A note addressed to Viceroy Koromas 07/23/2009 10:02 PM CDT
Viceroy Koromas,

True to my words and promise, I traveled to Ilithi unarmed and peacefully. Things were peaceful enough til those around me joined Lord General Leucius. At that point Issus jumped from hiding and rendered me unconscious and Jairem opened a moongate to a deserted village in Forisaad. Issus then drug me through.

Wiseman Jappal retrieved me, and at his urging I returned to Therengia. Was my intent to return where I felt compelled to be. He took me to Urrem'tier's altar in River Haven, and there I prayed, alone, with the Wiseman at my side.

I thank you for having faith in my abilities to be the proud Outcast I am.

Hopefully Urrem'tier will still heed the prayers of those at the vigil. The blame will not fall on me if He does not.

Scribe and Lawkeeper Valelaer Bladestorm