My King, I write again as your loyal and obedient servant concerning the affairs outside of the desert.
Your Majesty, it appears that the half-breed Viggu, who has long been a thorn in Therengaria's side, has now expanded his operations. His raids and kidnappings have now seemed to extend to as far as Ilithi. Those attacks against Ilithi are not as important as the rumor of the means to those attacks. Word from all is that Viggu, through his friendship with the Slaver Jubair, as acquired a moon mage to accomplish these logistical feats. However, no one I have spoken with knows their identity or is willing to give that information up. I have been asked to inquire if you or your servants in the desert know who this mage may be.
Great King, on another matter, you may or may not receive word from your friends in Therengaria concerning their displeasure over their perception of my actions. I am hesitant to detail this in a letter as, if intercepted, may compromise my efforts. If you wish an accounting of my actions and to pass judgment on them I will make myself available to speak with you or any of your servants on this at your leisure. My actions were done with the intent of taking all possible means to assess and understand the threats to your interests outside the desert. I have no guilt weighing on my mind over this as I will treat with friend or foe, as I have in the past, as needed in service.
As this may upset your allies, until guidance is given, I will submit to their laws to the extent that I am their guest, prevail not to offer any other offense and work harder not to lead them to feel that their hospitality has been misplaced.
My King, I will await your guidance and judgement on both matters and continue to work for your greater glory and honor.
Your faithful servant,