Madigan Journal (11-29=20) 11/29/2020 12:51 PM CST
"A Paladin is Holy.

He seeks to do that which pleases his god in all manners of the Code, and knows that the purity of his soul has a profound impact on the abilities the gods bless him with."

I have spent the last many years studying Emille The Fist's Tomb in Forfedhar. My Journal has sorely missed me and I am inspired to return to civilization to write again. I did not solve the mystery of Emille but the solitude drew me closer to Chadatru and forged a stronger bond between myself and the Code.

I was very pleased to hear about two of my former squires upon my return. Sir Hebion excels and does well. He still honors the Code and I was able to participate in a Squire Ceremony, much to my pleasure. Although, I know not how Hebion will teach the Code from Shard without a moat nearby. I was also pleased that Sir Kenamer still serves the Code and still holds the soulstone of Sir Storym. The story of how he earned that soulstone is one that should be shared again.

I met Stelling, a bard of Theren upon my return. I asked Stelling if he would help me to sponsor a performance in Therenborough and he agreed. Theren bards have a long and wonderful history of fine performances in Theren. Not to mention some of my greatest friends and foes are/were bards (Leilond and Nystarn respectively).

Although I will write more about this in the future, I was so very pleased to see many old and wonderful friends such as Traim, Mazrian, Karthor, Liurilias, Aaiyaah, Baelor, Adakin and so many more.

Maybe I am young enough to still serve Theren.

Re: Madigan Journal (11-29-20) 11/29/2020 03:18 PM CST
Damn good to see these journal entries pick again!

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
Re: Madigan Journal (11-29-20) 11/30/2020 10:07 AM CST
Welcome back, my friend!

The last time I was in Therengia, it was to attend to an errand for Truffenyi. I believe I will try to make my way back up again.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy