(Started logging late, missed the hi's and general chit chat. Derrien arrived on Ratha looking to meet with the council in regards to troubles on the Reshal lately, and was gated to the palace (thanks Skaen) to await their arrival)
Derrien says, "Seeing as I have some time... Just what HAVE they been saying around here lately? Other than their incessant internal squabbles, of course."
Atazai says, "More of a poet than a scribe."
You ponder.
Ephic says to Yanbelev, "Hmm I have no flowers on me, but do have plenty of incense."
Yanbelev smiles at Pfanston.
You say, "Well, it's been some time."
Pfanston grins.
Atazai shakes Pfanston's hand.
Yanbelev grins at Ephic.
Pfanston nods.
You say, "But there were a few sailors who washed ashore about a year back."
Arandrowse says, "Well I've been hearing rumors."
Brennarose softly says, "I have never been here."
Atazai squints at you.
You say, "Babbling about giant flotillas of green men."
Arandrowse says, "The rumors are traveling all the way to the City of Crossing, Zoluren."
Derrien nods.
Ephic asks you, "Before or after they were drunk?"
Atazai asks, "Green....men. Not men with green sashes?"
Brennarose softly asks, "And outta the brothel?"
Yanbelev says, "The council's lookin at the potential of allowin for a place to donate to the commonwealth, for lesser fortunate an ill equiped commoners to have better gear, should they need be part of a defense."
Whiteburn frowns.
You say, "Secondhand information of course, but aye.. green men."
Atazai says, "Hu...men."
Atazai ponders.
Derrien says, "The flotilla is real, though we're not sure how it fits in with the rest."
Arandrowse says, "Of course there is the whole deal with Zoluren owing Ratha banks money for the loan they took out ages ago for their Grand Temple."
Yanbelev says, "Also, the idea of a triage point, with the idea of havin a tent set up somewhere fairly convenient to the docks, on the first tier."
Arandrowse says, "That may be a separate issue."
You say, "And at the behest of some of us guilded, aye as Yanbelev said, due to forced conscription amongst the commmon citizenry to answer any threats that may arise, some of us have been busy at the forges."
Pfanston says, "If those dam tinkerers had gotten their act together we might have a fleet of mounted catapults to help with."
Rileos quietly says to Whiteburn, "You know boat talk? You're gonna have to translate the boat talk."
Yanbelev nods to you.
The tip of Whiteburn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
Yanbelev says to you, "I've a sack for yer, somewhere."
Derrien nods.
Arandrowse asks Pfanston, "Maybe you made a fleet worth of bows instead?"
You say, "Also, there's a new Baron in power on Hara, but he's not been seen in public, so I've yet to be able to confirm."
Whiteburn quietly says to Rileos, "Worry not, I shall explain."
Derrien says, "At least they seem to be taking something about it seriously, then."
Atazai chuckles.
Derrien nods to you.
Yanbelev nods to Derrien.
Derrien says, "That much is without a doubt."
Rileos gives Whiteburn a slight nod.
You say, "I believe the conscription was in answer to the.. Godly doings some time back, but it will still be convenient should this flotilla come calling."
Whiteburn twitches.
You ask, "How fares Surlaenis? Anything of interest?"
Derrien says, "My ships have spotted The Bitter Tart in waters to the south of Surlaenis."
Yanbelev asks, "Do the red sash attack the Lybadel on its regular routes, these days?"
You ponder.
You say, "Not a vessel I'm familiar with."
Derrien says, "And there's talk from Mer'Kresh of the Black Star, as well."
Ephic says to you, "I licked one of the cloud stones the other day, nothing else of interest."
Pfanston says, "Heh."
Atazai says, "The tart is the fruity one."
Arandrowse asks Derrien, "Does the Bitter Tart have anything to do with Olvi?"
You ask, "The Black Star?"
You arch your eyebrow.
Derrien says, "Last I faced them, Yhur was captain of the Bitter Tart."
Derrien nods to you.
Atazai nods at Derrien, obviously agreeing with his views.
Derrien says, "Aye. Aedem's ship."
You say, "Aedem can't be back around."
You say, "I wonder if there's a new captain."
Derrien says, "Whoever it is, it's been decades since either of those ships have been spotted, and I'm none too fond of it."
Yanbelev nods at Derrien, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say, "Of course, it only takes an empath, and I've seen him sustain wounds to require one. It might be him, this could get interesting."
You frown.
You say, "Not in a good way."
Derrien nods to you.
Atazai gets a hard-boiled egg sandwich coiled with bacon from inside her waterproof bag.
Atazai takes a bite of the sandwich.
Brennarose leans on Ephic.
Atazai puts her sandwich in her waterproof bag.
You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.
[Sshoi-sson Palace, Concourse]
A sweeping carriage drive runs up to the very base of a magnificent stairway carved of white stone. Day and night, grooms stand ready to assist the nobility in alighting and caring for their horses, while sullen guards stand ready to deal with anyone who causes problems.
