First is a log of what my familiar saw and said
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
You concentrate on the vision of your familiar...
[Dunes of Despair, Dune Crest]
The dune slopes down to the west and east, providing a precarious perch. Waves of unrelenting heat roll off the unending dunes of sand, blurring the horizon.
Also here: Votary Hhstin.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, south, southwest.
Hhstin slowly lowers his tail to the ground.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Beast? "
Hhstin asks, "Did I not make myself clear the first time?"
Votary Hhstin just went southwest.
You sense your white lynx stand back up.
You sense that your familiar has caught up with Hhstin and you concentrate on its vision...
[Tavayon, Water's Edge]
Numerous spires of obsidian jut around the rim of the crater and smaller fragments speckle the terrain, ranging from mere pebbles to colossal boulders taller than a Gor'Tog. Meager plant life struggles to eke out an existence in this bleak landscape, growing marginally more abundant as it approaches a brackish oasis to the north.
Also here: Votary Hhstin.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, northwest.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "My master has been informed you meddle with objects of great power. I shall not 'begone'."
Hhstin says, "It's no business of yours what I do."
You sense your white lynx sit down.
The armadillo bursts out of the ground in a surprise assault!
The desert armadillo leaps from hiding and ambushes Hhstin!
Moving like a striking snake, an elder desert armadillo growls lowly and swings at Hhstin. Hhstin fails to evade, moving directly into the blow. The sharp claws lands a very heavy hit that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt, lightly stunning him!
Driving in like an unbeatable force, an elder desert armadillo growls lowly and swings at Hhstin. Hhstin fails to dodge, failing miserably. The sharp claws lands a powerful strike that rips a small chunk of flesh from his left forearm!
Hhstin tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an elder desert armadillo!
The desert armadillo begins to advance on Hhstin.
Hhstin tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an elder desert armadillo!
Hhstin tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an elder desert armadillo!
The desert armadillo closes to melee range on Hhstin.
Hhstin tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an elder desert armadillo!
Hhstin tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from an elder desert armadillo!
Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, an elder desert armadillo slices wide at Hhstin. Hhstin fails to dodge, moving directly into the blow. The sharp claws lands a powerful strike that rips skin and exposes bloody cartilage under the left kneecap!
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Apparently the armadillo agrees."
The armadillo bursts out of the ground in a surprise assault!
The desert armadillo leaps from hiding and ambushes Hhstin!
Moving as one fluid extension of power, an elder desert armadillo swipes at Hhstin. Hhstin fails to evade, moving directly into the blow. The barbed tail lands a very heavy hit that drives his thumb over backwards to parallel the forearm for a short moment, lightly stunning him!
The armadillo bursts out of the ground in a surprise assault!
The desert armadillo leaps from hiding and ambushes Hhstin!
Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, an elder desert armadillo growls lowly and swings at Hhstin. Hhstin fails to dodge, failing miserably. The barbed tail lands an extremely heavy hit that blasts clean through the right leg with a well-placed swing that throws blood and bone splinters everywhere!
Hhstin slowly tips over and falls down.
Driving in like an unbeatable force, an elder desert armadillo lurches forward and slashes at Hhstin. Hhstin attempts to dodge, mis-stepping and blundering into the blow. The sharp claws lands a hard hit that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!)!
Hhstin's in shock and dying!
Moving like a striking snake, an elder desert armadillo growls lowly and swings at Hhstin. Hhstin fails to evade, failing miserably. The sharp claws lands a very heavy hit that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the sharp claws in the heart!
* Hhstin was just struck down!
* Hhstin is slain before your eyes!
The armadillo burrows into the ground for a short time, becoming nearly invisible.
The armadillo burrows into the ground for a short time, becoming nearly invisible.
The substance of Hhstin's body shimmers, as if covered by a veil of crystal tears. A moment later he fades away, leaving nothing but empty air where his body had once lain.
The armadillo burrows into the ground for a short time, becoming nearly invisible.
You sense your white lynx stand back up.
An elder desert armadillo shuffles northwest.
An elder desert armadillo shuffles north.
