Just a quick heads-up that a couple scheduled events for Qi went up on the Events Calendar this morning, one for this coming Friday the 6th, and another for next Tuesday the 10th.
Depending on what I can nail down with my RL schedule I hope to have more posted to the calendar by the end of this coming weekend.
Going just a little further by way of explanation: My current goal is to establish Tuesdays and Fridays (and eventually I would like to add Wednesdays as well) as my go-to days for establishing reliably consistent event happenings in Qi'Reshalia (yes, it will branch out beyond Ratha/Reshalia soon, I promise!). Please note however, that this doesn't mean that I won't be "doing events" on other days or times. It does mean that I'd like to get to a point with my own pacing and consistency where you as players can come to anticipate things happening on those nights, so that I eventually no longer need to put them on the formal events calendar.
That said, I'm not there yet, so for the time being I'll continue to get the Tuesdays and Fridays I can commit to scheduled and posted on the calendar as far ahead of time as I can manage.
I welcome any constructive feedback you'd all care to give on the above. Thanks!
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- Premium Guru.
"Visit beautiful Qi'Reshalia, where the government really is run by the lizard people!"
Re: Qi Events on the Calendar
01/02/2017 02:41 PM CST
>>Going just a little further by way of explanation: My current goal is to establish Tuesdays and Fridays (and eventually I would like to add Wednesdays as well) as my go-to days for establishing reliably consistent event happenings in Qi'Reshalia (yes, it will branch out beyond Ratha/Reshalia soon, I promise!). Please note however, that this doesn't mean that I won't be "doing events" on other days or times. It does mean that I'd like to get to a point with my own pacing and consistency where you as players can come to anticipate things happening on those nights, so that I eventually no longer need to put them on the formal events calendar.
Been waiting for something like this to occur in DR for a long time, it's a great idea.
Been waiting for something like this to occur in DR for a long time, it's a great idea.
Re: Qi Events on the Calendar
01/02/2017 03:32 PM CST
Thanks for the heads up Nohn, I'll be there :)
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Qi Events on the Calendar
01/02/2017 06:57 PM CST
great idea to schedule events in a province. I think it is LONG overdue and should have an awesome fun factor that players can look forward to. THANK YOU
Re: Qi Events on the Calendar
01/03/2017 08:42 AM CST
>>one for this coming Friday the 6th, and another for next Tuesday the 10th.<<
As usual, times are when it is likely I won't be able to be in game. Ah well, can't satisfy everyone.
My only likely available evenings are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. Calvin Coolidge
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c
As usual, times are when it is likely I won't be able to be in game. Ah well, can't satisfy everyone.
My only likely available evenings are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. Calvin Coolidge
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c
Re: Qi Events on the Calendar
01/05/2017 10:07 AM CST
>>As usual, times are when it is likely I won't be able to be in game. Ah well, can't satisfy everyone.
>>My only likely available evenings are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
There will definitely be events happening on those days, it's just very hard for me to pin down exact times I'll be available on weekends with the precision needed to commit to them on the calendar, and far enough ahead of time for it to matter. Scheduled event times on Mondays are more possible, and will boil down to how I'm able to juggle my time.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- Premium Guru.
"Visit beautiful Qi'Reshalia, where the government really is run by the lizard people!"
>>My only likely available evenings are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
There will definitely be events happening on those days, it's just very hard for me to pin down exact times I'll be available on weekends with the precision needed to commit to them on the calendar, and far enough ahead of time for it to matter. Scheduled event times on Mondays are more possible, and will boil down to how I'm able to juggle my time.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- Premium Guru.
"Visit beautiful Qi'Reshalia, where the government really is run by the lizard people!"