You also see a sickly Kaernan peccary.
Also here: Pfanston, Skaen, Force of Nature Etherian, Paladin Rileos who is shining with a dark golden glow, Garden Seeker Toba, Brennarose who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Ranger Arandrowse, War Witch Heartsfyre, Regulator Ephic who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Visionist Miskton, Atazai, Maelstrom Yanbelev who has a stony visage, Sea Priestess Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura and Admiral Derrien.
Obvious paths: south.
Atazai gets a highly adjustable stargazer's sling chair from inside a simple sack depicting a flying blue dragon amid a sea of stars.
With a minimum of effort, Atazai unfolds her chair.
Derrien says, "I don't know what's crawled up this new Baron's craw, but I'm not fond of it."
Atazai drops a highly adjustable stargazer's sling chair.
Atazai sits down on the sling chair.
Atazai leans back in her sling chair and stretches her legs out in front of her with a cracking of joints.
Atazai gets a hard-boiled egg sandwich coiled with bacon from inside her waterproof bag.
Brennarose grins at Derrien, her dimples flashing into view.
Whiteburn asks Derrien, "You have not personally seen the Black Star as of late, have you?"
Derrien folds his arms across his chest.
Derrien shakes his head at Whiteburn.
Atazai takes a bite of the sandwich.
Pfanston nods.
Derrien says, "Neither I nor my men have laid eyes on it directly. It's just hearsay from contacts in Mer'Kresh."
Derrien says, "But I trust them to know their business when it comes to such things."
Atazai takes a bite of the sandwich.
Yanbelev nods.
You say, "Anyone seen a guard about? We should send for some of the Nine to attend our good Admiral here."
You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.
Atazai nods.
Arandrowse asks, "And as far as Pirate activity, has it been more harsh of late?"
Skaen climbed up a sweeping alabaster stairway.
Skaen climbed down a sweeping alabaster stairway.
Pfanston says, "Time to get the zoluren fleet in action if the pirates been at it again."
Atazai asks, "What about Irasushen? Anyone watching?"
You shake your head.
Atazai takes a bite of the sandwich.
Derrien says, "As far as this matter of the flotilla goes, I have every reason to believe we're dealing with goblins. It explains the green, and it explains the black sails from the reports."
You nod in agreement.
Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.
Rileos blinks.
You say, "As I suspected."
Rileos raises his hand.
Rileos says, "Question."
Rileos asks, "Since when the hell did goblins get boats?"
Whiteburn mockingly says, "Zoluren can barely handle a few Elpalzi insurgents, much less a flotilla of any decent size."
Yanbelev chuckles at you!
Derrien says to Atazai, "No sign of habitation recently from their known hideouts on that island."
Atazai nods.
Derrien says to Rileos, "They've had them quite a long time, really."
You say to Yanbelev, "I did say goblins when the Redthorne brought rumors to our door."
Arandrowse says, "I like killing goblins, just something about killing the same race that had once taken me as a slave... justice, vengence..."
You grin at Yanbelev.
Atazai asks Skaen, "Didn't I tell you a while ago I heard a goblin was with the Blue Sashes?"
Skaen peers quizzically at Rileos.
Derrien says, "But they're not the best of pirates... Usually."
Atazai squints at a hard-boiled egg sandwich coiled with bacon.
Atazai takes a bite of the sandwich.
Yanbelev says to you, "Coulda swore yer were all up in arms 'bout pirates. Not goblins."
Rileos looks at Derrien and shrugs.
You say, "Anything in enough numbers is troublesome, if the size of this flotilla is not an exaggeration."
Pfanston says, "If its a pirate I dont care what its color is it needs to die."
You say to Yanbelev, "Pirate goblins are still pirates."
Atazai says, "Swarm tactics work in the beginning."
Atazai nods.
Arandrowse says, "Zoluren's adventuring class regularly handles far more then a few Elpalzi with relative tact and compesure."
Atazai says, "Lots of damage."
Yanbelev nods to Atazai.
You nod at Atazai, in complete agreement with her views.
Atazai takes a bite of the sandwich.
Derrien says, "How they came by so large a fleet and how they're managing this fairly nuanced strategy so far does seem rather curious."
Atazai asks, "Can we go talk to them?"
Whiteburn gazes thoughtfully at Atazai.
Pfanston says, "They probably working with the elpalzi for world conquest."
Atazai says, "I volunteer to be sacrificed to the flotilla."
Atazai raises her hand.
Arandrowse asks Atazai, "Sorry, translate for me, who is them?"
You say to Arandrowse, "If this is as big of a massing as I fear, then we may be in for more than triple the numbers I've seen while assisting with an Elpazi invasion."
Derrien says to Atazai, "If you can find them, let me know how it works out for you."
Atazai says to Arandrowse, "The green men and or goblins."
