re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:17 PM CDT
Couple questions,

This is a permanent game, right? From here on out, we'll always be able to participate at any time?

How does the roster work if you're logged out or if you have a target (or are a target) and need to log out for awhile? Will the system automatically boot us from the roster if we're logged out X amount of time, so we don't waste other assassins time if we are their target? And vice versa, what if our target is logged out and isn't coming back any time soon?

//Edwardu Underlove(d), Halfling Bard//
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:20 PM CDT
Cool release. Thanks for putting this together GMs.

re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:23 PM CDT
Thanks for the release. It would be cool if we could request a difficult target in relation to our skills for more money and perhaps good titles if those came out.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:25 PM CDT
>Preference is now weighted towards online targets.

Thank you for that quick adjustment! Now if only I could retarget..

Only played one round so far, but I like this game so far. Thank you and Lyneya for allowing empaths to take part.

I also see potential for some hilarious situations arising from it. Imagine this.. Excuse me Mr Empath. Could I trouble you for some healing? Thank you. Here's your tip <shoot empath>.

Hitmen are tricky and underhanded. Let the slaying continue!

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:27 PM CDT
>>Preference is now weighted towards online targets.

Yea, no kidding. I've no clue when my target will be back online. :(
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:34 PM CDT
>>This is a permanent game, right? From here on out, we'll always be able to participate at any time?

>>w does the roster work if you're logged out

The roster is static. If you log out, you can still get targeted. Another assassin can cancel their contract to kill you after a certain amount of time (right now it's 4 days, but I may drop that to a couple hours in the interest of fun), and I'll probably scrub you out of the assassins system if you don't log in within 30 days. You're also not a valid target if you haven't logged in in 10 days I think.

>>It would be cool if we could request a difficult target in relation to our skills for more money

Yeah, I thought about that. Maybe later.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:36 PM CDT
Would it be possible to split ASSASSIN LIST into four columns, like STAT FULL? Or maybe even five columns?

It's not a big deal now, but I can imagine with 500+ people in the list those are going to be two looooong columns.

This idea may have worked in another time and another place, but here it immediately fell on its face and went "Durp durp." - Armifer
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:37 PM CDT
Just my opinion, but those seem to be really long time constraints. I think it would be much better if it were all dropped down into lengths of hours. Something like this seems like it would function best as fast paced. High turnover is fine.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:39 PM CDT
I remember the original suggestion and thought it a nifty idea then. Thanks for taking the time to put this together!
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:40 PM CDT
I'm all for lowering the down time. Right now I'm locked on an offline target that I got before the online priority change.

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:41 PM CDT
Right when I joined Assassin I got an offline target. Can there be some sort of fix or system where I can pick a new target if my current one is offline?

Not very fun being hunted but not having anything to hunt!
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:44 PM CDT
I've dropped the 'abandon' timer to be a matter of hours instead of days. Additionally, you can ASSASSIN REQUEST ONLINE to ONLY search for online targets.

I've bumped the list to be 5 columns instead of 2.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:47 PM CDT
>Preference is now weighted towards online targets


>Another assassin can cancel their contract to kill you after a certain amount of time (right now it's 4 days, but I may drop that to a couple hours in the interest of fun)

This please, my contract hasn't been IG at all it seems....


"Under the sword lifted high, there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, and you have the land of bliss."

~Miyamoto Musashi
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:48 PM CDT
assassin request online
You will need to wait about a day fro before you can acquire another target.


re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:49 PM CDT
Kudos to you sir. You're getting things adjusted or fixed almost as fast as we post it! Whatever you're on.. its working. :-)

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:50 PM CDT
What about the possibility of having multiple contracts and like hat trick $ bonuses for getting 3 in an hour?
Or the possibility of having multiple assassins targeting you and they have to race to kill you first. With some **'d message telling them they failed.
Maybe a bit much... Possibly as an advanced assassins setting. Might help frustration of your target having different hours or just being unlocatable for whatever reason.


You can't sell the spectacular view, so why bother to appraise it?
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:56 PM CDT
Hehe, this is so fun. Thanks guys!
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 04:58 PM CDT
Yeah, great stuff!

I know it's nothing to brag about but can we also get the number of times we were assassinated on the status?
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:00 PM CDT
Can we possibly see a slight increase in reward per kill? Or does it already scale the more kills you land? Just asking because one of the targets I've nailed so far (one that was in town) gave less payout than my fine. Not necessary by any means for this to be fun but it'd be sweet. :D
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:03 PM CDT
Any chance on the list being alphabetized instead of chronological? I know it sounds like a ridiculous request, but I think it would help in searching for the people you think could possibly have a target on you.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:10 PM CDT
>>I know it's nothing to brag about but can we also get the number of times we were assassinated on the status?

Not at this time.

>>Can we possibly see a slight increase in reward per kill?

Nope, the kill rewards are honestly not supposed to be that great, but a nice bit of something else you can get alongside the fun from killing people.

You don't HAVE to kill people in town, you know.

>>Any chance on the list being alphabetized instead of chronological?

Nope, not at this time, sorry.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:15 PM CDT
typo... "an hour f"

Your target is too fresh. You must wait about an hour f before you can abandon your target.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his lack thereof.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:25 PM CDT
Any chance on losing the timer to get a new target after abandoning one? Two in a row for me not logged in and abandoned both, stuck here waiting now. :(
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:27 PM CDT
<<When you get a kill, your contract is complete, and you'll be able to claim the bounty from a game representative in-game.

