Notices are tacked up in all the usual public places.
The Anduwen Watch announces that it has called upon Mother Whiteburn, Chosen of Drogor, to beseech Hodierna in the face of a dire artifact: a robe of unknown origin that was recently most violently possessed by a female vessel in the thrall of Maelshyve's influence, and other Demonic forces. This robe has resisted destruction by Fire, and now it must be subject to the Will of the Almighty Gods.
Join us at Hodierna's altar in the High Holy Temple of River Crossing. Many will be needed to call upon the goddess and assure Her of our attention and devotion. Bring offerings pleasing to Her, such as beads and other such items bearing Her favored avatar, the unicorn. Be prepared to speak to Her from your heart, to pray, and to witness Her power to unravel this most Unholy item.
Date: Thursday, Dec. 6th, 8PM EST
Location: Crossing Temple, altar to Hodierna -- or wait at the gate if you don't know the way in
Re: The Demonic Robe: A Ritual Cleansing
12/06/2018 12:08 PM CST
Just a reminder for everyone that this is happening tonight.
Re: The Demonic Robe: A Ritual Cleansing
12/06/2018 02:55 PM CST
Where can we get unicorn beads or other Hodierna offerings?
Re: The Demonic Robe: A Ritual Cleansing
12/06/2018 03:36 PM CST
>>Where can we get unicorn beads or other Hodierna offerings?
If you mean basic favor offerings, you can buy Unicorn primers from the Shaman in Dirge, otherwise a Cleric can craft the beads. Perhaps we can provide some.
If you mean basic favor offerings, you can buy Unicorn primers from the Shaman in Dirge, otherwise a Cleric can craft the beads. Perhaps we can provide some.