
carve 13
carve 17
add mechs
tools 12
carve 18
clamps 20
pliers 20
tools 20
clamps 21
add string
pliers 19
stain 20
scrape 24
carve 20
tools 18
carve 13
tools 12
carve 21
carve 9
add mechs
carve 21
tools 12
clamps 16
pliers 14
tools 12
clamps 17
add string
pliers 9
stain 19
Re: Tinkering Acumen
11/16/2018 11:48 AM CST
I don't believe Acumen has anything to do with the steps as much as another boon in your favor for roundtime reduction.
Roundtimes in crafting don't work the same as roundtimes in combat.
While roundtimes in combat are pretty explicit (if you use an X stone weapon with A strength and B agility, your roundtime will be Z unless you are charging/miss/other non-expected result), roundtimes in crafting rely a lot more on probability.
In other words, the better the stats you have connected to a certain type of crafting are, the faster tool you have are, and your knowledge of certain techniques (specifically the acumens) all improve your chances of getting lower roundtimes. They won't guarantee them, but your chances of getting lower roundtimes gets better and better. Given how gear stats/tiers work, I also wouldn't be that surprised if diminishing returns comes into play at some point, too.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Roundtimes in crafting don't work the same as roundtimes in combat.
While roundtimes in combat are pretty explicit (if you use an X stone weapon with A strength and B agility, your roundtime will be Z unless you are charging/miss/other non-expected result), roundtimes in crafting rely a lot more on probability.
In other words, the better the stats you have connected to a certain type of crafting are, the faster tool you have are, and your knowledge of certain techniques (specifically the acumens) all improve your chances of getting lower roundtimes. They won't guarantee them, but your chances of getting lower roundtimes gets better and better. Given how gear stats/tiers work, I also wouldn't be that surprised if diminishing returns comes into play at some point, too.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.