Hey there folks,
First I want to give a big thanks to Anlise for cleaning up and posting the log of the round table meeting so it's out there for anybody who missed it. :)
Second, there was a suggestion at the round table that got a lot of positive feedback, which was the creation of an RP reporting form. For those not in attendance and who haven't read through the entire log, the TL;DR version is this:
This form is intended to be used by players when you observe others engaging in interesting and/or consistent RP related to the province of Qi. The reason for it is that GMs can't monitor everybody all the time (nor would we want to, frankly), but that doesn't mean we don't want to know when and where players are driving the RP environment themselves, so that we can help promote that sort of thing where possible. While this form won't ensure that every incident or every player who gets mentioned will receive a direct response to their RP, it could be a huge help in letting us know who/what to look for and where/when to look for them.
So that said, here's the form to use: https://goo.gl/forms/CA1J8JTH8xA9ykJo2
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
"Visit beautiful Qi'Reshalia, where the government really is run by the lizard people!"