Hi there folks!
First post in here since 2013... Time to dust this folder off a bit, I'd say. :)
I'd like to start by saying that I can't really express properly how stoked I am to get the opportunity to fire up events in Qi again. It was always one of my favorite (collection of) locations in the game when I was primarily a player, so to help players breathe life back into it has me all kinds of excited!
The last part there is the most important, to me. I'm a die-hard believer in giving players agency within the environment. I try as hard as I can to base my approach to being an Events GM around the idea that I am a facilitator and an enabler of player-driven role play. Yes, to provide added excitement here and there, it's often very helpful for a GM to act as a catalyst for world events, giving players something special as a jumping off point to work with, but ultimately the end goal is to remain flexible enough to let players decide how the world changes around them.
That said, I have an ever-expanding ton of things I'd love to do, so far as events go, in Qi, but I'd love to get player input on what you would like to see, because ultimately it's all about staff and players working together to make this game what we want it to be. There aren't always going to be agreements on what that should look like, but I do feel strongly that open collaboration with mutual respect can only be good. So please, if you have provincial history or lore, no matter how big or small, that you'd like to see fleshed out at some point, let me know!
I do want to give a few side notes here, though, because Qi at this point has a couple major (if not entirely unique) problem areas, when it comes to fostering a better social and role playing environment, as we get it kick-started again:
Firstly - Travel Times:
I recognize that even with the reduction in some travel times a while back, this is still an issue, and it's one that I have squarely among the few things at the top of my plate. I'm still researching exactly what needs doing and how to do those things, mechanically, but I just want everybody to be aware that I am, indeed, aware of it, so there's generally no need to bring it to my attention. :D
Secondly - A Long Time Ago, in an Archipelago Far, Far Away...:
As all long-time players know, it's been rather a good while since events were hopping out in Qi. As a result of that, a lot of the previous "Famous Faces" have become rather aged. In a vast majority of cases, hilariously so. There is also the fact that finding records of events from back then is sort of like questing for the holy grail, and sadly I am no Indiana Jones. What you all can see on Elanthipedia is in many cases more extensive than what I can find in old staff documentation. Basically what this means is that there is highly likely going to be a lot of turn-over in the GMNPC department. Where it makes sense I'll try to hold on to an old face here and there, Elotheans and Dwarves and Elves do live plenty long for that to be reasonable, after all. In many other cases, even with our lore of Empathic Longevity and Fit Senescence, it just doesn't make plausible sense for a lot of the old Humans and S'Kra Mur to still be kicking.
In many ways this is a mixed blessing, really. I know we still have plenty of players around from back in that previous era who still recall personal interactions with those older NPCs. The GMs who drove those NPCs, in most cases, are no longer on staff, however, and lacking documentation from them, I have no way of knowing how those characters were played before, what PCs they got to know, and the minutiae of what they'd done. I hope those long-term players won't mind a new cast of characters to play off of, in exchange for me not inadvertently butchering their memories of those older characters. :)
Thirdly - Scheduled Happenstances:
Because of the first issue given above, and the fact that the PC population of Qi is quite small, and the hope that other players may want to try out some events in Qi as we get them rolling again, it's my plan to post notices ahead of time to the Events Calendar on the main DR webpage for many of the events that happen in the upcoming next few months, at least. This, combined with sending out tweets a bit in advance of events starting up on the day of the event, will hopefully help more people get in on the action, if they want to be. I'm generally a big fan of the spontaneous and the opportunistic RP experience (and I'll toss those in whenever and wherever I can!) but I think at least for a while, allowing people the opportunity to engage in world events, greatly outweighs any desire to emphasize total spontaneity.
This post is now FAR longer than I'd intended, but I do hope it gives some insight into my goals and methods, and maybe helps spread a little of my excitement for the future to any players who have ever looked at the limitless potential for adventure in the islands of Qi and wished they could tap into it (or tap back into it again)!
So please, if you have ideas, suggestions, constructive criticisms of the above, let them flow!
GameMaster Nohn Essential
JGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia.
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 12:10 PM CDT
I can't tell you how thrilled I am at the prospect of the islands coming to life again.
Welcome to Qi!
Again, I apologize ahead of time for any headaches we may cause you. ;)
My spathas at hand,
From the ashes I rise,
With resolve in my heart,
And fire in my eyes.
Welcome to Qi!
Again, I apologize ahead of time for any headaches we may cause you. ;)
My spathas at hand,
From the ashes I rise,
With resolve in my heart,
And fire in my eyes.
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 01:23 PM CDT
This is great!
A long time ago I hosted an OOC meeting in game for people who wanted to attend and discuss things that were normally spoken of on forums.
This sort of format had 2 benefits. 1) Rapid fire responses and 2)Accessibility to people who may not normally follow the forums like some of us tend to. Multiple GMs attended and it actually worked out quite well.
Would you be amenable to doing something similar for Qi related things?
Aside from this, expect a loooong list from me in the near future.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
A long time ago I hosted an OOC meeting in game for people who wanted to attend and discuss things that were normally spoken of on forums.
This sort of format had 2 benefits. 1) Rapid fire responses and 2)Accessibility to people who may not normally follow the forums like some of us tend to. Multiple GMs attended and it actually worked out quite well.