Atazai nods to Derrien.
Pfanston grins.
Derrien says, "Thus far they've proven frustratingly elusive."
Arandrowse says, "Goblins can do that."
Derrien says, "At least for those of us who make it our business to hunt pirates."
Yanbelev says, "Alret seems to have partnered with the orcs, canee put the idea they've partnered with the goblins too far from a plausible thought."
You say, "I'll start taking the Locksmith out on forays into the Reshal."
Brennarose softly says, "Pirate ships are elusive."
You say, "See if I can spot anything."
Atazai says, "My tactic would be floating on the tides."
Derrien nods.
Arandrowse contorts his face in an ugly grin.
Atazai says, "Alret and Viggu, because Therengia can't take care of a known stronghold."
Atazai nods.
You say to Atazai, "If you want to accompany me and we spot them, you are welcome to jump overboard and swim."
Atazai says, "Not a big surprise."
Atazai nods to you.
Yanbelev ponders.
You say to Derrien, "There are also reports of pirates robbing the bank in Riverhaven, repeatedly."
Derrien says, "The more patrols being done the better. Since the Council of Nine seem content to drag their feet as long as possible."
Atazai stands up.
Atazai picks up a highly adjustable stargazer's sling chair.
Atazai folds up her chair, causing it to collapse into a more compact bundle.
Pfanston says, "If I swim I would beat the boat back to shore."
Atazai puts her chair in a waterproof bag.
Derrien nods to you.
Atazai gets a shimmery diving robe of watersilk from inside her waterproof bag.
Atazai puts on a shimmery diving robe of watersilk.
You say, "Not goblins, though, from what I gather."
Yanbelev grins at Pfanston.
Atazai slips out of a tan and green plaid flannel shirt.
Derrien says, "I'd heard of that, and I'm not certain how that fits in, either."
Atazai puts her shirt in her waterproof bag.
You say, "Might be the baron."
Atazai pulls some black broadcloth pants with a row of gold coins stitched up the side off of her legs.
Atazai puts her pants in her waterproof bag.
Brennarose softly says to Pfanston, "You rangers."
Atazai adjusts the fit of her diving robe.
Pfanston grins.
Atazai frowns at a pair of gum-soled brown canvas boots.
Atazai kneels down.
Arandrowse says to Pfanston, "You'd beat me, but I'd probably be right near you."
Atazai takes a pair of gum-soled brown canvas boots off her feet.
Atazai puts her boots in her waterproof bag.
Atazai gets some woven seagrass sandals with tiny silver shell charms from inside her waterproof bag.
Atazai puts some woven seagrass sandals with tiny silver shell charms onto her feet.
Atazai stands up.
Atazai adjusts her master's scythe.
Derrien says, "It could be the Baron, or any of who knows how many associated crews."
You look about with a puzzled expression on your face.
Yanbelev says, "The Council drags their feet, 'cause action requires money. Money none of 'em wanna put up, 'till it's too late, it would seem."
Yanbelev nods to Derrien.
Derrien says, "The problem with criminals laying low for decades is that we have scant information about just what they're up to, and who with."
Atazai says, "I live on Blackwater. There hasn't been anytang new going on....on the oooouutside."
Whiteburn gives a slight nod.
Yanbelev grins at Atazai.
Yanbelev nods.
Brennarose smiles at Atazai, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Atazai takes a farandine hat shaped like a raccoon off her head.
You say, "Qi is feeling a bit of a pinch, if the Comptroller is to be believed. Zoluren has thus far not paid back the investment on the Temple construction."
Derrien gives a slight nod.
Atazai sniffs at a farandine hat shaped like a raccoon.
Atazai says, "Oooo."
Atazai puts her hat in her waterproof bag.
You say, "Which might explain some hesitancy and reluctance to act."
Atazai slides a hematite ring inset with the raccoon of Zachriedek off her finger.
Atazai puts her ring in her waterproof bag.
Atazai gets a colorful bracelet strung with shells from inside her waterproof bag.
Atazai attaches a colorful bracelet strung with shells to her wrist.
Derrien scoffs.
Arandrowse says, "For those that aren't as familiar with the locations of various geographical markers out this way."
Pfanston asks, "Heh you think zoluren has even finished the temple?"
Arandrowse asks, "Where is Blackwater?"
Yanbelev exhales involuntarily and shifts his stance, as if now under a heavy burden.
Atazai says to Arandrowse, "Sorry, Hara'jaal."
Derrien says, "Yes. Far be it from Reshalia to put anything ahead of money."
Brennarose grins at Ephic, her dimples flashing into view.
You gaze off into the distance blankly.
You say, "No comment."
You try hard not to grin.
Whiteburn glances up at the sky.
Brennarose glances up at the sky.
Atazai says, "Elf an human, not Sraan Malk."
Atazai sniffs at Derrien.
Atazai sniffs at you.
Atazai sniffles.
Atazai nods.
Yanbelev peers quizzically at Whiteburn.
Yanbelev cocks his head and blinks at Brennarose in complete puzzlement.
Pfanston grins.
Yanbelev asks, "What happened there, cleric lasses?"
Brennarose shakes her head.
Arandrowse slowly asks, "Sraan Malk?"
The tip of Whiteburn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
Atazai says, "Gold Clan."
Arandrowse questioningly says, "Sounds familiar."
Yanbelev nods to Brennarose.
Brennarose softly says, "Shiny object for me."
Atazai says, "The Malk'shmo constables are theirs."
Atazai scans the area briefly.
You say, "Well, when they begin losing more ships as the pirates and or goblins gain courage, perhaps they'll start investing into better naval security."
You say to Derrien, "No offense, of course."
Yanbelev nods to you.
Yanbelev says, "Tha's generally how it goes."
Atazai says, "Goblin courage on their own is weird."
Skaen nods at Atazai, obviously agreeing with her views.
Pfanston says, "So we can expect private ships to be attacked by pirate fleets? Hmmm I should talk to gurt."
Atazai asks, "Over an ocean?"
You say, "Well they've known relative peace in Zoluren since Vorclaf gave them tracts of land out the west gate."
Derrien says, "Thus far yes, they've been striking at lone ships or small convoys."
Atazai leans to her left slightly.
Pfanston says, "Hmmm a properly equipped ship and we could have a pirate fleet of our own."
Atazai leans to her right slightly.
Atazai leans back.
Atazai squints at Pfanston.
Derrien says, "But that they've gotten brazen enough to sail within sight of Surlaenis of late seems to indicate they are beginning to be a bit more sure of themselves."
You nod in agreement.
Pfanston says, "Well they dont really need the ships."
The bandages binding Whiteburn's abdomen soak through with blood as it begins bleeding again.
Whiteburn works carefully at tending her wounded abdomen.
You say, "And will most likely only grow more bold as the years go by."
You glance at a sweeping alabaster stairway.
Atazai gazes up at the sky.
You say, "Perhaps there is something the guilded could do, without the assistance of the Nine."
Derrien says, "I hold out hope that if we can work together, we might crush them before any more years can pass."
Ephic says to Skaen, "Should drop a gate on their flagship."
Brennarose grins at Ephic, her dimples flashing into view.
Atazai says, "Ships and gates don't mix well."
Derrien says, "Goblins tend to grow in numbers faster than we do, after all."
Skaen says to Ephic, "The Reshal Sea creates many difficulties with teleportational magic."
Brennarose softly asks Skaen, "Could you pull a ship through a gate and beach it?"
Pfanston says, "Yes we can counter invade."
Ephic says to Atazai, "Details details."
Arandrowse calmly says, "Crush, strong word."
Skaen says to Ephic, "Upon a moving deck, it's nigh impossible."
Derrien nods to Pfanston.
Whiteburn says, "Indeed. Best to raze the field before the weeds take hold."
Brennarose softly says to Skaen, "Disable it."
You say, "The sea never stills enough."
Derrien says, "I for one would rather take the fight to them than wait for them to make land on one of the civilized islands."
You nod to Derrien.
Pfanston nods.
Pfanston says, "Yep."
Rileos says to Whiteburn, "That don't make no sense. Then you just got a burned down field."
You say, "I'm in aggreance, but first we have to find them."
Derrien nods to you.
You say, "Specifically where they are holing up. I wonder if they've taken root on one of the islands, it's not like there's a lack."
Brennarose softly asks, "So how do you set up eyes in the sea?"
Atazai says, "The sea doesn't still, but you still can't turn the tide. I'd like to meet them before full war battle stuff."
Skaen says to Brennarose, "The sea is too powerful. You don't want teleportational patterns coming apart. Pirates would be the least of your worries."
Skaen smiles at Brennarose.
Whiteburn says to Rileos, "New growth may arise from the ashes."
Whiteburn says, "More pure than that which has despoiled it."
Atazai sniffs the air around her.
Atazai sniffs at Heartsfyre.
Atazai sniffles.
Heartsfyre winks at Atazai.
Atazai pats herself down looking for something!
Etherian carefully examines his cutlass.
Atazai gets a bubbled sapphire glass vial from inside a wand belt.
Atazai splashes on a bit of cologne from her sapphire glass vial.
Atazai nods.
Pfanston gets a haralun scimitar from inside his red-leucro pack.
Atazai puts her vial in a waterproof bag.
Heartsfyre is smelling Atazai.
You ask, "Anyone else have access to a vessel besides the Admiral and myself?"
Pfanston gets a glaes scimitar from inside his desumos-pelt sheath.
You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.
Atazai gulps.
Derrien says, "Given their numbers, even I wouldn't be entirely beyond some sort of negotiations with them, as much as one can negotiate with a goblin."
Skaen says, "I avoid sailing."
Heartsfyre nods at Atazai, obviously agreeing with her views.
Skaen shakes his head.
Arandrowse calmly says to Atazai, "Don't go to strong, they may hate you from smell alone."
Pfanston puts his scimitar in his desumos-pelt sheath.
Pfanston puts his scimitar in his red-leucro pack.
You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.
Atazai says, "Hate is okay."
Atazai nods.
Arandrowse ponders.
Atazai asks, "What should us nobodies do?"
Pfanston says, "We just need to sink em so we need private boats or agents on the normal vessels."
Atazai says, "Besides watch the horizon."
Arandrowse calmly asks Pfanston, "Have you ever tried to get a Sea Mammoth as a Companion, or is it only Dragons?"
Skaen hugs Heartsfyre, who wraps her arms around Skaen with a warm smile.
You say to Derrien, "Vorclaf pulled it off, it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility. But I fear we may be lacking in the necessary.. stature of folk since his passing."
Heartsfyre hugs Skaen, getting a smile in return.
Pfanston says, "Heh."
Pfanston says, "Not tried a sea mammoth."
Atazai says, "There's a nice list of names on Mer'Kresh."
Skaen says, "Zoluren's goblins are pretty erudite, compared to the other goblin tribes."
Atazai nods.
You nod to Skaen.
Atazai says, "There are the goblins by Fang Cove."
Derrien says to Atazai, "Well, if you live on Hara'jaal, as you say, I for one wouldn't mind hearing about anything you may see there, out of the ordinary."
Atazai nods to Derrien.
Rileos says, "That's most of Hara'jaal."
Rileos waves dismissively.
You say, "I've asked a few to sniff about as well, hopefully we'll see something come of it."
Derrien says, "Well then good."
Brennarose smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Whiteburn's tail undulates passively just above the ground.
Pfanston says, "Hmmm I have a treasure map the islands. I might just check every nook and cranny of every island before I find it."
You grin at Whiteburn.
Arandrowse calmly says, "Not exactly a ship, but anyone know where some decent tree style houses are here, I might want to set up a safe house in the area."
Derrien says, "At the moment my biggest concern is with figuring out just how all these pieces fit together, and just how much organization is behind it."
You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes.
Yanbelev cringes.
Yanbelev shivers.
Yanbelev whimpers softly.
Yanbelev gazes up at the sky.
You say, "The timing was perfectly terrible."
You chortle softly at some secret joke.
Heartsfyre gives Yanbelev a gentle poke in the ribs.
Yanbelev blinks at Heartsfyre.
Skaen gestures.
Heartsfyre looks at Yanbelev, obviously trying not to grin.
Yanbelev asks Heartsfyre, "Wha's that for?"
Skaen gestures.
Atazai says, "The treehouse next to mine was bought. I don't know the person, never seen them."
Heartsfyre says, "Just cause.. ya was shiverin pretty badly there."
Whiteburn says, "There must be a good deal of organization to keep goblins in line."
Ephic says to Atazai, "Maybe they just like their privacy."
You say, "But yes.. if there is someone pulling strings beyond the current activities, it's best we find out sooner rather than later."
Yanbelev nods to Heartsfyre.
Arandrowse calmly says, "I'd prefer Ratha to Blackwater, Aesry might be nice."
Skaen gestures.
Flickering amaranth radiance erupts from seemingly nowhere, forming a jagged rift in the air. Mitkiahn steps out from within the light, followed by a gust of chill winds. The rift vanishes as swiftly as it appeared.
Derrien nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Mitkiahn nods to Skaen.
Atazai shakes Mitkiahn's hand.
Skaen gestures.
Heartsfyre gives Mitkiahn a smooch.
Pfanston exhales involuntarily and shifts his stance, as if now under a heavy burden.
Mitkiahn beams!
Mitkiahn hugs Heartsfyre, who wraps her arms around Mitkiahn with a warm smile.
Derrien says to Arandrowse, "Aesry is far nicer than both."
Atazai laughs!
You nod in agreement.
Skaen gestures.
Derrien says, "Though admittedly I'm biased."
You try hard not to grin.
Skaen gestures.
You say, "I'd rather be on Aesry any day."
Yanbelev grins at Derrien.
Arandrowse calmly says, "It's just not visited by Sea Mammoths."
Derrien nods.
Pfanston nods.
Ephic puckers his lips.
Atazai says, "Surlaenis is sweet. Nice springs, nice rivers."
Arandrowse calmly says, "Especially ones that visit Fang Cove."
Mitkiahn glances up at the sky.
After a few moments he lowers his gaze.
Atazai shows Derrien her waterproof bag.
Yanbelev says, "An that Hala'sin boat ..."
Yanbelev groans.
Brennarose squints at Ephic.
Ephic snickers at Brennarose.
Mitkiahn nods to Skaen.
You say, "Well hopefully we'll see better navigation throughout Qi some day."
