From the desk of Admiral Komiro Chelochi
Dear esteemed members of the Zoluren Council, and to my father Chairman Myerin Chelochi,
I write to you today to humbly request a series of naval reforms after observing notable new tactics in the battle of the Reshal Sea that leave our existing training regimen lacking and leaving our fleet unprepared and vulnerable. With your assistance and approval, I intend to rectify these matters with updated training, armament, and organizational structure to ensure our readiness for future conflicts both with pirates and with enemies domestic and abroad.
Our sailors served admirably in the conflict, but would have been outmatched by the pirates had Reshalia not adopted the same tactics utilized by the Red Sash, Shark Clan, and of the pirate Srinoja herself. The tactical disadvantage was threefold: in maneuvering, in armament, and in force projection and intelligence. Notably, the Reshalians, and the pirates, have integrated magic into their force in an extent that we have not.
The ships present in the battle had an enhanced maneuvering capability and speed I have not seen in ships of that size, crewed by elementalists trained in shaping the winds and the waves to their advantage. Maneuvers that would typically require hours were made with precision and speed, and the elementalists were able to maintain favorable winds for all ships regardless of prevailing winds in the area.
The primary effective armament utilized in the battle did not appear to be mangonels. Though they were of the typical effect, I observed elementalists utilizing lightning to strike and disable vessels in a much more precise manner. If we were to increase utilization of elemental magics in battle, we would both be able to more precisely disable enemy vessels, and also have the capability of fielding much lighter vessels not weighed down by such heavy ammunition.
By utilizing an airship, aerial scouts, and familiars, I observed both Reshalians and the assembled pirates have a distinct projection of battlefield control well beyond the range of our mangonels and spyglasses, with ships able to react to broadsides well prior to our own reactionary capability. Combined with enhanced armament, magic was able to be deployed to influence waves, winds, and to deploy armament directly above enemy ships.
To rectify these deficits, I would like to propose a three-fold approach:
I would humbly request to establish a Naval Academy at my estate east of Stone Clan, conducting studies and training drills and preparing our sailors for the utilization of these tactics.
I would further request a formal adoption of elementalism within our ranks, whether it be a minimum of one such elementalist per post or one trained in the use of magic devices to similar effect.
Additionally, I request that we consider a trial of lightening the armament of my fleet as a trial by carrying a full twenty percent less mangonel ammunition in the hold of each ship and instead utilizing conjured ammunition provided by elementalists.
Of secondary but a no less important note, I would like to commend the marines and adventurers present on the Reshalian ships. The adventurers' use of unconventional tactics and magic combined with the marines' expertise in boarding and landing actions were of significant influence in the outcomes of both the naval battle and the landing on Basalt Isle. To that end, I would request that we consider establishing a formal regiment of such boarding and landing specialists to deftly defend our ships against pirates. To that end, I have personally arranged for House Redthorne to train half my personal house guard, at my own expense, on such maneuvers, with the possibility that they can establish a training regimen for such specialists should you heed my request. Stremblin Redthorne has been quite accommodating in this matter, and I hope to have a full report on the effectiveness of this training within the year.
Thank you for your consideration,
Komiro Chelochi