*Wiseman Jappal sits in a lovely garden by a fountain under a warm summer sun. As he sits there quietly pondering Fate, a young man steps into the garden. Jappal opens his eyes and acknowledges the man, after a few brief moments of introductions, the man begins to tell Jappal about the recent activities of Naarg, by the town of Crossings. Jappal knows of Naarg and the past relationship that Naarg had with his Father King, during the retaking of the Stolen Homeland. After the man is done explaining the situation, he asks if the Outcasts could help in any way. Jappal tells the man that he will write a letter to his King, telling him of Naarg and asking for some guidance. Jappal informs the man that he makes no promise of action in the matter, but just a consideration. The man, apparently satisfied with the answer turns and leaves the garden to Jappal once again. Jappal pulls a piece of parchment from his pack, and quill, and begins to write to his King. Putting the information needed into the message, he rereads it to make sure, and then seals it. Jappal makes a quick gesture with his hand and a previously hidden messenger appears and takes the sealed letter. He bows to Jappal and disappears heading towards the Velaka Desert. After a few moments Jappal begins to think on the Naarg matter, and the possible steps to take to help end the situation. He closes his eyes, and once again, looks into Fate.*
Vorclaf asks Raenilar, "Are you waiting for an invitation to be seated, or do you wish to conquer it first?"
Raenilar says, "It appears to present more of a threat than you do, Prince Vorclaf, and therefore I give it more consideration first."