Heartsfyre nods to Mitkiahn.
Yanbelev says, "Wish there were a more direct ship to Surlaenis."
Mitkiahn gestures.
A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.
Heartsfyre bows to Derrien.
Pfanston says, "Thats why a nice dragon companion would narrow the search area pretty fast."
Heartsfyre clicks her heels together and renders a crisp salute.
Arandrowse nods to you.
War Witch Heartsfyre went through a black Moongate.
Mitkiahn nods.
Skaen says, "Although, someday I've heard those Gnomes are running airship service there."
Whiteburn says, "Aesry is my home. The Halasa Temple is absolutely without compare..."
Yanbelev grins at Pfanston.
Mitkiahn waves.
Pfanston grins.
Derrien says to Atazai, "I can respect one with a strong attachment to their home."
Mitkiahn went through a black Moongate.
Atazai smiles at Derrien.
Arandrowse calmly says to Pfanston, "Keep on working on that."
Atazai says, "Have to stay wild."
Atazai nods.
Swinging her arms in time, Atazai sticks each foot outwards across her body before tucking down into a tight forward roll. Performing a single full rotation, she stops and spring back to her feet with a dramatic flair.
Atazai does an incredible backflip!
Yanbelev shakes his head at Pfanston.
Yanbelev says, "Not goinee do it."
Pfanston says, "Im a ranger. We can move through the water as fast as the land."
Pfanston grins.
Yanbelev hums a spriteful tune.
Ephic does an incredible backflip!
Atazai looks at Ephic and applauds!
You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.
You sigh.
Derrien folds his arms across his chest.
Pfanston asks, "He does backflips at his age?"
Atazai nods.
Pfanston says, "One day he going to have that back go out."
Pfanston nods.
Ephic asks Pfanston, "I'm young, what you talking about?"
Pfanston grins.
You say, "It appears the Nine are not going to make an appearance tonight."
Atazai gazes up at the sky.
Whiteburn glances up at the sky.
look Derrien
You see Admiral Derrien Margate of Aesry Surlaenis'a, a Human Trader.
Derrien has deep-set jade eyes. He has thinning silver hair, with weathered skin and a wiry build.
He is average height for a Human.
He appears to be middle-aged.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a small platinum medallion with a deep blue inlay, a deep blue suede satchel edged in platinum and embossed with the Margate family crest, a billowing white shirt gathered at the wrists with orange and red flames embroidered along the front and back, a diamond studded platinum ring bearing the crest of the Trader's guild, a platinum studded navy-blue leather moneybelt with an ebony raven's head buckle, a deep blue sash edged with pure white satin cord, some navy blue suede breeches, an expertly tooled thigh sheath embossed with the Margate family crest and some ebony leather riding boots with platinum buckles inset with sapphires.
Derrien says, "I may have to go wake them up, yet."
Yanbelev says to you, "I't early morn."
Pfanston says, "Hmm guess they were afraid of how old everyone was who came."
Atazai says, "Gotta get beauty sleep, understandable."
Pfanston nods.
Yanbelev nods at Atazai, obviously agreeing with her views.
Ephic says to Atazai, "You can miss a couple hours."
Ephic leans on Atazai.
Derrien says, "Mmh, perhaps."
Atazai gasps!
Atazai gestures.
A beam of clear silvery-blue light descends from the heavens.
You say to Yanbelev, "Is it? Explains the brightness of the Xibar. I've been skipping on sleep lately, guild duties."
Yanbelev nods to you.
Yanbelev pats you on the back.
A soft purring noise comes from Skaen's general direction.
Yanbelev asks Derrien, "What might ye mention to 'em, should ye find an audience?"
Pfanston says, "Yer purring again skaen."
Pfanston nods.
Atazai gestures.
Skaen says, "Mostly always."
Skaen waves his hand distractedly.
Atazai says, "Hmm."
Yanbelev says, "Someone should skritch 'im behin the ears."
>look Skaen
You see Skaen S'kursk, Arsharra'grah of Hav'roth, a S'Kra Mur.
An austere uaro's'sugi (head scarf) of unadorned black Musparan silk is folded to obscure Skaen's face, hiding all but a narrow strip of white scales around his eyes.
He has a slender tail.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a silver wirework and pale moonstone sur'nidrel (right eye jewelry), some flowing night-black shadesatin robes with embroidered golden filigree, a circular clockwork viper pin with the creature's fanged mouth grasping its tail, a sleek scalene satchel dyed in graduated grey tones, a smooth black tourmaline ru'at bracelet (friendship bracelet), a platinum parry stick inlaid with bands of jade, some polished thin-edged zills with silvered esoteric filigree, a thin animite band prominently displaying a Hekemhhg lazuli and some fitted shadowy black sandals with detailed straps.
Pfanston grins.
Yanbelev looks at Skaen, obviously trying not to grin.