You sense that your familiar has caught up with Hhstin and you concentrate on its vision...
[Fala Inisharon, Upper Slopes]
Along its way down the gentle slope, the stream widens into quiet pools as if for some sylvan ritual. It curves to the southwest, gliding through a forest cathedral dappled with beams of light lancing from the forest crown high above. The scent of balsam sweetens the air, and even the birds seem hushed in quiet reverence.
Also here: Votary Hhstin who is lying down.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
You sense your white lynx sit down.
Hhstin says, "Topology is destiny."
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "And avoiding large animals certainly extends ones time to find one's destiny."
Hhstin says, "Your jovial guardian stripped me of my protections."
Hhstin takes a seat.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Protections from what? "
Hhstin snorts, loudly.
Hhstin presses his hands together, his eyes sliding shut as he concentrates.
Hhstin slowly empties his lungs.
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes looks upward negligently.
Hhstin says, "From wildlife, in this case."
Hhstin says, "Though furious Elves were what I had in mind, when I wove them."
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Well. My master somewhat amusedely wonders if a bit stronger protection might be in order for your next attempt?"
Hhstin says, "I'd like to see you do better against this particular furious Elf. No matter."
Hhstin says, "I learned most of what I needed to know."
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes looks upward negligently.
Hhstin asks, "It cannot be always watched. Some other time, hmm?"
High overhead a steady honking signals the passing of a flight of geese.
Hhstin smiles.
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes sniffs the ground.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Master cautions you. Generally he doesn't particularly care for the affairs of those on the islands, but harm has come to Magic recently. No threat is implied, but sometimes one's goals can bring unintended consequences."
Hhstin says, "Ahh, you condescend to caution me? Fascinating."
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes looks upward negligently.
The tip of Hhstin's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes sniffs the ground.
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes looks upward negligently.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Condescend? No that is not what I feel in his emotions. Concern. Not for you, he has no reason to be concerned for you. Amused perhaps, but not concern. Concern for what might happen next if some uninformed fool meddles with the fabrics of magic again."
Hhstin says, "I would be better served by advice on animal taming, it seems."
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Move faster."
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Don't give them time to stalk you."
Hhstin smirks.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Bring bait."
Hhstin says, "I did not come here by choice, alas."
Hhstin says, "And the only bait...well. I am sure you'd object."
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Indeed I can relate to that."
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes looks upward negligently.
The tip of Hhstin's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
Hhstin stands up.
Hhstin turns his gaze to the sky for a few moments.
Hhstin raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes looks upward negligently.
Hhstin gestures.
Hhstin's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Hhstin raises his arm skyward, chanting.
Hhstin says, "Consequences."
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Indeed."
Hhstin muses, his lips curling in amusement.
Hhstin gestures.
Hhstin's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
Hhstin flicks the tip of his tail toward the ground sharply.
Hhstin raises his arm skyward, chanting.
Hhstin says, "I suppose Lomtaun will not pay to have my robes mended."
Hhstin gestures.
Tendrils of blue-white light silently shimmer into view and wrap around Hhstin, covering him in a barrier forming a lattice of geometric shapes.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "And who or what is Lomtaun?"
Hhstin raises his arm skyward, chanting.
Hhstin says, "He's the fellow who arranged my transport to this lovely place."
Hhstin says, "Rent all my spells, shoved me through a rift."
You notice as a golden-pawed white lynx with fierce silver-green eyes looks upward negligently.
Hhstin asks, "Consequences there shall be. But for whom?"
Hhstin gestures.
Hhstin's cambrinth armband emits a loud snap.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Well. Probably for you in the short term?"
Hhstin asks, "Indeed. But I am not without friends. It's good to have friends, wouldn't you say?"
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "My Master certainly agrees."
Hhstin presses his hands together gently, gazing out in the forest pensively.
Hhstin raises his arm skyward, chanting.
Hhstin says, "And here I must leave you. Perhaps we will meet again some other day."
Hhstin's tail undulates in an agitated fashion.
Hhstin gestures.
The air around Hhstin begins to shimmer oddly.
You hold your talisman tightly as you concentrate . . .
