A crescent moon voucher reads:
"This voucher entitles the holder to one alteration by the hand of Craftswoman Jhadol. Cost to be determined at time of the services. Jhadol prefers to work on clothing, footwear and containers but can sometimes be persuaded to try her hand at jewelry. To redeem this voucher present it to Jhadol in person the next you see her!"
Does she still make rounds by chance? If so any idea how I would go about contacting her?
Re: Jhadol Voucher -
11/09/2010 08:03 PM CST
But that doesn't mean another merchant might not accept the voucher.
Hang on to it.
Be our Facebook Pal!
Hang on to it.
Be our Facebook Pal!
Re: Jhadol Voucher -
11/09/2010 08:05 PM CST
<<Does she still make rounds by chance? If so any idea how I would go about contacting her?
There's an alterer that does tickets for alterers that no longer exist. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, however... Tracking them down might be your best bet.
"RAGE + TEAR + EYE + RESO + HARM + DRUM + MISD + PRIDE + Your choice of Cyclic + AoE stun/knockdown as needed without losing buffs = OMG! I just crapped my pants!" -Evran
There's an alterer that does tickets for alterers that no longer exist. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, however... Tracking them down might be your best bet.
"RAGE + TEAR + EYE + RESO + HARM + DRUM + MISD + PRIDE + Your choice of Cyclic + AoE stun/knockdown as needed without losing buffs = OMG! I just crapped my pants!" -Evran
Re: Jhadol Voucher -
11/09/2010 08:28 PM CST
There was an alterer who did old vouchers of that sort at the recent festival, don't know how often those alterers show up.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.