Would you be amenable to doing something similar for Qi related things?
Aside from this, expect a loooong list from me in the near future.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 01:51 PM CDT
Awesome to have someone interested in Qi again.
I am of the opinion that adding higher level mobs to the islands would be a big draw. I was a long time resident of Qi, but there just isn't anything for me to hunt there anymore.
Adding a hunting zone or three that is comparable to lava drakes, dragon priest intercessors, adult wyverns, etc. would go a long way toward giving folks another option outside of Dirge/Shard. It would likely do a good deal to increase the population of folks frequenting the islands as many of the folks on the higher end have the easy means/methods of getting there quickly.
I am of the opinion that adding higher level mobs to the islands would be a big draw. I was a long time resident of Qi, but there just isn't anything for me to hunt there anymore.
Adding a hunting zone or three that is comparable to lava drakes, dragon priest intercessors, adult wyverns, etc. would go a long way toward giving folks another option outside of Dirge/Shard. It would likely do a good deal to increase the population of folks frequenting the islands as many of the folks on the higher end have the easy means/methods of getting there quickly.
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 03:25 PM CDT
Thanks for the warm welcome so far!
>>A long time ago I hosted an OOC meeting in game for people who wanted to attend and discuss things that were normally spoken of on forums.
>>Would you be amenable to doing something similar for Qi related things?
Absolutely. In fact that's one of those few things at the very top of my to-do list, right up there with looking into the travel times, as this ball gets rolling.
As a player I've always been a huge fan of informal OOC meetings with GMs where ideas can pass free and easy and collaboration can take hold. So definitely expect some calendar entries and posts/notices about those starting up in the next week or so. :)
>>I am of the opinion that adding higher level mobs to the islands would be a big draw.
I am, too. Making travel less painful and making more reasons to want to stay in and around Qi are both major parts of my player retention strategy.
That said, here's the caveat on both of those things: While I am the Lead when it comes to Provincial Events in Qi, I am not the World Building/Development Guru for the province. That having been said, I do love to build new things when I have time, and I do love to dive into code. Additionally, the GM who is in charge of World Building for Qi and I get along famously and work together very well. TL;DR: New/Revamped areas of all types will happen over time.
I would love to dive in head-first on everything all at once, but there's simply too much. So I'm trying to pace myself. It's going to be a brisk pace, but a pace nonetheless. When it comes to the hunting situation, before I start throwing ideas at my World Building counterpart and making formal proposals, I intend to complete a full bottom-up information gathering review on all the hunting in the province to identify where we're strong and where we're weak, so that solutions can be hashed out and implemented as quickly as possible.
Keep in mind though, that far and away my primary duty is to oversee and promote role play and events for the province. So everything else will be subject to finding time between that and my other required duties.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia.
>>A long time ago I hosted an OOC meeting in game for people who wanted to attend and discuss things that were normally spoken of on forums.
>>Would you be amenable to doing something similar for Qi related things?
Absolutely. In fact that's one of those few things at the very top of my to-do list, right up there with looking into the travel times, as this ball gets rolling.
As a player I've always been a huge fan of informal OOC meetings with GMs where ideas can pass free and easy and collaboration can take hold. So definitely expect some calendar entries and posts/notices about those starting up in the next week or so. :)
>>I am of the opinion that adding higher level mobs to the islands would be a big draw.
I am, too. Making travel less painful and making more reasons to want to stay in and around Qi are both major parts of my player retention strategy.
That said, here's the caveat on both of those things: While I am the Lead when it comes to Provincial Events in Qi, I am not the World Building/Development Guru for the province. That having been said, I do love to build new things when I have time, and I do love to dive into code. Additionally, the GM who is in charge of World Building for Qi and I get along famously and work together very well. TL;DR: New/Revamped areas of all types will happen over time.
I would love to dive in head-first on everything all at once, but there's simply too much. So I'm trying to pace myself. It's going to be a brisk pace, but a pace nonetheless. When it comes to the hunting situation, before I start throwing ideas at my World Building counterpart and making formal proposals, I intend to complete a full bottom-up information gathering review on all the hunting in the province to identify where we're strong and where we're weak, so that solutions can be hashed out and implemented as quickly as possible.
Keep in mind though, that far and away my primary duty is to oversee and promote role play and events for the province. So everything else will be subject to finding time between that and my other required duties.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia.
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 03:46 PM CDT
Suggestions for Qi Improvements
Section 1-Mechanics
1) Hunting - A broader range of monsters, especially above 1200 ranks, will help to draw out more people to the islands. I'll let the higher skill people recommend copy/paste mobs, but for new creatures I'd like to see:
- Pirate themed
- Tropical themed
2) Resource Availability - A review of crafting resources would go a long way to making Qi a more viable permanent home.
- Foraging (some things can't be found in Qi, others are too abundant when they should be rare)
- Lumberjacking (Planned)
- A safe mining area would be nice, but not required.
