Albredine Rings 10/01/2009 09:45 PM CDT
[Veralika] "Shade and Water Rafeki!"
[Craetos] "hi momma!"
[Felicini] "Hi Sis! and Rafeki!"
[Veralika] "baby!"
[Rafeki] "Heya, Felicini"
[Veralika] "hiye sis!"
[Retta] "hiya Feli and Rafeki"
[Veralika] "Toes where you?"
[Rafeki] "Heya, Retta"
[Felicini] "Hi Retta and Craetos and Amaci!"
[Craetos] "in gryphons mom"
[Ertan] "albredine rings, use them. please."
[Amaci] "hi everyone"
[Veralika] "baby girl!"
[Amaci] "hi mom ..feli...craetos ...rafeki"
[Veralika] "Toes?"
[Veralika] "i go see yas"
[Craetos] "yes mom I'm headed to the Keep"
[Veralika] "Ok hun"
[Purnay] "awww how cute"
[Veralika] "shud up ranga"
[Felicini] "Purney be nice to my Sister"
[Purnay] "me nice? you're funny"

I thought I bought you all a backpack full of albredine rings to avoid these types of hello-a-thons.
Re: Albredine Rings 10/01/2009 09:49 PM CDT
That log made me want to punch a baby.

- Paragon Korsik Rippentropp, Most Noble Paladine

Crusader against the Innocent
Defender of All That is Wrong

Trinean says, "He's tougher than Dametri."
Re: Albredine Rings 10/01/2009 10:36 PM CDT
I smashed one but since the changes to smashers I can't take them all myself anymore


I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Re: Albredine Rings 10/01/2009 10:38 PM CDT
>> I smashed one but since the changes to smashers I can't take them all myself anymore

IM me next time if I'm ATK.

Rev. Reene

"Shard by shard she rearranges the world.
It looks the same, she says, but it is not.
It looks as they expect, but it is not."
Re: Albredine Rings 10/01/2009 10:42 PM CDT
oh and you missed the best part of the convo

[18:40] Veralika thinks, "Jalika!"
[18:40] Jalika thinks, "Hey mom"
[18:41] Veralika thinks, "how are you love?"
[18:41] Felicini thinks, "Hi Jalika!"
[18:41] Jalika thinks, "I'm good, you?"
[18:41] Veralika thinks, "wonderful!"
[18:42] Amaci thinks, "heyas sis"
[18:42] Andorell thinks, "Hiya great aunt twice removed!"
[18:42] Retta thinks, "Greetings Vera-mum-in law-wonderful person and um all the rest of her relations as well"
[18:42] Veralika thinks, "hiye retta!"
[18:43] Fyrelace thinks, "hello snugglekins Andiboo!"
[18:43] Elanterar thinks, "hello mushy mushy world"
[18:44] Veralika thinks, "Elan!"
[18:44] Elanterar thinks, "hiya!"
[18:44] Felicini thinks, "Hi Candie Andie and Cute Fyrelacey!"
[18:44] Elanterar thinks, "I know amazing I am alive"
[18:44] Veralika thinks, "how the wife "
[18:44] Andorell thinks, "Fetta Cheesy!"
[18:45] Fyrelace thinks, "Hello Feli!"
[18:45] Veralika thinks, "i so happy to hear !"
[18:52] Purnay thinks, "i'm so happy i don't have all these relations"

I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Re: Albredine Rings ::Thread Over:: 10/01/2009 11:16 PM CDT

If you would like to continue take it over to conflicts, please.

Senior Board Monitor

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