The white lynx growls, "Perhaps."
You sense your white lynx stand back up.
You sense that your familiar is traveling.
The guard searches the area with a wary eye.
> think Karui according to him, Lomtaun sent him to do something which he failed to accomplish.
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
Log of the thoughts:
Karui: Oh. Hell.
You hear your mental voice echo, "Eh?"
Karui: Someone, a young S'kra Mur, is messing with one of the obelisks!
You hear your mental voice echo, "Light him on fire. I find that usually solves most problems."
Vaskor: Well, smack him upside the head and chop off his tail.
Karui: I have no idea where he is. If anyone can, get to the obelisk
Karui: Um. Which of the immortals is a represented by a shrew?
Karui: Someone. Need to check the obelisk by shard
Jhaason: Kerenhappuch
Danoryiel: hrm, I want to say Kerrenhaupach.
You hear your mental voice echo, "It is. It is one of the aspects of Meraud. I'm jumping down."
Strais: Pray forgive my ignorance, but what's the significance of this obelisk?
You hear your mental voice echo, "Damnit, the moon isn't up."
You hear your mental voice echo, "Guess I'm walking down"
Karui: These obelisks are relics of ancient lunar magic that control the barrier between the Plane of Abiding and the Plane of probality
Karui: Taisgarth! Go. To . Taisgarith!
You hear your mental voice echo, "Anyone have a beam down there before I take the long walk/?"
You hear your mental voice echo, "Damnit That's in Qi now that I think of it. That's where it is Karui?"
You hear your mental voice echo, "He's on M'riss"
You hear your mental voice echo, "And he's threatening my familiar. "
You hear your mental voice echo, "HAHA. A dillo is killing him."
Gybrush: there for a moment i swear i thought you said something other than 'dillo' and couldnt help but think 'wow thats a crappy way to die'
You hear your mental voice echo, "Well, apparently the armadillo killing him stirpped him of some protection which he's attempting to restore. he is not at all amused with me."
Your mind hears Deadringer thinking, "<to you>" " who you trying to kill?"
Leanris: Anybody is selling a cambrinth armband? I lost mine. Thanks
Acynarian: I have a spare, Leanris. Ye at the guild?
Erraness: if you aren't going to use the other mind if I get it back?
Acynarian: Erraness I have one fer ye, too, if ye need.
Erraness: Oh no I just like using the ones I have
You hear your mental voice echo, "Well apparently he was sent by someone else."
Karui: Crossing. Be on the lookout for a S'kra Mur male by the name of Hhstin. Guildleader Lomtaun, leader of the Moon Mage's guild on Taisgarith, has repeled his assault
You hear your mental voice echo, "I was in communication with him."
Karui: Hhstin is a member of the dangerous group known as the Children of Kalestraum.
You hear your mental voice echo, "Karui according to him, Lomtaun sent him to do something which he failed to accomplish."
Vaskor: Why isn't Kssarh treatin him like a young loonie?
Karui: I cannot speak for what may have or may have not happened. All I know is that I felt the...ripples of what Hhstin was doint to the Obelisk on Taisgarith from here.
You hear your mental voice echo, "I understand that. I can't speak to the truth of his actions. I only know that he threatened my familiar and I saw him decimated by an elder armadillo. He made comments to the effect of wondering if Lomtaum would pay for the damage to his clothing."
You hear your mental voice echo, "Oh I see. Apparently Lomtaum stopped him, destroyed his protection spells and shoved him through a rift to dillos. Heh."
Karui: And to be blunt, anything to do with those Obelisks is Bad News. Empasis on the Bad News part.
You hear your mental voice echo, "I agree. I tried to make it clear to the S'kra about what happened the last time someone messed with the Planes."
You hear your mental voice echo, "I'm preparing a summary of what my familiar saw and said."
Karui: And I too shall chronicle what I witnessed today
(Long Post) Votary Hhstin attempts to meddle with the Obelisk on Taisgath
02/20/2013 05:56 AM CST
Re: (Long Post) Votary Hhstin attempts to meddle with the Obelisk on Taisgath
02/20/2013 06:13 AM CST
And from my viewpoint.
Big stuff happened on Taisgarith Island with the obelisk last night.
One of the Children was doing something involving Teologic Sorcery with the Obelisk, which was A Bad Thing.
Visions preceded the event:
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for writhing purple magic that dances through the air around you. Several unnerving moments pass before muted colors slowly return to the world.
Reality shudders slightly as a you glimpse a S'Kra Mur standing before a towering obelisk, his eyes locked in a look of intense concentration.
A second vision of the S'Kra Mur assaults your mind. He stands before the obelisk, a hand pressed to its surface, as the shadowy image of a shrew grows beneath the surface.
The visions continue, pulling back to reveal the Obelisk standing on a small island. The shadow of the shrew continues to grow, swallowing the entire island.
So I ran to Taisgarith real quick and witnessed this:
Hhstin says, "We know more than you think."
Hhstin says, "Raise your sight."
You exclaim, "What. Are. You. Doing!"
Lomtaun glances at you.
You see Votary Hhstin Oerthaes, a S'Kra Mur.
A dark grey Musparan silk uaro's'sugi with shrews embroidered along each hem is
folded to obscure Hhstin's face, hiding all but a narrow strip of black scales
around his eyes.
He has a slender tail.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a heavy cambrinth armband, a flowing silvery-grey cloak of
lightweight Musparan silk, a full-sleeved grey shirt of pristine Musparan silk,
a heavy robe of dull black cloth with subtle flecks of gold, some dull black
cloth gloves, a pair of gracefully-draped silk trews and some leather-thonged
Hhstin says, "One of yours, I suppose."
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Sleep spell.
Hhstin's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.
Hhstin says, "Now, now."
Lomtaun says, "One of mine, yes."
You exclaim, "Whatever you are doing Guildleader, I implore you to cease!"
You see Guildleader Lomtaun Nedorath, an Elf.
Lomtaun has pointed ears and green eyes. He has thinning silver hair, with
tanned skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
Lomtaun is bathed in a brilliant cascade of blue light.
He is holding a narrow blue-white moonblade in his right hand.
He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan flecked along the chain with subtle gold
impurities, a simple robe of green silk embroidered with the silver glyph of a
Wind Elf and a pair of simple sandals.
Hhstin angles his tail downward and then deliberately flicks it disdainfully up
at you. How insulting!
Lomtaun asks you, "Or are you claming membership with him?"
You see Guildleader Lomtaun Nedorath, an Elf.
Lomtaun has pointed ears and green eyes. He has thinning silver hair, with
tanned skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
Lomtaun is bathed in a brilliant cascade of blue light.
He is holding a narrow blue-white moonblade in his right hand.
He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan flecked along the chain with subtle gold
impurities, a simple robe of green silk embroidered with the silver glyph of a
Wind Elf and a pair of simple sandals.
Hhstin snorts derisively.
You see Votary Hhstin Oerthaes, a S'Kra Mur.
A dark grey Musparan silk uaro's'sugi with shrews embroidered along each hem is
folded to obscure Hhstin's face, hiding all but a narrow strip of black scales
around his eyes.
He has a slender tail.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a heavy cambrinth armband, a flowing silvery-grey cloak of
lightweight Musparan silk, a full-sleeved grey shirt of pristine Musparan silk,
a heavy robe of dull black cloth with subtle flecks of gold, some dull black
cloth gloves, a pair of gracefully-draped silk trews and some leather-thonged
Hhstin says, "There's no need for...any of that."
Hhstin edges away from Lomtaun.
Lomtaun suddenly swips his moonblade through the air. Energy crackles wildly
as Hhstin's sorcery is abruptly shattered.
Lomtaun says, "Your sorcery is done."
Hhstin frowns, lashing his tail at the air in irritation.
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Sleep spell.
Lomtaun gestures at Hhstin.
Hhstin staggers and collapses, suddenly asleep!
The day flows on into evening as the sun, poking now and then through heavy
clouds, descends.
You sigh.
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Rend spell.
Hhstin begins to wake.
You say, "Oh, thank the immortals."
Lomtaun regards Hhstin with an incisive, calculating look.
Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each
intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Rend spell.
Hhstin stands up.
Lomtaun regards Hhstin with an incisive, calculating look.
Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each
intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through
You perceive Lunar magic clinging to Hhstin.
There are no spells on Hhstin.
Hhstin has no spell prepared.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "Let me make myself clear."
Hhstin says, "I will leave, there is no need --."
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "The Obelisk is not your toy. Crawl back to your
master and tell him that."
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "Your kind is not welcome here."
A look of cold menace crosses Hhstin's features, and his hands fall to his
sides, his tail lashing at the ground with a sharp, angry slap!
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "Your kind will never be welcome here."
Lomtaun gestures at Hhstin with his narrow moonblade. A silvery rift tears
open directly behind Hhstin revealing a glimpse of sand dunes. A sharp gesture
from Lomtaun's offhand sends Hhstin hurtling through the rift which instantly
snaps shut, neatly severing a bit of his robe.
You sit down.
You leap to your feet!
You pant.
Lomtaun shakes his head.
You say, "Whew. I appologize for my outburst."
Lomtaun says to you, "Be careful young one."
You nod to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun says, "This is dangerous magic to meddle with."
You ask, "Who was that, and what was he attempting to acomplish?"
You nod to Lomtaun.
You say, "I really would rather not have anything to do with dangerous magic
like those...things."
You point at an ornately etched and translucent obelisk.
You hear a voice say, "He was a member of the Children of Kalestraum."
Nobody can see you blanch through your fur.
The rain begins to come down more heavily.
You say, "Oh my."
You twitch an ear nervously.
Lomtaun whispers, "OOC: ... Yeah, I was suppose to be the one saying that."
Lomtaun asks, "You are familiar with them?"
You nod to Lomtaun.
You say, "On a purely academic basis of they are lunatics."
You grin weakly.
Lomtaun says, "Not a particullarly powerful one thankfully, which makes me
wonder why they sent him."
You ponder.
You say, "Actually, that is odd."
Lomtaun says, "It is worrying."
You say, "Only a few days ago a number of us were discussing the obelisks at a
meeting in shard."
Lomtaun nods.
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "So much has been done to this one already. I fear what more
could be done to it."
You wince.
You say, "That kind of meddling cannot end well."
>loo lom
You see Guildleader Lomtaun Nedorath, an Elf.
Lomtaun has pointed ears and green eyes. He has thinning silver hair, with
tanned skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
Lomtaun is bathed in a brilliant cascade of blue light.
He is holding a narrow blue-white moonblade in his right hand.
He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan flecked along the chain with subtle gold
impurities, a simple robe of green silk embroidered with the silver glyph of a
Wind Elf and a pair of simple sandals.
Lomtaun says, "I have spent decades studying it and yet I feel like I am still
a babe trying to understand a world I've barely been introduced too."
You brush one ear with your hand, grooming it absentmindedly.
Lomtaun says, "The Children know less of it, and yet risk far, far more."
You nod to Lomtaun.
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "I do not know why they are suddenly interested in it again, but
it will merit investigation."
Lomtaun says, "And... measures, to ensure it does not happen again."
You ask, "What was that...sorcery? It was sorcery, no?"
You peer quizzically at Lomtaun.
Lomtaun strides around the obelisk, carefully inspecting the surface.
Lomtaun says, "Some variant of Teleologic Sorcery, yes."
You wince.
Lomtaun says, "I do not believe it was a finished pattern."
Lomtaun says, "It would appear my actions stopped it before any lasting harm
could be done, but again, time will tell."
You nod to Lomtaun.
You ponder.
You ask, "What of the obelisk near shard?"
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "I'm not certain what to make of it. Mortom has studied it
Lomtaun says, "It is not as this one is."
You nod to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun says, "Though it shares some of it's properties, and it is very old."
You ask, "Ah. So it is a logical conclusion that whatever he was attempting to
do, he needed to be here?"
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "Perhaps."
Lomtaun says, "Perhaps they felt this one was more likely to work."
Lomtaun says, "Perhaps it had to be this one."
You nod.
You ask, "Might it not be a bad idea to round up a few of our own to stand
Lomtaun shakes his head.
Lomtaun says, "We must always be ready when the Children are plotting."
You nod to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun says, "Rarely has anything but trouble followed in their wake."
You say, "Indeed. I have heard of nothing but harm coming from their actions."
You shake your head.
You sigh.
Lomtaun's blue-white moonblade flickers unsteadily.
You ask, "So, I must ask. What course of action should we take from here?"
You gaze at Lomtaun.
As Lomtaun opens his hand to release his moonblade, it is consumed in a cold
blue-white fire.
Lomtaun says, "A good question."
You sigh.
You say, "One to which I have no answers."
Lomtaun says, "I have no direct authority over matters to the South."
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "For now I believe I will establish an extra layer of defense
around the Obelisk here."
You say, "I will see about organizing a group to investigate the obelisk to the
Lomtaun says, "And learn what I can. Beyond that, keep your eyes open and I
will speak to the rest of the guild about what has happened here."
You ponder.
You bow to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun nods to you.
You say, "Of course."
Lomtaun says, "It will be as the web wills."
You nod to Lomtaun.
You say, "Indeed."
Lomtaun nods to you.
Lomtaun says, "Thank you for coming."
You say, "I could do nothing less."
Lomtaun says, "It is good to know I was not the only one to feel the tremors of
his meddling."
You say, "I was able to get here, thus it was my duty."
You grin at Lomtaun.
You say, "I was lucky to have a beam near the temple on ratha."
You chuckle.
Lomtaun nods.
You sigh.
Lomtaun says, "Good afternoon, there's much for me to do."
You bow to Lomtaun.
You say, "Be well, and safe paths."
Lomtaun says, "You as well."
All in all, crazy stuff. I'll admit I was a little confused as to who was doing what for a moment. :X
Big stuff happened on Taisgarith Island with the obelisk last night.
One of the Children was doing something involving Teologic Sorcery with the Obelisk, which was A Bad Thing.
Visions preceded the event:
Color bleeds away from the world, leaving the area grey except for writhing purple magic that dances through the air around you. Several unnerving moments pass before muted colors slowly return to the world.
Reality shudders slightly as a you glimpse a S'Kra Mur standing before a towering obelisk, his eyes locked in a look of intense concentration.
A second vision of the S'Kra Mur assaults your mind. He stands before the obelisk, a hand pressed to its surface, as the shadowy image of a shrew grows beneath the surface.
The visions continue, pulling back to reveal the Obelisk standing on a small island. The shadow of the shrew continues to grow, swallowing the entire island.
So I ran to Taisgarith real quick and witnessed this:
Hhstin says, "We know more than you think."
Hhstin says, "Raise your sight."
You exclaim, "What. Are. You. Doing!"
Lomtaun glances at you.
You see Votary Hhstin Oerthaes, a S'Kra Mur.
A dark grey Musparan silk uaro's'sugi with shrews embroidered along each hem is
folded to obscure Hhstin's face, hiding all but a narrow strip of black scales
around his eyes.
He has a slender tail.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a heavy cambrinth armband, a flowing silvery-grey cloak of
lightweight Musparan silk, a full-sleeved grey shirt of pristine Musparan silk,
a heavy robe of dull black cloth with subtle flecks of gold, some dull black
cloth gloves, a pair of gracefully-draped silk trews and some leather-thonged
Hhstin says, "One of yours, I suppose."
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Sleep spell.
Hhstin's tail cautiously lifts into a kind of "U" shape.
Hhstin says, "Now, now."
Lomtaun says, "One of mine, yes."
You exclaim, "Whatever you are doing Guildleader, I implore you to cease!"
You see Guildleader Lomtaun Nedorath, an Elf.
Lomtaun has pointed ears and green eyes. He has thinning silver hair, with
tanned skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
Lomtaun is bathed in a brilliant cascade of blue light.
He is holding a narrow blue-white moonblade in his right hand.
He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan flecked along the chain with subtle gold
impurities, a simple robe of green silk embroidered with the silver glyph of a
Wind Elf and a pair of simple sandals.
Hhstin angles his tail downward and then deliberately flicks it disdainfully up
at you. How insulting!
Lomtaun asks you, "Or are you claming membership with him?"
You see Guildleader Lomtaun Nedorath, an Elf.
Lomtaun has pointed ears and green eyes. He has thinning silver hair, with
tanned skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
Lomtaun is bathed in a brilliant cascade of blue light.
He is holding a narrow blue-white moonblade in his right hand.
He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan flecked along the chain with subtle gold
impurities, a simple robe of green silk embroidered with the silver glyph of a
Wind Elf and a pair of simple sandals.
Hhstin snorts derisively.
You see Votary Hhstin Oerthaes, a S'Kra Mur.
A dark grey Musparan silk uaro's'sugi with shrews embroidered along each hem is
folded to obscure Hhstin's face, hiding all but a narrow strip of black scales
around his eyes.
He has a slender tail.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a heavy cambrinth armband, a flowing silvery-grey cloak of
lightweight Musparan silk, a full-sleeved grey shirt of pristine Musparan silk,
a heavy robe of dull black cloth with subtle flecks of gold, some dull black
cloth gloves, a pair of gracefully-draped silk trews and some leather-thonged
Hhstin says, "There's no need for...any of that."
Hhstin edges away from Lomtaun.
Lomtaun suddenly swips his moonblade through the air. Energy crackles wildly
as Hhstin's sorcery is abruptly shattered.
Lomtaun says, "Your sorcery is done."
Hhstin frowns, lashing his tail at the air in irritation.
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Sleep spell.
Lomtaun gestures at Hhstin.
Hhstin staggers and collapses, suddenly asleep!
The day flows on into evening as the sun, poking now and then through heavy
clouds, descends.
You sigh.
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Rend spell.
Hhstin begins to wake.
You say, "Oh, thank the immortals."
Lomtaun regards Hhstin with an incisive, calculating look.
Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each
intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through
Lomtaun raises his head skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Rend spell.
Hhstin stands up.
Lomtaun regards Hhstin with an incisive, calculating look.
Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each
intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through
You perceive Lunar magic clinging to Hhstin.
There are no spells on Hhstin.
Hhstin has no spell prepared.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "Let me make myself clear."
Hhstin says, "I will leave, there is no need --."
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "The Obelisk is not your toy. Crawl back to your
master and tell him that."
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "Your kind is not welcome here."
A look of cold menace crosses Hhstin's features, and his hands fall to his
sides, his tail lashing at the ground with a sharp, angry slap!
Lomtaun says to Hhstin, "Your kind will never be welcome here."
Lomtaun gestures at Hhstin with his narrow moonblade. A silvery rift tears
open directly behind Hhstin revealing a glimpse of sand dunes. A sharp gesture
from Lomtaun's offhand sends Hhstin hurtling through the rift which instantly
snaps shut, neatly severing a bit of his robe.
You sit down.
You leap to your feet!
You pant.
Lomtaun shakes his head.
You say, "Whew. I appologize for my outburst."
Lomtaun says to you, "Be careful young one."
You nod to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun says, "This is dangerous magic to meddle with."
You ask, "Who was that, and what was he attempting to acomplish?"
You nod to Lomtaun.
You say, "I really would rather not have anything to do with dangerous magic
like those...things."
You point at an ornately etched and translucent obelisk.
You hear a voice say, "He was a member of the Children of Kalestraum."
Nobody can see you blanch through your fur.
The rain begins to come down more heavily.
You say, "Oh my."
You twitch an ear nervously.
Lomtaun whispers, "OOC: ... Yeah, I was suppose to be the one saying that."
Lomtaun asks, "You are familiar with them?"
You nod to Lomtaun.
You say, "On a purely academic basis of they are lunatics."
You grin weakly.
Lomtaun says, "Not a particullarly powerful one thankfully, which makes me
wonder why they sent him."
You ponder.
You say, "Actually, that is odd."
Lomtaun says, "It is worrying."
You say, "Only a few days ago a number of us were discussing the obelisks at a
meeting in shard."
Lomtaun nods.
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "So much has been done to this one already. I fear what more
could be done to it."
You wince.
You say, "That kind of meddling cannot end well."
>loo lom
You see Guildleader Lomtaun Nedorath, an Elf.
Lomtaun has pointed ears and green eyes. He has thinning silver hair, with
tanned skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
Lomtaun is bathed in a brilliant cascade of blue light.
He is holding a narrow blue-white moonblade in his right hand.
He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan flecked along the chain with subtle gold
impurities, a simple robe of green silk embroidered with the silver glyph of a
Wind Elf and a pair of simple sandals.
Lomtaun says, "I have spent decades studying it and yet I feel like I am still
a babe trying to understand a world I've barely been introduced too."
You brush one ear with your hand, grooming it absentmindedly.
Lomtaun says, "The Children know less of it, and yet risk far, far more."
You nod to Lomtaun.
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "I do not know why they are suddenly interested in it again, but
it will merit investigation."
Lomtaun says, "And... measures, to ensure it does not happen again."
You ask, "What was that...sorcery? It was sorcery, no?"
You peer quizzically at Lomtaun.
Lomtaun strides around the obelisk, carefully inspecting the surface.
Lomtaun says, "Some variant of Teleologic Sorcery, yes."
You wince.
Lomtaun says, "I do not believe it was a finished pattern."
Lomtaun says, "It would appear my actions stopped it before any lasting harm
could be done, but again, time will tell."
You nod to Lomtaun.
You ponder.
You ask, "What of the obelisk near shard?"
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "I'm not certain what to make of it. Mortom has studied it
Lomtaun says, "It is not as this one is."
You nod to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun says, "Though it shares some of it's properties, and it is very old."
You ask, "Ah. So it is a logical conclusion that whatever he was attempting to
do, he needed to be here?"
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "Perhaps."
Lomtaun says, "Perhaps they felt this one was more likely to work."
Lomtaun says, "Perhaps it had to be this one."
You nod.
You ask, "Might it not be a bad idea to round up a few of our own to stand
Lomtaun shakes his head.
Lomtaun says, "We must always be ready when the Children are plotting."
You nod to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun says, "Rarely has anything but trouble followed in their wake."
You say, "Indeed. I have heard of nothing but harm coming from their actions."
You shake your head.
You sigh.
Lomtaun's blue-white moonblade flickers unsteadily.
You ask, "So, I must ask. What course of action should we take from here?"
You gaze at Lomtaun.
As Lomtaun opens his hand to release his moonblade, it is consumed in a cold
blue-white fire.
Lomtaun says, "A good question."
You sigh.
You say, "One to which I have no answers."
Lomtaun says, "I have no direct authority over matters to the South."
You ponder.
Lomtaun says, "For now I believe I will establish an extra layer of defense
around the Obelisk here."
You say, "I will see about organizing a group to investigate the obelisk to the
Lomtaun says, "And learn what I can. Beyond that, keep your eyes open and I
will speak to the rest of the guild about what has happened here."
You ponder.
You bow to Lomtaun.
Lomtaun nods to you.
You say, "Of course."
Lomtaun says, "It will be as the web wills."
You nod to Lomtaun.
You say, "Indeed."
Lomtaun nods to you.
Lomtaun says, "Thank you for coming."
You say, "I could do nothing less."
Lomtaun says, "It is good to know I was not the only one to feel the tremors of
his meddling."
You say, "I was able to get here, thus it was my duty."
You grin at Lomtaun.
You say, "I was lucky to have a beam near the temple on ratha."
You chuckle.
Lomtaun nods.
You sigh.
Lomtaun says, "Good afternoon, there's much for me to do."
You bow to Lomtaun.
You say, "Be well, and safe paths."
Lomtaun says, "You as well."
All in all, crazy stuff. I'll admit I was a little confused as to who was doing what for a moment. :X
Re: (Long Post) Votary Hhstin attempts to meddle with the Obelisk on Taisgath
02/20/2013 01:39 PM CST
Nice, thanks for that.