3) Travel - It's a pain, but an expected pain. Some ways to alleviate include:
- Boat speeds increased for public transportation that move island to island
- Additional routes to better connect the various islands (I.E. Ratha <> Mer'Kesh)
4) New Citizenship Perks -
- Rentable boats (~10 plat, can't cross the Reshal Sea to mainland)
- Citizen only areas. A new concept providing people with citizenship a unique area to congregate, and possibly hunt/gather spots as well.
5) General Areas -
- Aesry Sentinels: Please finish.
- Ratha waters: flush out and add more water areas for Ratha, similar to outside the sea caves, with more hunting options.
- Pirate Island: Red Sash HQ, lots of big nasty pirates to hunt.
Section 2-Roleplay
This, I'm a bit weak in. I'd love to see new faces and dive in a bit heavier than I have in the past.
1) The families of Ratha are a viable source of multiple possibilities of intrigues and task related activities.
2) Rathan Fencibles was the original militia of Ratha, could look into reinstating and holding invasions for some broader purpose (See Big Pirate mobs) Caveat: there being enough people around to warrant it.
3) Things revolving around the eventual release of items from section 1
In regards to the fresh post, you can check out the hunting ladder I made that never got added to anything, which will give you an easy identifier as to what critters at what levels are where. https://elanthipedia.play.net/Qi%27Reshalia_Hunting_Guide. (Edit: some of these numbers are off, comparing to the current hunting ladder, it's been a year or so since I built this)
As a follow up, and a general thing, I think players should be allowed/encouraged to submit area concepts/descriptions to help mitigate the big plate of GM stuff that has to be taken care of.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Section 1-Mechanics
1) Hunting - A broader range of monsters, especially above 1200 ranks, will help to draw out more people to the islands. I'll let the higher skill people recommend copy/paste mobs, but for new creatures I'd like to see:
- Pirate themed
- Tropical themed
2) Resource Availability - A review of crafting resources would go a long way to making Qi a more viable permanent home.
- Foraging (some things can't be found in Qi, others are too abundant when they should be rare)
- Lumberjacking (Planned)
- A safe mining area would be nice, but not required.
3) Travel - It's a pain, but an expected pain. Some ways to alleviate include:
- Boat speeds increased for public transportation that move island to island
- Additional routes to better connect the various islands (I.E. Ratha <> Mer'Kesh)
4) New Citizenship Perks -
- Rentable boats (~10 plat, can't cross the Reshal Sea to mainland)
- Citizen only areas. A new concept providing people with citizenship a unique area to congregate, and possibly hunt/gather spots as well.
5) General Areas -
- Aesry Sentinels: Please finish.
- Ratha waters: flush out and add more water areas for Ratha, similar to outside the sea caves, with more hunting options.
- Pirate Island: Red Sash HQ, lots of big nasty pirates to hunt.
Section 2-Roleplay
This, I'm a bit weak in. I'd love to see new faces and dive in a bit heavier than I have in the past.
1) The families of Ratha are a viable source of multiple possibilities of intrigues and task related activities.
2) Rathan Fencibles was the original militia of Ratha, could look into reinstating and holding invasions for some broader purpose (See Big Pirate mobs) Caveat: there being enough people around to warrant it.
3) Things revolving around the eventual release of items from section 1
In regards to the fresh post, you can check out the hunting ladder I made that never got added to anything, which will give you an easy identifier as to what critters at what levels are where. https://elanthipedia.play.net/Qi%27Reshalia_Hunting_Guide. (Edit: some of these numbers are off, comparing to the current hunting ladder, it's been a year or so since I built this)
As a follow up, and a general thing, I think players should be allowed/encouraged to submit area concepts/descriptions to help mitigate the big plate of GM stuff that has to be taken care of.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 05:39 PM CDT
Section 1a - Guild Specific Fun Times
Barbarian - No clue
Bard - Aesry Sentinels (Ask GM Chakram if he's still behind the scenes)
Cleric - No clue
Empath - More construct hunting!
Moon Mage - Revisit the whole moongates are extra hard policy.
Necromancer - Successfully accused necromancers will be put in a dunking booth on Truffenyi's Green for 2 real world hours, where people can attempt to hit a target that will dunk the necro! (lol)
Paladin - No clue
Ranger - More Ranger Friendly Areas! Ratha is terrible for Rangers.
Thief - No clue
Trader - Rathan Trade Routes - Tier to Tier, and Pokekehepi. Aesry Dock to City, M'riss to Mer'Kresh (and if other island <> island ships are added - or - rentable ships for citizens)
Warrior Mage - see Sentinels
Side note: While having GM-assisted RP is fun, encouraged, and excitedly anticipated.. The.. 6 or so of us
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Barbarian - No clue
Bard - Aesry Sentinels (Ask GM Chakram if he's still behind the scenes)
Cleric - No clue
Empath - More construct hunting!
Moon Mage - Revisit the whole moongates are extra hard policy.
Necromancer - Successfully accused necromancers will be put in a dunking booth on Truffenyi's Green for 2 real world hours, where people can attempt to hit a target that will dunk the necro! (lol)
Paladin - No clue
Ranger - More Ranger Friendly Areas! Ratha is terrible for Rangers.
