I've had some... interesting mixing going on between app research and research magic.
I'll start with app research ending early. App research STOPS when research magic DECAYS from not using it. (With no message.)
> app focus arcane
You search inward to examine your perception of other mana types, focusing beyond any individual details. Instead you concentrate your efforts toward honing your knowledge of sorcery based on that abstract.
Roundtime: 14 sec.
Active variables:
Filter: game
(reserved) $gamename=DR
(reserved) $gametime=1437452398
The world seems a little less foreboding than it did a moment ago.
You recognize these fading strands of Fate as those that influence your chain armor skill.
You struggle to recall the crafting instructions you last studied as they fade from your mind.
The world seems a bit more foreboding than it did a moment ago.
You recognize these fading strands of Fate as those that influence your utility skill.
You've gained a new rank in your scholastic ability.
As time passes, you forget some of the finer points about your project about Fundamental Research.
*** At this point I wanted to see if it was still on so I checked again...**
> app focus arcane
You search inward to examine your perception of other mana types, focusing beyond any individual details. Instead you concentrate your efforts toward honing your knowledge of sorcery based on that abstract.
Roundtime: 13 sec.
* At this point I was confused and scrolled up. I wasn't sure why it turned off because I had a few messages above, including predictions dropping and reading books. **
* So I decided to spam APP focus to find out when it turned off with no message. **
The world seems a little less foreboding than it did a moment ago.
You recognize these fading strands of Fate as those that influence your plate armor skill.
R> app focus arcane
...wait 1 seconds.
R> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
The world seems a bit more foreboding than it did a moment ago.
You recognize these fading strands of Fate as those that influence your slings skill.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> research status
* Decided to see what my research was at ***
You have completed 32% of a project about Fundamental Research.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
> app focus arcane
You are already focusing your appraisal on a subject.
As time passes, you forget some of the finer points about your project about Fundamental Research.
* I instantly did APP focus after the research decay to confirm that was causing the drops.*********
> app focus arcane
You search inward to examine your perception of other mana types, focusing beyond any individual details. Instead you concentrate your efforts toward honing your knowledge of sorcery based on that abstract.
Roundtime: 12 sec.
** Then I just sat here for awhile.********
You've pored over the possibilities, weighed out the consequences, and dismissed a few flawed techniques. Finally, you think that you've grasped a new approach for the subtleties of sorcery inspired by its abstract. All that's left is to put it into practice.
**This next one is a bug I THINK, not really sure what's going on. But somehow I've turned on multiple Sorcery Appraise focus. After my earlier breakthrough I started reading ***crafting books over and over again. Naturally you can't research during this process but somehow both were active.*
**Also I'm 99% sure I shouldn't be getting multiple breakthrough messages. But its's my second time using the skill so I could be wrong!*
turn my book to page 8
You turn your book to page 8, instructions for crafting a metal igorat axe.
> [book.train]: study my book
study my book
You scan the igorat axe instructions with a glance and quickly realize the design is far beyond your abilities.
You now feel ready to begin the crafting process.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
** Here? What's going on! This was about 5 minutes after the first breakthrough. **
You've pored over the possibilities, weighed out the consequences, and dismissed a few flawed techniques. Finally, you think that you've grasped a new approach for the subtleties of sorcery inspired by its abstract. All that's left is to put it into practice.
R> [book.train]: turn my book to page 9
turn my book to page 9
You turn your book to page 9, instructions for crafting a metal kaskara.
**A few minutes later I did this ....*
app focus check
You are currently researching a project involving sorcery.
You feel like you've made good progress toward your goal. (2/3)
> app focus arcane
You are already under the effects of an appraisal focus.
** I read books for a few minutes then switched to assess *
You slide a pair of copper zills off your finger.
> research fundamental 300
You tentatively reach out and begin manipulating the mana streams, testing their give and the amount of energy coursing through them.
> assess zills
Cradling the copper zills in your hands, you carefully look them over from top to bottom, assessing what damage has been done to them. After a few moments, you realize that ...
You are certain that the copper zills are crafted from copper, or a copper alloy.
You are certain that the copper zills are of good quality.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
**I'm basically skipping all the spam here...*
**So I know that research is working... *
IR> Noting that your research is progressing nicely, you continue to focus on it.
** A few minutes later. **
Noting that your research is progressing nicely, you continue to focus on it.
You've pored over the possibilities, weighed out the consequences, and dismissed a few flawed techniques. Finally, you think that you've grasped a new approach for the subtleties of sorcery inspired by its abstract. All that's left is to put it into practice.
** Note I got the appraisal success followed immediately by this research message.*
Noting that your research is progressing nicely, you continue to focus on it.
** A few minutes later .... **
You make definite progress in your project about Fundamental Research and decide to take a break. However, there is still more to learn before you arrive at a breakthrough.
* And a few minutes later .... **
> research fundamental 300
You tentatively reach out and begin manipulating the mana streams, testing their give and the amount of energy coursing through them.
> app focus arcane
You are already working on a different research project.
> app focus check
You have completed research awarding you a bonus to the rate you absorb your sorcery training.
This bonus won't last much longer. (4/5)