You happen to sense a Xibar moonbeam moving away from the area.
Pfanston peers through the Moongate.
A black Moongate suddenly twists in on itself and vanishes.
You happen to sense a Katamba moonbeam moving into the area.
Derrien says to Yanbelev, "The need for setting aside their avarice and petty internal strife before this problem comes knocking on their door."
Atazai hiccups.
Pfanston says, "Interesting gate."
Atazai says, "Sorry."
Atazai hiccups.
Atazai nods to Pfanston.
Brennarose grins at Atazai, her dimples flashing into view.
Yanbelev nods to Derrien.
Derrien says, "Other than that, mostly what I've shared with you."
Thin streamers of cloud float in a mostly clear sky as the sun rises high above them.
Atazai says to Pfanston, "It's a good tree."
Yanbelev says, "I do hope yer argument an advice don fall on deaf ears."
Yanbelev nods to Derrien.
Derrien says, "You and I both."
You say, "The Redthornes should be amenable, can't speak for Pantel or the others, not seen any about in decades."
Yanbelev nods to you.
Derrien says, "They are usually up for a fight, if nothing else. The Redthornes, that is."
You nod in agreement.
Yanbelev says, "The gentleman we spoke with a few andu ago, seemed to be."
Atazai kneels down.
Atazai takes a seat.
You say, "Well they've the most to lose."
You try hard not to grin.
Atazai taps something inside her waterproof bag.
Derrien gives a slight nod.
Atazai taps something inside her waterproof bag.
Ephic asks Atazai, "Want a chair?"
Atazai gets a wax-lined marble jar from inside her waterproof bag.
Atazai opens her marble jar.
Yanbelev says, "He's the head of the Malks'mo, though, so, kina stans to reason he'd be warry of a threat 'fore members of the council got concerned."
Atazai gets herself a rich raspberry truffle rolled in cocoa powder. Yum!
Atazai closes her marble jar.
Atazai puts her jar in her waterproof bag.
Atazai takes a bite of the truffle.
You say, "I thought they were headed up by the Zsikiel family."
Derrien says, "Ah, you must be speaking of the young Zsikiel."
Atazai takes a bite of the truffle.
Yanbelev ponders.
Skaen says, "Ilanthesh."
Skaen nods to Derrien.
You say, "Haven't had the pleasure to meet that one yet."
Derrien says, "I wish all on this island were as trustworthy as that one."
Yanbelev says, "Mayhaps, I do get names an faces mixed up rather easy, sometimes."
Derrien says, "Pity his family don't control a navy directly."
Yanbelev mutters to himself.
You say, "Good to hear he can be trusted at least, of course it would be expected."
Council Herald Strembin climbed down a sweeping alabaster stairway.
Pfanston says, "Hmmm maybe we could equip him with one, one ship at a time from the pirates. I mean they are goblins."
Toba says to Yanbelev, "Hense, the muddle headed part of your guild's name."
Strembin casually observes the area.
Atazai looks at Strembin and applauds!
Yanbelev glances at Toba.
Derrien says, "Ah. Speak of the devil..."
Yanbelev babbles something incoherent at Toba.
Derrien glances at Strembin.
You bow to Strembin.
Yanbelev smiles at Strembin.
>look strembin
You see Council Herald Strembin Redthorne, Speaker of the Council of Advisors of Ratha, a Human Barbarian.
Strembin has a square-jawed face, gold-flecked ale-brown eyes, a classical nose and a cleft chin. His black hair is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn pulled back in a loose ponytail bound with a length of undyed leather. He has tanned skin and a brawny build.
He is very tall for a Human.
He appears to be an adult.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a sinuous electrum livery collar bearing the seal of Ratha, a fine red cotton tunic with wide black saw-toothed applique at the sleeves and hem, a black leather split-strap sword belt with silver inlays, some tight fitting sharkskin pants and a pair of expertly shined black leather boots.
Yanbelev bows.
Strembin grins at Derrien.
Whiteburn gives a slight nod.
Strembin asks Derrien, "I'm not all that bad, am I old man?"
Derrien grunts at Strembin.
Pfanston says, "Heh hes not old."
Derrien says, "Debatable."
Yanbelev chuckles.
Strembin chuckles at Pfanston.
Strembin says, "He has to be going on a century now, at least."
Strembin raises an eyebrow in Derrien's direction.
You say to Pfanston, "Not everyone has constant need of an empath, you're just special."
You try not to grin at Pfanston.
Derrien waves dismissively.
Pfanston says, "Hes got a few to catch up."
Yanbelev chuckles at you!
Derrien says, "I'm old enough. I'll leave it at that."
Derrien says to Strembin, "In any case. It's good to see you finally up and about. We need to speak."
Atazai gets a flagon of maple icemead from inside her waterproof bag.
Atazai offers Strembin a flagon of maple icemead.
Strembin accepts Atazai's maple icemead.
Atazai nods.