Will Necro's be able to collect bounties ?
Is collecting an in town/shop like action?

"Don't try and blame me for your sins, for the sun has burned me black" Your hollow lives , this world in which we live , I've hurled it back."
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:30 PM CDT
Fixed the typo and removed the 'post abandon' timer, for now.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:31 PM CDT
>>Will Necro's be able to collect bounties ?

Ultimately yes. Not from the current bounty collector, though, unless you want to venture into town.

Also if somebody discovers who it is, I'd appreciate if you'd only post 'I know where to get the bounties' rather than the actual person to ask, at least for today.


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 05:34 PM CDT
> assassin request online

You will need to wait a while before you can acquire another target.

I abandoned before you removed the timer and it looks like it's sticking.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:02 PM CDT
well figured I'd give this a try, sounded fun.....within 30 minutes of joining....was sniped while hunting.....good idea that needs more work and rules....cause the "matches" are quite obviously not even matched....if ya can one shot kill someone that can't see you aren't even matched....and as far as doing while someone is hiding....just poor form
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:06 PM CDT
I had an interesting bout with my assassin.

>watch XXXX
You feel too distracted to be on the lookout for somebody again right now.

Now I tried using the investigate verb a little bit before I was attacked, but I hadn't tried to WATCH anyone else.

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:07 PM CDT
>>well figured I'd give this a try, sounded fun.....within 30 minutes of joining....was sniped while hunting.....good idea that needs more work and rules....cause the "matches" are quite obviously not even matched....if ya can one shot kill someone that can't see you aren't even matched....and as far as doing while someone is hiding....just poor form

I don't think this game is for you.

I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:12 PM CDT
"well figured I'd give this a try, sounded fun.....within 30 minutes of joining....was sniped while hunting.....good idea that needs more work and rules....cause the "matches" are quite obviously not even matched....if ya can one shot kill someone that can't see you aren't even matched....and as far as doing while someone is hiding....just poor form "

I don't know what DR you've been playing, but one shot kills in PvP are pretty much the standard with someone you're evenly matched to.

Also, you joined a game where you agree to be someones hunter and someones quarry and then...go hunting? That's like joining a tourney and then starting up your origami script. you have no one to blame but you.


"We, the disenfranchised men and women of Elanthia do, by the publishing of this accord, cast off the oppressive yoke of all law and nations and choose for ourselves a path of loyalty unto ourselves"
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:13 PM CDT
My two battles seemed fairly evenly matched. If I'd had other means of fighting back other than avenger who knows who would have won! Sniping gives a large bonus to the attack so yeah 1 shots can happen. Getting killed while hunting does suck, but the name of the game IS Assasins which can mean anytime and anywhere. I got sniped too, but I still had fun.

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:14 PM CDT
Could it be set so that if you Abandon a target, you don't get that target right back when you request a new one? My guy logged 5 minutes after I got him and I now have him again.


"We, the disenfranchised men and women of Elanthia do, by the publishing of this accord, cast off the oppressive yoke of all law and nations and choose for ourselves a path of loyalty unto ourselves"
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:22 PM CDT
When I was killed it didn't show I was assassinated.

Grixlek says, "Courage is dangerous, it leads to attempts at heroics..."
Vegas asks, "What like dating?"
Grixlek says, "Nothing that dangerous I believe, but still crazy stuff."
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:24 PM CDT
First one got me was MM 30+ circles above me. LOL. Leads me to believe stats and/or circle are not in the calcs, only combat skills.

So then I get anxious to hand out some pain. Heh. I got a dude parked in a unlocatable room. Abandoned after waiting out the hour... requested again and got the same guy and now I have to wait another hour.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his lack thereof.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:24 PM CDT
>assassin abandon
You have abandoned xxxxxx as your target.
>assassin request
xxxxx is your new target. Happy hunting!

Giving this a timer would be a nice thing. Yes, that was the same person twice.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:28 PM CDT
>>well figured I'd give this a try, sounded fun.....within 30 minutes of joining....was sniped while hunting.....good idea that needs more work and rules....cause the "matches" are quite obviously not even matched....if ya can one shot kill someone that can't see you aren't even matched....and as far as doing while someone is hiding....just poor form

You are notorious for having horrible perception in relation to your combats, and the person who sniped you would get wrecked if he tried to hunt malchata (the hunting ground in which you were sniped).
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:30 PM CDT
Craxor I was assigned you as a target. From your circle and posting you have approx 100+ more in every combat than I do.
Perhaps you should balance out your skills as far as the stealths are concerned.

Also it is just a signed up. If you want to not be a target while hunting either ASSASSINS STATUS and make sure you aren't a target, or leave the game till you are ready.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:33 PM CDT
>>First one got me was MM 30+ circles above me. LOL. Leads me to believe stats and/or circle are not in the calcs, only combat skills.

It would also be nice if circle were taken into account. The moon mage hunting me is about 50+ circles above me, and I'm not especially low circle. I highly doubt I have any chance at all. Seems like "non combat" guilds get too much of a handicap.
re: Assassins! 07/23/2010 06:35 PM CDT
"hunting" as in hasn't taken you down? What makes you think you can't get them?

A lot of moon mages are 100+ with the combats of a 30-40 barb...

And this is going to end up tweaked I'm sure.