Alchemy Script broke overnight 06/28/2019 06:21 AM CDT
If this is not the place to post this, I apologize. I can't find any place on these boards to ask this question. If you are a Moderator, please feel free to either move it to the appropriate folder, or delete it if these boards are not the proper place to ask this question.

Last night I was using the Alchemy Script, found on

The only thing different between that script and mine is that I deleted the part where you put your %6 back in in your %7. The script worked fine last night. This morning I am getting an error right at the very start of the script,

Script error[goto label (mixtype) not found.] near line 107
[script aborted]

# Select tool to use (mortar/pestle) or (bowl/stick)
goto mixtype%1 <
Line 107

This calls up the the variables:
#remedy - alchemy remedies
# usage .remedy <RemsType> <RemsItem> <RemsHerb1> <RemsHerb2> <RemsMaterial>
# <RemsCatalyst> <toolcontainer> <bookcontainer>

where Variable %1 is whether the mixture is a Solid or Liquid, and then pushes the script to the appropriate mixtype, in this case mixtype1:

The script for whatever reason no longer finds mixtype1: in the script, even though you can scroll down and see it right there. I deleted the entire script, re copied and pasted from my master copy, didn't work. I went back to the above listed website, copied it directly from there and pasted it into the script, still doesn't work. Any ideas?

Thank you.
Re: Alchemy Script broke overnight 06/28/2019 06:37 AM CDT

Works for me but when I copy from (no period) goto mixtype%1 is line 52, not 107.

What are you putting for your commandline variables?
Re: Alchemy Script broke overnight 06/28/2019 06:41 AM CDT
.CoreAlchemyRemedy 1 ointment flower plovik alcohol nugget backpack backpack

The first 105 lines are movement and purchases.
Re: Alchemy Script broke overnight 06/28/2019 08:28 AM CDT

Did you put any shifts in?
Re: Alchemy Script broke overnight 07/28/2019 11:37 PM CDT

Ok if this is what you put for an ointment you have a problem:

<<.CoreAlchemyRemedy 1 ointment flower plovik alcohol nugget backpack backpack>>

First it should be .CoreAlchemyRemedy 1 ointment <RemsHerb1> <RemsHerb2> <RemsMaterial> <RemsCatalyst> <toolcontainer> <bookcontainer>

Ok I assume you are making moisturizing ointment? From chapter 2 of the remedy book. So would require dried red flowers (25 or 5 count) and dried plovik (1 count).

2 moisturizing ointment Apprentice Remedies Book 02 - very easy red flowers/plovik leaves Wound Remedy Basics 5 (minor external body healing), (external chest wounds), alcohol, catalyst

So Now To correct this I would change it as follow:

.CoreAlchemyRemedy 1 ointment flowers plovik alcohol nugget backpack backpack

I found early using flower does not always work right if you got anything called a flower in your container it will get that rather than the flowers. So I used flowers. Second part if you have both dried red flowers and crushed blue flowers you need to make sure the red ones are on the top, tap flowers in my backpack will confirm which is on top. It will mess up if it tried to use crushed blue flowers instead of the dried red flowers. I will try this one myself tonight and let ya know what I got. But right now I would change flower to flowers and retry it.

Ranger Pfanston and his soggy pup.
Re: Alchemy Script broke overnight 07/30/2019 06:28 AM CDT

Ok ran the script that is on the site and did not have a problem with it used the following:

.remedy 1 ointment flowers plovik alcohol nugget bag pack

Ran completely through.