Strembin says to Atazai, "Thanks."
Atazai smiles.
You ask Atazai, "Any rum?"
Atazai ponders.
Pfanston gets a bottle of Asketi's ride from inside his red-leucro pack.
Atazai gazes at a waterproof bag.
Yanbelev ponders.
Pfanston offers you a bottle of Asketi's ride. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Pfanston grins.
You shudder.
Yanbelev slings a blue haversack crafted from silk off from over his shoulder.
Yanbelev puts his haversack in his canvas valise.
You say, "Not after that last time."
Pfanston grins.
Strembin says to Derrien, "No dueling first? I think I'd have you by now."
Pfanston puts his ride in his red-leucro pack.
Derrien rolls his eyes.
You say, "I still owe Mistanna an apology."
Brennarose shivers suddenly, seeming less secure.
Yanbelev gets an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands from inside a sturdy black backpack.
Yanbelev slings an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands over his shoulder.
Atazai says, "I have uh..."
Yanbelev rubs an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands.
Atazai gets a glass of river water from inside her waterproof bag.
Yanbelev opens his bootlegger's crate.
Skaen gets a tall bottle of crude sugar-cane rum from inside an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands.
You accept Atazai's offer and are now holding a glass of river water.
Skaen offers you a tall bottle of crude sugar-cane rum. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You sniff at the water.
Yanbelev closes his bootlegger's crate.
Derrien says to Strembin, "I have better battles to offer."
Yanbelev rubs an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands.
You praise Skaen.
Yanbelev examines an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands.
You accept Skaen's offer and are now holding a tall bottle of crude sugar-cane rum.
You sniff at the water.
Atazai says, "It's water from the Butternut Creek."
You offer your river water to Atazai, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Yanbelev pats an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands.
Strembin chuckles to himself.
Atazai says, "Oh."
You take a sip of the rum.
Atazai has accepted your offer and is now holding a glass of river water.
Strembin says, "Well then, by all means."
Atazai says, "Fair enough."
You give a tall bottle of crude sugar-cane rum a hug. I'm quite sure that the rum appreciates the sentiment.
Yanbelev says, "Guess it's not ready to make more juice."
Yanbelev slings an ironwood bootlegger's crate reinforced with steel bands off from over his shoulder.
Yanbelev puts his crate in a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps.
Yanbelev gets a blue haversack crafted from silk from inside his canvas valise.
Yanbelev slings a blue haversack crafted from silk over his shoulder.
Atazai chuckles.
Atazai takes a sip of her water.
Miskton grins.
Skaen gestures.
Derrien says, "It's been a pleasure speaking with all of you."
Atazai smiles.
Skaen nods to Derrien.
You nod at Derrien, in complete agreement with his views.
Yanbelev smiles at Derrien.
Miskton nods politely to Derrien.
Skaen gestures.
Derrien says, "I implore any of you who live in these parts to try and keep talking some sense into this lot."
Derrien glances at Strembin.
Etherian smiles at Derrien.
Strembin chuckles.
Yanbelev says, "Thankees for yer time, an yer efforts to urge the council."
Strembin adds Derrien to his group.
Yanbelev bows to Derrien.
Yanbelev smiles at Strembin.
Raising her river water to Derrien, Atazai gives him a toast.
You say to Strembin, "Once the Admiral is done with you, perhaps a gathering would be in order."
You say, "In the coming days."
Flickering chestnut radiance erupts from seemingly nowhere, forming a jagged rift in the air. Mitkiahn steps out from within the light, followed by a gust of chill winds. The rift vanishes as swiftly as it appeared.
Strembin says, "Apologies for stealing your resident antique."
Pfanston says, "Yep give us a few fast ships and the right personel and we will rid the waters of pirates for ever..... and all land of goblins too."
Mitkiahn babbles something incoherent at Skaen.
Skaen says, "Thanks Mitkiahn."
Skaen nods to Mitkiahn.
Yanbelev chuckles at Strembin.
Strembin nods to you.
Strembin says, "Perhaps."
Pfanston grins.
Strembin says, "Be well, everybody."
You move a tall bottle of crude sugar-cane rum to your right hand.
Atazai says, "]pfan If by forever you mean a few years."
Raising your sugar-cane rum to Strembin, you give him a toast. Cheers!
Atazai gulps.
Whiteburn imperiously says to Derrien, "Drogor grant you safety in His domain, and lend you the power of His Teeth of the Deep to send sinners to the coldest depths of the void."
Mitkiahn leans on Atazai.
Yanbelev says, "Hopefully the antique brings wisdom."
Raising your sugar-cane rum to Derrien, you give him a toast. Cheers!
Mitkiahn gestures.
A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.
Pfanston says, "Few centuries."
You happen to sense a Xibar moonbeam moving away from the area.
Council Herald Strembin's group climbed up a sweeping alabaster stairway.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh