mini event 08/19/2018 07:54 PM CDT
I have been playing DR for 20 rl years and been involved with most events. You got to love when a meticulously planned event comes along to benefit the masses, but lets not forget the little things that really make DR a special place. An example would be when long ago a black unicorn showed up and wandered around the Crossing simply browsing at peace. It grew quite a crowd by adventurers wanting to pet it and ponder it's existence. In time someone fired several arrows into it and it dyed only to fade away, leaving nothing in it's wake.

My point is... that not all events need to be explained or well planned. If a simple creation such as a flydragon that is a flying reptile as small as a bug could be dropped into Elanthia someplace and watch as it acts like a wisp and the fun begins. Often it's the lack of work that lets the players make the history.

In this same grain, changing up the looks of any given area would also raise attention, or a temporary thing like a fairy ring of mushrooms.

Just thoughts ,X