Thief - No clue
Trader - Rathan Trade Routes - Tier to Tier, and Pokekehepi. Aesry Dock to City, M'riss to Mer'Kresh (and if other island <> island ships are added - or - rentable ships for citizens)
Warrior Mage - see Sentinels
Side note: While having GM-assisted RP is fun, encouraged, and excitedly anticipated.. The.. 6 or so of us
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 05:59 PM CDT
This makes me so happy I can't even begin to explain. The islands are Whiteburn's jam and I always regretted missing out on all the old events. I've been dreaming of this for a while, so thank you so much! I absolutely can't wait to see what you have in mind.
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 06:38 PM CDT
I'm very excited about this as well because Ratha is my home.
The first thing that comes to my mind is that there needs to be a faster way for us to travel between the islands. In some cases it takes nearly as long to go from Ratha to Crossing as it does from Ratha to one of the nearby islands, which doesn't make much sense if you look at a map of Elanthia. I kind of like the long boat ride from Crossing because it makes the province seem more remote, but I wouldn't be against shortening that a slight bit if it convinced more people to come out to Qi.
Given the small population of Qi in its entirety it becomes much harder to find other people to interact with when we are further subdivided by 2-3 hour distances (if you have to wait for the boat to come), so we definitely need easier travel between the islands themselves. That will facilitate people getting to any planned events, for starters.
I know you said you are aware of this but its so important I felt the need to say it anyway...sorry!
Aside from that, I welcome any events or story lines you manage to cook up :)
The first thing that comes to my mind is that there needs to be a faster way for us to travel between the islands. In some cases it takes nearly as long to go from Ratha to Crossing as it does from Ratha to one of the nearby islands, which doesn't make much sense if you look at a map of Elanthia. I kind of like the long boat ride from Crossing because it makes the province seem more remote, but I wouldn't be against shortening that a slight bit if it convinced more people to come out to Qi.
Given the small population of Qi in its entirety it becomes much harder to find other people to interact with when we are further subdivided by 2-3 hour distances (if you have to wait for the boat to come), so we definitely need easier travel between the islands themselves. That will facilitate people getting to any planned events, for starters.
I know you said you are aware of this but its so important I felt the need to say it anyway...sorry!
Aside from that, I welcome any events or story lines you manage to cook up :)
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 08:06 PM CDT
I'm imagining GM led events that culminate in something mechanically new for the game.
> Cleric - No clue
> Paladin - No clue
Pilgrimage. Guide new clerics to each of the shrines so they can fill up their pilgrim badge. Have a God show up or send a beacon to grant them a boon at each altar. Some RP. Some functional. All leading up to the release of a new devotion generator/paladin abilities.
> Trader - Rathan Trade Routes - Tier to Tier, and Pokekehepi. Aesry Dock to City, M'riss to Mer'Kresh (and if other island <> island ships are added - or - rentable ships for citizens)
New traders show up from afar. They're selling gems to the best negotiators. This results in a new commodity board where a trader can exchange single gems for higher value gems (with an RT), and buy foreign artifacts for cost (that they can take to a non-island gem broker - it's saturated there - to get a markup. The more they're bought, the fewer there are (per person)). Trader magic?
> Thief - No clue
Smuggler's den. Smaller, fast boats that you can slip aboard that bring you from one island to the other more quickly than a regular boat (without the wait time). Thievery/hiding check. Kill a pirate if they find you.
> Cleric - No clue
> Paladin - No clue
Pilgrimage. Guide new clerics to each of the shrines so they can fill up their pilgrim badge. Have a God show up or send a beacon to grant them a boon at each altar. Some RP. Some functional. All leading up to the release of a new devotion generator/paladin abilities.
> Trader - Rathan Trade Routes - Tier to Tier, and Pokekehepi. Aesry Dock to City, M'riss to Mer'Kresh (and if other island <> island ships are added - or - rentable ships for citizens)
New traders show up from afar. They're selling gems to the best negotiators. This results in a new commodity board where a trader can exchange single gems for higher value gems (with an RT), and buy foreign artifacts for cost (that they can take to a non-island gem broker - it's saturated there - to get a markup. The more they're bought, the fewer there are (per person)). Trader magic?
> Thief - No clue
Smuggler's den. Smaller, fast boats that you can slip aboard that bring you from one island to the other more quickly than a regular boat (without the wait time). Thievery/hiding check. Kill a pirate if they find you.
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 08:27 PM CDT
>>I'm imagining GM led events that culminate in something mechanically new for the game.
As am I. The meeting will give us a better idea of an island census, and approximately how many people will be involved on a regular basis. Ultimately, all of my desires and idea stem from wanting to draw more people back out to Qi, thereby increasing the number of players and player-centric RP, which is ultimately the goal.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
As am I. The meeting will give us a better idea of an island census, and approximately how many people will be involved on a regular basis. Ultimately, all of my desires and idea stem from wanting to draw more people back out to Qi, thereby increasing the number of players and player-centric RP, which is ultimately the goal.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 11:14 PM CDT
I really do appreciate the feedback and suggestions, though the suggestions for world building improvements and hunting and other mechanical sorts of things should really be directed to the appropriate topics in the Places, Cities and Provinces folder (I do read those, too, by the way), so that this topic can be kept for more specifically event-focused suggestions. :)
I absolutely understand that it's all an interrelated cycle when it comes to making people want to be and stay in Qi, but it's easier to keep things organized if we separate the mechanical upgrade and world development discussions, from the input directly on events.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia.
I absolutely understand that it's all an interrelated cycle when it comes to making people want to be and stay in Qi, but it's easier to keep things organized if we separate the mechanical upgrade and world development discussions, from the input directly on events.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia.
Re: Events and Qi
09/29/2016 11:49 PM CDT
>>I really do appreciate the feedback and suggestions, though the suggestions for world building improvements and hunting and other mechanical sorts of things should really be directed to the appropriate topics in the Places, Cities and Provinces folder (I do read those, too, by the way), so that this topic can be kept for more specifically event-focused suggestions. :)
Got it, should I cross post over there?
In terms of suggestions, it really depends on what from the past you want to continue, and what you'd like to see new. Here's some of my thoughts.
Ratha -
The biggest for me would be the interplay of the different houses. The Ratha house setup always reminded me of a mobster movie. It would be great as a player to earn a "trusted advisor" role for one (or more muahaha) of the Great Houses and be able to influence the family interests and directions, preferably in some way that would alter the political landscape of Qi, and to see some sort of direct result from those machinations. There has been some byplay with some members of the houses in the past, but (and here's my big big hesitation on investing into any GM-based roleplay) things tended to just.. fall away.
Another option would be to find some lost heir claimant to "the Blood of Sarkhhl" line, which there have been attempts to bring back the monarchy in the past (squashed by the houses) but maybe this time it could.. potentially.. succeed.
Ratha revolves around the Great Houses, we need to see more of them.
Potential necro stuff stirring up fear amongst the masses(most of the population is Skra). Key NPCs (I.E. Society masters,guild leaders, etc) could mention the trouble.. the players could do a bit of sleuthing and start to get some information gathered (all/mostly presetup by events team as temp things in the game to discover, people to ask questions of, etc) GMNPCs start showing up and things get interesting, leads to a showdown between players and these shadowy figures. (Chasing some random shadow through the bazaar, wee!)
Something is amiss in Ratha Sewers! Odd noises heard coming from the valves, clangs and shouts echoing through the area and out into the street. What could it be?
Murder most foul at The Hotagi'rath Theater! The leading actress was struck down in her dressing room, all are distraught, except for her understudy.. whodunit? /organ music
Pokekeheppe Beach is having an identity crisis! Tired of people mispronouncing it's name, the beach has decided to be called Tim's Mostly Safe Beach and Spa.
Ok I'm getting silly, I'll do Aesry tomorrow.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Got it, should I cross post over there?
In terms of suggestions, it really depends on what from the past you want to continue, and what you'd like to see new. Here's some of my thoughts.
Ratha -
The biggest for me would be the interplay of the different houses. The Ratha house setup always reminded me of a mobster movie. It would be great as a player to earn a "trusted advisor" role for one (or more muahaha) of the Great Houses and be able to influence the family interests and directions, preferably in some way that would alter the political landscape of Qi, and to see some sort of direct result from those machinations. There has been some byplay with some members of the houses in the past, but (and here's my big big hesitation on investing into any GM-based roleplay) things tended to just.. fall away.
Another option would be to find some lost heir claimant to "the Blood of Sarkhhl" line, which there have been attempts to bring back the monarchy in the past (squashed by the houses) but maybe this time it could.. potentially.. succeed.
Ratha revolves around the Great Houses, we need to see more of them.
Potential necro stuff stirring up fear amongst the masses(most of the population is Skra). Key NPCs (I.E. Society masters,guild leaders, etc) could mention the trouble.. the players could do a bit of sleuthing and start to get some information gathered (all/mostly presetup by events team as temp things in the game to discover, people to ask questions of, etc) GMNPCs start showing up and things get interesting, leads to a showdown between players and these shadowy figures. (Chasing some random shadow through the bazaar, wee!)
Something is amiss in Ratha Sewers! Odd noises heard coming from the valves, clangs and shouts echoing through the area and out into the street. What could it be?
Murder most foul at The Hotagi'rath Theater! The leading actress was struck down in her dressing room, all are distraught, except for her understudy.. whodunit? /organ music
Pokekeheppe Beach is having an identity crisis! Tired of people mispronouncing it's name, the beach has decided to be called Tim's Mostly Safe Beach and Spa.
Ok I'm getting silly, I'll do Aesry tomorrow.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Events and Qi
09/30/2016 02:18 AM CDT
Yes the Rathan Houses are a great backdrop for story lines. Even the books in the palace library about the houses are interesting. As someone who roleplays a member of one of the houses, I would love to see something develop along these lines.
Re: Events and Qi
09/30/2016 12:52 PM CDT
I'm pleased to hear that Qi is getting some love. One of my favorite times in game has been Aesry and Ratha - but I have long abandoned them due to their lack of mid to high level critters. I understand that creatures should not drive RP, but they do drive congregation, which drives RP. I look forward to Aesry/Ratha being more fleshed out and hopefully livelier because of it.
Thank you!
Re: Events and Qi
09/30/2016 01:43 PM CDT
Awesome suggestions!
>>Got it, should I cross post over there?
No need to cross post things you've already posted at this point. I've got them on my list, so there's no need for you to double the work on your end. :)
>>Ratha and its Houses
I am most definitely targeting the interplay and machinations between the major families on Ratha as a solid source for consistent events and role play interactions. To me, the whole situation on Ratha just smacks of the interplay and intrigue of a 15th century Italian city-state, and that has always been one of my very favorite historical eras/locations. It's about to get Machiavellian up in here!
I'll even go a little further (without wanting to spoil any of my plans for you all) and say that fleshing out the individual "factions" on the various major islands, and how they relate to one another, is sitting at the top of my priority list. One of the things I love most about Qi is the diversity in governments and how they come together to form a fragile political ecology, each often at odds with one another (and typically at odds within themselves, as well) and yet ultimately dependent on each other at the same time. So while the ruling families of Ratha are definitely going to see a lot of activity, players can also be on the look out for developments with the Tribunal Council of Aesry, the smuggling families of M'Riss/Mer'Kresh, and the Baron and pirates of Hara'Jaal. And then there's the smaller factions, and factions from islands not yet released to players...
As I've said before, I'm pretty stoked about the potential! :D
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
>>Got it, should I cross post over there?
No need to cross post things you've already posted at this point. I've got them on my list, so there's no need for you to double the work on your end. :)
>>Ratha and its Houses
I am most definitely targeting the interplay and machinations between the major families on Ratha as a solid source for consistent events and role play interactions. To me, the whole situation on Ratha just smacks of the interplay and intrigue of a 15th century Italian city-state, and that has always been one of my very favorite historical eras/locations. It's about to get Machiavellian up in here!
I'll even go a little further (without wanting to spoil any of my plans for you all) and say that fleshing out the individual "factions" on the various major islands, and how they relate to one another, is sitting at the top of my priority list. One of the things I love most about Qi is the diversity in governments and how they come together to form a fragile political ecology, each often at odds with one another (and typically at odds within themselves, as well) and yet ultimately dependent on each other at the same time. So while the ruling families of Ratha are definitely going to see a lot of activity, players can also be on the look out for developments with the Tribunal Council of Aesry, the smuggling families of M'Riss/Mer'Kresh, and the Baron and pirates of Hara'Jaal. And then there's the smaller factions, and factions from islands not yet released to players...
As I've said before, I'm pretty stoked about the potential! :D
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Re: Events and Qi
09/30/2016 03:38 PM CDT
>>15th century Italian city-state
Yes! Exactly! But with scales!
>>Tribunal Council of Aesry
It bothers me to no end that there isn't an elf on the council.
>>factions from islands not yet released to players...
You.. man.. you don't even know.
How frequently can we expect these interactions to occur? I realize you're a busy guy..
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Events and Qi
09/30/2016 07:41 PM CDT
>>How frequently can we expect these interactions to occur? I realize you're a busy guy..
I'm still in the latter part of my research phase and getting my ducks in a row before I release the kraken. As soon as that's done though, the honest answer is: "As often as I possibly can."
I want to get scheduled event times up on the Event Calendar at least one per week for Qi, and beyond that, as I've said already, I'm a huge fan of spontaneous/opportunistic RP. I want no time nor place (private spaces aside) in the province to be "safe" from random/spontaneous world interaction, regardless of whether players at the time are actively seeking it out or not. [Note: Hunting grounds and Crafting Society buildings are not private spaces, players are advised to act accordingly. ]
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
I'm still in the latter part of my research phase and getting my ducks in a row before I release the kraken. As soon as that's done though, the honest answer is: "As often as I possibly can."
I want to get scheduled event times up on the Event Calendar at least one per week for Qi, and beyond that, as I've said already, I'm a huge fan of spontaneous/opportunistic RP. I want no time nor place (private spaces aside) in the province to be "safe" from random/spontaneous world interaction, regardless of whether players at the time are actively seeking it out or not. [Note: Hunting grounds and Crafting Society buildings are not private spaces, players are advised to act accordingly. ]
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Re: Events and Qi
09/30/2016 08:42 PM CDT
Is there going to be an actual kraken involved? Oh please oh please oh please....
Re: Events and Qi
09/30/2016 08:46 PM CDT
>>Is there going to be an actual kraken involved? Oh please oh please oh please....
... PAFO?
(But seriously, not right away, though I've got schemes inside schemes already.)
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
... PAFO?
(But seriously, not right away, though I've got schemes inside schemes already.)
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Re: Events and Qi
10/02/2016 09:49 PM CDT
At the very least travel between the islands should suck less. Aesry to Ratha should be a ferry ride in real time regardless of lore and distance. It's just not fun to have to wait 20 minutes or set your script up to let you off. If you want to seriously make the islands a viable location and why wouldn't you, travel time improvements would go far more than tea parties.
The iron circle has some pretty cool lore and I think I could get them out of the woodwork if Qi is going to have a revival.
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
The iron circle has some pretty cool lore and I think I could get them out of the woodwork if Qi is going to have a revival.
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: Events and Qi
10/02/2016 10:13 PM CDT
I don't mind that the islands are isolated and tough to get to, but it could be a little easier.
Like departures from Ratha to Aesry at every even hour and return every odd hour with travel time 10 minutes. So it takes planning to get there but its not too painful to do if you plan for it. And just get rid of the stop at Poke beach.
Don't forget to vote:
Like departures from Ratha to Aesry at every even hour and return every odd hour with travel time 10 minutes. So it takes planning to get there but its not too painful to do if you plan for it. And just get rid of the stop at Poke beach.
Don't forget to vote:
Re: Events and Qi
10/02/2016 10:44 PM CDT
Does it make sense to have a 10 minute travel time with hour departures though?
It should be more like, 10 minute travel time then it waits for 2~5 minutes like the river ferries. There is no reason to make people wait for up to an hour to travel from Ratha to Aesry...
I'm all for keeping it lengthy in terms of traveling TO Qi, but it's a bit ridiculous how difficult it is to travel BETWEEN the islands. I can run (and swim/climb) from Crossing to Theren Keep and back in less time than it takes to travel between the islands, look at this map then tell me if that makes any sense:
It should be more like, 10 minute travel time then it waits for 2~5 minutes like the river ferries. There is no reason to make people wait for up to an hour to travel from Ratha to Aesry...
I'm all for keeping it lengthy in terms of traveling TO Qi, but it's a bit ridiculous how difficult it is to travel BETWEEN the islands. I can run (and swim/climb) from Crossing to Theren Keep and back in less time than it takes to travel between the islands, look at this map then tell me if that makes any sense:
Re: Events and Qi
10/03/2016 12:04 AM CDT
Yeah travelling to Qi is fine as is, something for island hopping would be greatly beneficial (And I made some suggestions that were noted down earlier to help alleviate that) Norn did say this was a top priority for him already. Also, these suggestions are great, but should go to the proper world building folder.
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Re: Events and Qi ::nudge::
10/03/2016 03:50 PM CDT
Please keep this thread to event suggestions for Qi. Improvements or updates to the actual mechanics or structure of the island should stay in the appropriate folders over here: http://forums.play.net/forums/DragonRealms/Places,%20Cities%20and%20Provinces%20of%20DragonRealm's%20Elanthia/view Further off-topic posts will be moved or pulled as appropriate.
As Nohn has mentioned, while he has interests that are broad, he is also not the development guru for Qi. He is the Province Events Lead for Qi, so please be helpful to his outreach here and focus on that :)
As Nohn has mentioned, while he has interests that are broad, he is also not the development guru for Qi. He is the Province Events Lead for Qi, so please be helpful to his outreach here and focus on that :)
Re: Events and Qi
10/04/2016 12:07 PM CDT
I recently – a week maybe – returned to the game, and have been occupied with relearning how to walk. So, I’m not up on current events. I’ve read enough of the wiki and old forum post that if I read anymore someone will need to be sacrificed. Therefore, if I make a statement that is no longer accurate or a suggestion that is not viable, feel free to articulate why. As if you need permission.
1. Travel Times
Travel to the islands from the mainland is where it should be, in my opinion. Part of Ratha’s initial appeal was those that lived there, wanted to be there. We were as close to being immune to mainland drama as one could get. Not to say we didn’t create our own, but the petty “He stepped on my slipper, put him on the no-heal blacklist!” type garbage rarely impacted us. Our isolation was blissful.
Travel within the province, however, needs a serious rethink. A previous poster suggested renting boats to travel between the islands at 10 plat a pop for citizens. I like this idea. I don’t know how viable this is, but to attract a more permanent Trader presence, I would suggest allowing Rathan Traders to either own the boats to be rented or to lease them from the Houses (Why not both!) Limit them to two “routes” per island that they must bid on at regular intervals. Say for example that there are 4 “slots” per hour to be had for travel between Aesry and Ratha. Those four slots would go up for bid to Rathan Traders only. Citizenship perk. If there are not enough bids to cover all available slots, then the Houses’ simply run their own. If it works in Qi, then it could be expanded to the other provinces with coastal ports. I’m confident the economics of it all could be worked out to make it an attractive investment for Traders without being an instant billionaire button. Traders would get a flat percentage of paid fares and the rest would be assumed to go towards paying dock/rental/maintenance fees and crew salaries. All management type tasks would need to take place on the island in person. I don’t know much about Traders, but an event surrounding the opening of what would essentially be a car-rental shop might be fun. Not sure I laid this out very well, but it should be enough to start a discussion. Or end it quickly.
2. Sentinels
One the few reasons I keep checking back into DR every now and then. Anything surrounding them would be great.
3. House Wars
Circa 2003-4 a GM whose name I can’t recall held a meeting to discuss potential events in the province. From my recollection, at that time the consensus was that a deep delve into the intrigue surrounding the Houses was in order. Glad to see that is already on your radar. We also discussed reinstating the monarchy and the civil war that would cause. There were some truly creative people in that meeting and by the end I wanted it to happen already. So yeah…House Wars…or a civil war instigated by those wishing to put someone on the throne again. Nothing like a family feud to escalate the violence.
4. Hedgewizard
I wan’t this worthless piece of effluence blown up in the most spectacular way imaginable. I will pay cold cash to attend that event.
I recently – a week maybe – returned to the game, and have been occupied with relearning how to walk. So, I’m not up on current events. I’ve read enough of the wiki and old forum post that if I read anymore someone will need to be sacrificed. Therefore, if I make a statement that is no longer accurate or a suggestion that is not viable, feel free to articulate why. As if you need permission.
1. Travel Times
Travel to the islands from the mainland is where it should be, in my opinion. Part of Ratha’s initial appeal was those that lived there, wanted to be there. We were as close to being immune to mainland drama as one could get. Not to say we didn’t create our own, but the petty “He stepped on my slipper, put him on the no-heal blacklist!” type garbage rarely impacted us. Our isolation was blissful.
Travel within the province, however, needs a serious rethink. A previous poster suggested renting boats to travel between the islands at 10 plat a pop for citizens. I like this idea. I don’t know how viable this is, but to attract a more permanent Trader presence, I would suggest allowing Rathan Traders to either own the boats to be rented or to lease them from the Houses (Why not both!) Limit them to two “routes” per island that they must bid on at regular intervals. Say for example that there are 4 “slots” per hour to be had for travel between Aesry and Ratha. Those four slots would go up for bid to Rathan Traders only. Citizenship perk. If there are not enough bids to cover all available slots, then the Houses’ simply run their own. If it works in Qi, then it could be expanded to the other provinces with coastal ports. I’m confident the economics of it all could be worked out to make it an attractive investment for Traders without being an instant billionaire button. Traders would get a flat percentage of paid fares and the rest would be assumed to go towards paying dock/rental/maintenance fees and crew salaries. All management type tasks would need to take place on the island in person. I don’t know much about Traders, but an event surrounding the opening of what would essentially be a car-rental shop might be fun. Not sure I laid this out very well, but it should be enough to start a discussion. Or end it quickly.
2. Sentinels
One the few reasons I keep checking back into DR every now and then. Anything surrounding them would be great.
3. House Wars
Circa 2003-4 a GM whose name I can’t recall held a meeting to discuss potential events in the province. From my recollection, at that time the consensus was that a deep delve into the intrigue surrounding the Houses was in order. Glad to see that is already on your radar. We also discussed reinstating the monarchy and the civil war that would cause. There were some truly creative people in that meeting and by the end I wanted it to happen already. So yeah…House Wars…or a civil war instigated by those wishing to put someone on the throne again. Nothing like a family feud to escalate the violence.
4. Hedgewizard
I wan’t this worthless piece of effluence blown up in the most spectacular way imaginable. I will pay cold cash to attend that event.
Re: Events and Qi
10/04/2016 01:20 PM CDT
Hi there!
>>I recently – a week maybe – returned to the game
Welcome back! I hope you're enjoying your playing time, and I hope that enjoyment only goes up (and that I can have some part in that)!
>>1. Travel Times
I'll be addressing this in the Places, Cities and Provinces folder later on today.
>>2. Sentinels
Events surrounding them are definitely on my radar. I have no hard-and-fast plans brewing for them specifically just yet though. Events need to be kick-started and become consistent before we dive into the super mega epic tier stuff. :)
>>3. House Wars
This is much more along the lines of what makes good event kick-starting and consistency fodder. I'll leave it at that for now. ;)
>>4. Hedgewizard
See my answer to item 1, above.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
>>I recently – a week maybe – returned to the game
Welcome back! I hope you're enjoying your playing time, and I hope that enjoyment only goes up (and that I can have some part in that)!
>>1. Travel Times
I'll be addressing this in the Places, Cities and Provinces folder later on today.
>>2. Sentinels
Events surrounding them are definitely on my radar. I have no hard-and-fast plans brewing for them specifically just yet though. Events need to be kick-started and become consistent before we dive into the super mega epic tier stuff. :)
>>3. House Wars
This is much more along the lines of what makes good event kick-starting and consistency fodder. I'll leave it at that for now. ;)
>>4. Hedgewizard
See my answer to item 1, above.
GameMaster Nohn Essential
AGM -- Events Team -- Provincial Events Lead: Qi'Reshalia -- INTERIM Premium Guru.
Re: Events and Qi
10/04/2016 01:48 PM CDT
>>2. Sentinels
Events surrounding them are definitely on my radar. I have no hard-and-fast plans brewing for them specifically just yet though. Events need to be kick-started and become consistent before we dive into the super mega epic tier stuff. :)
Did you get Chakram/Valdrik/Team Bards old notes? Will that old design concept be utilized or will we expect something new?
Rough roundabout for when you want to 1)host that Qi meeting 2)kick off the Qi events. (I see those mainland invasions)
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
Events surrounding them are definitely on my radar. I have no hard-and-fast plans brewing for them specifically just yet though. Events need to be kick-started and become consistent before we dive into the super mega epic tier stuff. :)
Did you get Chakram/Valdrik/Team Bards old notes? Will that old design concept be utilized or will we expect something new?
Rough roundabout for when you want to 1)host that Qi meeting 2)kick off the Qi events. (I see those mainland invasions)
"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh