I still say we should all just enjoy stabbing each other regularly.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 02:55 AM CDT
I read this thread thinking, man I hope Traim posts here so I don't have to. He is spot on.
Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 04:32 AM CDT
I'm going to throw my two coppers in here.
I understand the RP stance of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"... with in reason. Now I've heard in the past folks say "if Therengians come to Boar Clan they should expect to be attacked, its OURS". Now folks are saying... "if you come to the Islands (ANY island) you will be killed on sight". Now... where is the best HL hunting grounds? Boar Clan area and the Islands. So it certainly seems you that what are telling folks is, "You want to advance in your training? Too bad, its all ours." Whether that was your intent or not, or the accidental claim made by two groups who are both antagonistic to Therengia, the end result is the same. The vast majority of the folks who spent their time training in Therengia are 100th circle and under, most are far under that. The folks in the 130 and up range, much lest the 150+ folks, only come home to Theren when there is trouble. Why? Because they need to go to the Islands or Boar Clan to train! So your are either saying you just like to come here and beat up folks who are 50-80 circles under you, which will just drive them all to going PvP closed and/or quitting the Brigades (yes I hear some of you cheering at the thought of that). Or you are afraid of them gaining combat skills and facing you on equal footing. I'd like to think that for most of Team Bad that neither of these is true. If, in fact, you are just trying to UP the RP... then let folks get some training in, don't harrass them all the time (no, I'm not saying this is currently happening, but I do worry that it could come to that).
Team Bad needs to keep the following in mind... Team Bad NEEDS Team Good. If the current group of folks who are part of the Theren Brigades, who currently are willing to partake in PvP, were to go PvP closed or quit the Brigades then who do you have to play with? Who do you fight then? If you think all of us signed up for the Brigades so we could PvP, think again. We signed up to protect our homeland during the War and from the likes of Viggu and the Slavers.
Now a bit of Brigade History... Mordibar has been part of the Brigades since they were first formed at the start of the Outcast War. At one point I distinctly remember Mazrian wanting us to become enforcers, to deal with the 'thugs'. But at that time we were told, in no uncertain terms, that we were NOT a police force, we were to stay out of that type of thing. Now with Profiles and the PvP flag it seems that has flip flopped. A lot of folks who originally signed up for the brigades never wanted to and still do not want to do PvP, and/or never trained with PvP in mind (which really is important IMHO). Folks are still not required to partake in PvP if they join a Brigade. And some of us do PvP only because it seems appropriate for our characters RP. We are willing to deal with the fact that we suck at it and probably always will or are up against folks who have us completely outmatched, but since it fits the established RP for that character we are willing roll with it. Doesn't mean that our RP can't take a right hand turn (retirement anyone?) if gameplay stops being fun.
Now to clarify a few things about what Brigade members can and cannot do. Those who are members of the Brigades are under very strict orders from Q (or the Baron if you wish) to leave folks alone when they are hunting. If anyone is violating that, send me an IM (Mordibar, it's also in my profile) with their name and gist of what happened and I'll do my best to straighten that person out or get their commander to do so. If you aren't on the banned list then, other than perhaps some random comment about some action you may have done (basic RP), they shouldn't be attacking you at all without just provocation. Keep in mind, not all Therengian citizens are part of one of the Brigades, and some of those folks will act on their own going against the Baron's orders, sorry we have no control over them. Will we back them up? Ummm, maybe, maybe not. Wish I could give you a clean answer on that but we all know RP can be messy, especially RP involving conflict. But it has happened that folks have been told "sorry that's a personal battle, deal with it on your own". Now if you are Banned you should expect to be asked to leave, and perhaps attacked if you fail to do so. I say perhaps because as I said before, not everyone in a Brigade wants to partake in PvP and they will simply go with a reminder for you to leave the province, they are then expected to notify someone else in their chain of command about your presence.
Someone made a comment earlier, I forget who, that anyone from the Ilithi Militia will be told to leave. This is NOT true. Traim is Banned, true. If a group of people who are all (or most) part of the Ilithi militia show up and don't at least announce themselves, questions will be asked as to what their intent is. They have been told/asked to announce their presence when they enter the province. But no one is banned from Theren just because they are a member of the Ilithi Militia.
I'm with Lyathe in the feeling that the Banned List has been a bigger pain than its really worth. Its been nearly impossible to keep straight who's on the list. If it must stay I honestly think it needs to be posted on a board somewhere in town, akin to how those who are wanted are posted. Would only be editable by the GMs and would clarify who actually is officially banned. And everyone, not just those in the Brigades, could stay informed. But maybe we need to get rid of it all together. Though I doubt that will keep certain folks from coming to Theren to cause trouble.
Finally, Tsaru's post... +1
Ok enough rambling from me (ok so it was a bit more than 2 coppers), its late and about time for some sleep.
I understand the RP stance of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"... with in reason. Now I've heard in the past folks say "if Therengians come to Boar Clan they should expect to be attacked, its OURS". Now folks are saying... "if you come to the Islands (ANY island) you will be killed on sight". Now... where is the best HL hunting grounds? Boar Clan area and the Islands. So it certainly seems you that what are telling folks is, "You want to advance in your training? Too bad, its all ours." Whether that was your intent or not, or the accidental claim made by two groups who are both antagonistic to Therengia, the end result is the same. The vast majority of the folks who spent their time training in Therengia are 100th circle and under, most are far under that. The folks in the 130 and up range, much lest the 150+ folks, only come home to Theren when there is trouble. Why? Because they need to go to the Islands or Boar Clan to train! So your are either saying you just like to come here and beat up folks who are 50-80 circles under you, which will just drive them all to going PvP closed and/or quitting the Brigades (yes I hear some of you cheering at the thought of that). Or you are afraid of them gaining combat skills and facing you on equal footing. I'd like to think that for most of Team Bad that neither of these is true. If, in fact, you are just trying to UP the RP... then let folks get some training in, don't harrass them all the time (no, I'm not saying this is currently happening, but I do worry that it could come to that).
Team Bad needs to keep the following in mind... Team Bad NEEDS Team Good. If the current group of folks who are part of the Theren Brigades, who currently are willing to partake in PvP, were to go PvP closed or quit the Brigades then who do you have to play with? Who do you fight then? If you think all of us signed up for the Brigades so we could PvP, think again. We signed up to protect our homeland during the War and from the likes of Viggu and the Slavers.
Now a bit of Brigade History... Mordibar has been part of the Brigades since they were first formed at the start of the Outcast War. At one point I distinctly remember Mazrian wanting us to become enforcers, to deal with the 'thugs'. But at that time we were told, in no uncertain terms, that we were NOT a police force, we were to stay out of that type of thing. Now with Profiles and the PvP flag it seems that has flip flopped. A lot of folks who originally signed up for the brigades never wanted to and still do not want to do PvP, and/or never trained with PvP in mind (which really is important IMHO). Folks are still not required to partake in PvP if they join a Brigade. And some of us do PvP only because it seems appropriate for our characters RP. We are willing to deal with the fact that we suck at it and probably always will or are up against folks who have us completely outmatched, but since it fits the established RP for that character we are willing roll with it. Doesn't mean that our RP can't take a right hand turn (retirement anyone?) if gameplay stops being fun.
Now to clarify a few things about what Brigade members can and cannot do. Those who are members of the Brigades are under very strict orders from Q (or the Baron if you wish) to leave folks alone when they are hunting. If anyone is violating that, send me an IM (Mordibar, it's also in my profile) with their name and gist of what happened and I'll do my best to straighten that person out or get their commander to do so. If you aren't on the banned list then, other than perhaps some random comment about some action you may have done (basic RP), they shouldn't be attacking you at all without just provocation. Keep in mind, not all Therengian citizens are part of one of the Brigades, and some of those folks will act on their own going against the Baron's orders, sorry we have no control over them. Will we back them up? Ummm, maybe, maybe not. Wish I could give you a clean answer on that but we all know RP can be messy, especially RP involving conflict. But it has happened that folks have been told "sorry that's a personal battle, deal with it on your own". Now if you are Banned you should expect to be asked to leave, and perhaps attacked if you fail to do so. I say perhaps because as I said before, not everyone in a Brigade wants to partake in PvP and they will simply go with a reminder for you to leave the province, they are then expected to notify someone else in their chain of command about your presence.
Someone made a comment earlier, I forget who, that anyone from the Ilithi Militia will be told to leave. This is NOT true. Traim is Banned, true. If a group of people who are all (or most) part of the Ilithi militia show up and don't at least announce themselves, questions will be asked as to what their intent is. They have been told/asked to announce their presence when they enter the province. But no one is banned from Theren just because they are a member of the Ilithi Militia.
I'm with Lyathe in the feeling that the Banned List has been a bigger pain than its really worth. Its been nearly impossible to keep straight who's on the list. If it must stay I honestly think it needs to be posted on a board somewhere in town, akin to how those who are wanted are posted. Would only be editable by the GMs and would clarify who actually is officially banned. And everyone, not just those in the Brigades, could stay informed. But maybe we need to get rid of it all together. Though I doubt that will keep certain folks from coming to Theren to cause trouble.
Finally, Tsaru's post... +1
Ok enough rambling from me (ok so it was a bit more than 2 coppers), its late and about time for some sleep.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 05:43 AM CDT
Stepping in here to say that we have multiple issues here, many of which seem to stem from the fact that certain folks like to justify varying degrees of disruptive behaviour behind the guise of "roleplaying". If you want to roleplay actions, you'll get roleplayed reactions. If your reactions to those reactions result in behaviour that becomes disruptive, things will escalate to levels which won't be fun for anyone involved.
the same can be said for the "good team". Yet you have a GMNPC backing their behavior like they own therengia.
reality check..its a phase in the game and wheither someone wishes to rp with the brigades or not, having any kind
of opinion that is different then the what is "socially acceptable" by the good ole boys club in therengia gets you
"banned" and a kill on sight order put on your head, unless of course you're a hlc they can't kill then they have to have a GMNPC pull their ass out of a sling because they bit off more then they can chew with their chosen rp.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 06:14 AM CDT
>>the Ogdaro incident
I just like the way that sounds. Should be the title of a book.
Just to keep this post somewhat on-topic: I agree with what Quarel said about Og being able to handle his own fights, first of all. Second, I was surprised and a little tickled to be honest, that his actions garnered such a unique sort of response. It's not every day that one gets targeted for politically motivated retaliatory assassination. Loved it on a number of levels.
Also, this:
>>But we all know that we can't realistically make Ogdaro disappear.
While I fully understand it, in some ways it makes me a little sad. What an epic way for a bad guy with humble beginnings to go out.
Anyhow... Carry on! Interesting thread.
"Take chances and see what you can get away with, it only costs you a favor or two if you mess up." -Issus
I just like the way that sounds. Should be the title of a book.
Just to keep this post somewhat on-topic: I agree with what Quarel said about Og being able to handle his own fights, first of all. Second, I was surprised and a little tickled to be honest, that his actions garnered such a unique sort of response. It's not every day that one gets targeted for politically motivated retaliatory assassination. Loved it on a number of levels.
Also, this:
>>But we all know that we can't realistically make Ogdaro disappear.
While I fully understand it, in some ways it makes me a little sad. What an epic way for a bad guy with humble beginnings to go out.
Anyhow... Carry on! Interesting thread.
"Take chances and see what you can get away with, it only costs you a favor or two if you mess up." -Issus
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 09:08 AM CDT
So wading through all the stuff in this long, long thread I think everyone would agree on two points. First that the banned list is annoying for all parties and should probably just go away and that there needs to be high level hunting areas on the mainland.
Player of Leech Farmer Nithhogr
Player of Leech Farmer Nithhogr
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 09:17 AM CDT
I'm just loling at this whole thread. Does anyone get what actually happened? The answer is not a whole lot. We were poking people with a stick on the gweth trying to get a reaction, then Jondong didn't kill Seb while Seb wasn't hunting.
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 10:44 AM CDT
>I'm with Lyathe in the feeling that the Banned List has been a bigger pain than its really worth. Its been nearly impossible to keep straight who's on the list. If it must stay I honestly think it needs to be posted on a board somewhere in town, akin to how those who are wanted are posted. Would only be editable by the GMs and would clarify who actually is officially banned. And everyone, not just those in the Brigades, could stay informed. But maybe we need to get rid of it all together. Though I doubt that will keep certain folks from coming to Theren to cause trouble.
I agree. Akriana was placed upon this 'banned' list due to OOC information via her Profile.
I agree. Akriana was placed upon this 'banned' list due to OOC information via her Profile.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 10:48 AM CDT
>I agree. Akriana was placed upon this 'banned' list due to OOC information via her Profile.
Forgot to mention....
By the Therengians, not the GMNPCs.
Forgot to mention....
By the Therengians, not the GMNPCs.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 10:54 AM CDT
>>I'm with Lyathe in the feeling that the Banned List has been a bigger pain than its really worth.
You hear the voice of Jaedren exclaim, "Look! I'm Leilond!"
You notice Jaedren come out of hiding.
Jaedren shimmers out of sight.
You hear the voice of Jaedren exclaim, "Look! I'm Leilond!"
You notice Jaedren come out of hiding.
Jaedren shimmers out of sight.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 11:12 AM CDT
For your information Akriana is not on the banned list. Therengians are not allowed to add personal conflicts to the banned list. If you see this, report it to Mordibar or myself immediately and we'll help get it sorted -- IF it was a brigade member doing it, otherwise, sorry, you're in a personal conflict. This kind of thing has to stop. At worst she is on a watch list because she is known to be with Gorteous. Also, please don't think that you're on the banned list when you show up with banned folks and thereby get attacked for it. It takes much to get on the official banned list, much to the disappointment of some of the brigade members involved. For example, the last few people got on that list for directly assaulting a GMNPC. The only recent one on there who I feel should not be on there is Gorteous -- that is an example of a personal vendetta getting forced upon Q to the point it had to be added to the list.
As far as I'm aware Akriana got attacked at spars since she attempted to attack Lyathe for Lyathe attempting to sleep Gorteous. She died for it already, if anyone is carrying it further than that, it has to stop.
Sorry this is horribly off topic, but things like this are the very reason why the banned list has gone rotten.
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
As far as I'm aware Akriana got attacked at spars since she attempted to attack Lyathe for Lyathe attempting to sleep Gorteous. She died for it already, if anyone is carrying it further than that, it has to stop.
Sorry this is horribly off topic, but things like this are the very reason why the banned list has gone rotten.
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 11:22 AM CDT
>For your information Akriana is not on the banned list.
I have had more than 3 people tell me that she was.
Thank you, Lyathe, for the correction.
I have had more than 3 people tell me that she was.
Thank you, Lyathe, for the correction.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 11:24 AM CDT
>>I have had more than 3 people tell me that she was.
Some members of the Therengian brigades are very fond of making ban declarations that they don't have to power to enact and then getting all their friends to try and enforce it.
Some members of the Therengian brigades are very fond of making ban declarations that they don't have to power to enact and then getting all their friends to try and enforce it.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 11:29 AM CDT
>>I have had more than 3 people tell me that she was.
One problem with having a "ban list" is the fact that players will hold it up above their heads as infallible truth or for the purpose of enforcing their own will on others, by embellishing the list to their own ideals.
The Klurn incident comes to mind :/
You hear the voice of Jaedren exclaim, "Look! I'm Leilond!"
You notice Jaedren come out of hiding.
Jaedren shimmers out of sight.
One problem with having a "ban list" is the fact that players will hold it up above their heads as infallible truth or for the purpose of enforcing their own will on others, by embellishing the list to their own ideals.
The Klurn incident comes to mind :/
You hear the voice of Jaedren exclaim, "Look! I'm Leilond!"
You notice Jaedren come out of hiding.
Jaedren shimmers out of sight.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 11:41 AM CDT
1) Remove the ban list
2) Make social outrage function for more than just Necromancers, with the high end extreme being deportation instead of hounding and the capability of just being limited to a specific province.
3) Have GMs manually set the SO of people who warrant it.
"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
2) Make social outrage function for more than just Necromancers, with the high end extreme being deportation instead of hounding and the capability of just being limited to a specific province.
3) Have GMs manually set the SO of people who warrant it.
"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 11:43 AM CDT
Oh, and
4) watch people continue to complain, anyway.
"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
4) watch people continue to complain, anyway.
"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 11:59 AM CDT
>1) Remove the ban list
>2) Make social outrage function for more than just Necromancers, with the high end extreme being deportation instead of hounding and the capability of just being limited to a specific province.
>3) Have GMs manually set the SO of people who warrant it.
>4) watch people continue to complain, anyway.
I'd be for this.
>2) Make social outrage function for more than just Necromancers, with the high end extreme being deportation instead of hounding and the capability of just being limited to a specific province.
>3) Have GMs manually set the SO of people who warrant it.
>4) watch people continue to complain, anyway.
I'd be for this.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 12:15 PM CDT
"I have had more than 3 people tell me that she was."
Every single one of them is wrong. If I have names, their commander will be informed. This behavior is a direct violation of orders.
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
Every single one of them is wrong. If I have names, their commander will be informed. This behavior is a direct violation of orders.
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 12:59 PM CDT
>Does anyone get what actually happened? The answer is not a whole lot. We were poking people with a stick on the gweth trying to get a reaction, then Jondong didn't kill Seb while Seb was hunting.
Fixed that for you.
And if just riling folks up that day was the intent, wonderful. However there are folks who are taking what was said on the gweth that day and running with it. To the point that atleast one person has been told they will be killed on sight for hunting on any island. When you are being told this both IG and in IMs you have to assume that folks (or maybe just one person?) are taking this rather seriously and moving forward with it.
Fixed that for you.
And if just riling folks up that day was the intent, wonderful. However there are folks who are taking what was said on the gweth that day and running with it. To the point that atleast one person has been told they will be killed on sight for hunting on any island. When you are being told this both IG and in IMs you have to assume that folks (or maybe just one person?) are taking this rather seriously and moving forward with it.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 01:23 PM CDT
For future reference, and don't take this personally Mordibar, a ton of people have been doing it: Can we knock off the "At least one person did X Y Z!" posts? If someone told you that you were on "The List," say the name. If someone threatened to kill you every time you go to Kresh, say the name. If you want to claim some extraordinary action was taken by someone, name that person or don't bring it up. Anyone can say "Fourteen people threatened kill me in Theren," but that doesn't mean anything without at least saying who. For all you know, that person holds no authority, or is an oddball outlier of the group you're trying to say is responsible.
Four hundred people agree with my point, they just don't feel like posting it because the other seven thousand threatened them.
Four hundred people agree with my point, they just don't feel like posting it because the other seven thousand threatened them.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 01:28 PM CDT
<<To the point that atleast one person has been told they will be killed on sight for hunting on any island.
I doubt it. I can't imagine anyone would want to spend the time on Ratha to prevent Therengians from hunting there.
I doubt it. I can't imagine anyone would want to spend the time on Ratha to prevent Therengians from hunting there.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 01:35 PM CDT
Banner of truce the province, and give everyone hugs for the fix.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 01:45 PM CDT
>to allow you theren brigades to continue to have your power trips.
Lets set this straight. Members of the Brigades have been told time and again by the Chamberlain, by the Marshal and by the Hand that if we see someone who we know to be on the Banned List we are to tell them to leave or to forward it up the chain of command to someone who is comfortable confronting that person. Failure to do so can cause you to lose your badge. Would Q actually yank someones badge, I doubt it, but it is the correct RP line for him to take. Just as a loyal Brigade member its my characters job to follow through with his orders.
Does that make it a power trip? I don't think so. A few may use it as one, but for alot of us (from the players perspective) seeing or hearing about someone who is on the banned list more often draws a sigh of resignation. Now my character is expected to drop everything he's doing and go confront this 'bad person' (sometimes being at the top of the food chain can really suck). Is that always a bad thing, no. Sometimes its fun, sometimes its not. For me, the player, if I just got done healing a bunch of patients, (which is a rarity for Mord) or just got done getting all my combats full and this happens, I as the player am generally not overly thrilled since alot of the folks on the Banned list are only coming here because they want an excuse to kill someone (99% of the folks in Theren being an easy kill for them). That's it, that is their only reason. You can't tell me that Gorteous and crew or the Arkarm's are coming here so they can work on their combat skills. They don't come here to train, they come here to get an excuse to kill folks. Guess what friends and neighbors, sometimes we get tired of being everyone's punching bag at times that its convenient for them.
Now I can already hear folks saying, then don't be in a brigade. Mordibar (and I) accept that its the price that we pay. Mord will never be able to compete with the rest of the HLCs, I'm fully aware of that, I don't have the time it would take to accomplish such a task. When things get too annoying for Me on the Theren front (or if my connection goes to crud) I let Mord say home and work on another character. Please don't get me wrong, like I said before sometimes these confrontations can be enjoyable. Just not every day, day in and day out.
I rambled again, sorry.
Lets set this straight. Members of the Brigades have been told time and again by the Chamberlain, by the Marshal and by the Hand that if we see someone who we know to be on the Banned List we are to tell them to leave or to forward it up the chain of command to someone who is comfortable confronting that person. Failure to do so can cause you to lose your badge. Would Q actually yank someones badge, I doubt it, but it is the correct RP line for him to take. Just as a loyal Brigade member its my characters job to follow through with his orders.
Does that make it a power trip? I don't think so. A few may use it as one, but for alot of us (from the players perspective) seeing or hearing about someone who is on the banned list more often draws a sigh of resignation. Now my character is expected to drop everything he's doing and go confront this 'bad person' (sometimes being at the top of the food chain can really suck). Is that always a bad thing, no. Sometimes its fun, sometimes its not. For me, the player, if I just got done healing a bunch of patients, (which is a rarity for Mord) or just got done getting all my combats full and this happens, I as the player am generally not overly thrilled since alot of the folks on the Banned list are only coming here because they want an excuse to kill someone (99% of the folks in Theren being an easy kill for them). That's it, that is their only reason. You can't tell me that Gorteous and crew or the Arkarm's are coming here so they can work on their combat skills. They don't come here to train, they come here to get an excuse to kill folks. Guess what friends and neighbors, sometimes we get tired of being everyone's punching bag at times that its convenient for them.
Now I can already hear folks saying, then don't be in a brigade. Mordibar (and I) accept that its the price that we pay. Mord will never be able to compete with the rest of the HLCs, I'm fully aware of that, I don't have the time it would take to accomplish such a task. When things get too annoying for Me on the Theren front (or if my connection goes to crud) I let Mord say home and work on another character. Please don't get me wrong, like I said before sometimes these confrontations can be enjoyable. Just not every day, day in and day out.
I rambled again, sorry.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 02:15 PM CDT
<<Lets set this straight. Members of the Brigades have been told time and again by the Chamberlain, by the Marshal and by the Hand that if we see someone who we know to be on the Banned List we are to tell them to leave or to forward it up the chain of command to someone who is comfortable confronting that person. Failure to do so can cause you to lose your badge. Would Q actually yank someones badge, I doubt it, but it is the correct RP line for him to take. Just as a loyal Brigade member its my characters job to follow through with his orders.
So...you're required to harass people who are hunting?
Wow, seems like Team Bad is in the wrong racket.
So...you're required to harass people who are hunting?
Wow, seems like Team Bad is in the wrong racket.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 02:44 PM CDT
<<So...you're required to harass people who are hunting?
Note as stated in my previous post. We are instructed by Q to NOT bother folks while they hunt. If anyone is doing so let me know and I'll speak to them, their commander and or a GMPC about it.
Note as stated in my previous post. We are instructed by Q to NOT bother folks while they hunt. If anyone is doing so let me know and I'll speak to them, their commander and or a GMPC about it.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 02:55 PM CDT
<<Note as stated in my previous post. We are instructed by Q to NOT bother folks while they hunt. If anyone is doing so let me know and I'll speak to them, their commander and or a GMPC about it.
You seem comfortable jumping to the conclusion that anyone on the "banned" list isn't going to want to hunt in Therengia. Gryphons are a fantastic place to backtrain, particularly if you're backtraining a ranged weapon.
You seem comfortable jumping to the conclusion that anyone on the "banned" list isn't going to want to hunt in Therengia. Gryphons are a fantastic place to backtrain, particularly if you're backtraining a ranged weapon.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 03:11 PM CDT
You want to hunt gryphons in Theren... ok. But fact is if you are banned you need to stay out of the populated areas and it really should not be a problem for you to slip in, hunt, slip out. I've lost count of how many times I've watched a member of the Arkarm family run up to Rossman's gate and then away, I'm fine with that, they come, they go. Now if they stand at the gate, there is going to be an issue. Now as to WHY in the world you'd go to Theren for gryphons when its normally packed to the gills with people and rarely a room available I'm not really sure. Heck of a lot more space down in by Raven's Point. But maybe you ment Mature or Elder Gryphons? You don't specify so its hard to say, most folks just like baby-younger gryphons.
But I'll say this for a third and last time, if someone is harassing you while you hunt, LET ME KNOW (aim: Mordibar), I or Lyathe will work to stop it if its a Brigade member. If they aren't a Brigade member best I can to is speak to them. I can't help you more that that. We've already stated that we don't like the Banned list anymore than you do.
I think we've gotten rather off topic here, my apologies.
Mordibar ::ducks back to the Theren folder::
But I'll say this for a third and last time, if someone is harassing you while you hunt, LET ME KNOW (aim: Mordibar), I or Lyathe will work to stop it if its a Brigade member. If they aren't a Brigade member best I can to is speak to them. I can't help you more that that. We've already stated that we don't like the Banned list anymore than you do.
I think we've gotten rather off topic here, my apologies.
Mordibar ::ducks back to the Theren folder::
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 03:48 PM CDT
I don't remember gryphons/orc manor/sky giant ravine being Therenginian justice zones, yet I've seen patrols regularly pass through there and enforce Therenginia's rule of law. These relations with estranged 3rd parties(the outcasts, pirates of the red sash), hostilies(Ilithi, seriously where is the motive here?), and their backwards system of law(lol, only in a Theren court can you be accused of 'the worst crime ever' with no evidence presented against you and still be found guilty), it seems to me like Baron must be planning for world domination. I'm thinking something along the lines of the invasion of Poland here with Theren's expanding sphere of intolerance.
They must be stopped at all costs!
IM: Dannyboy00001111
"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
They must be stopped at all costs!
IM: Dannyboy00001111
"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 03:59 PM CDT
Out of curiousity, who IS on the banned list?
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 04:12 PM CDT
<<Therenginian justice zones>>
Just for the record (Without saying this is what Gort's player meant)... 'Justice Zones' (mechanically supported zones in which JUSTICE tells you it's a justice-controlled area) are not the end-all be all of a provinces lawful control. If it is in a province, it can ultimately be deemed an area covered by the law of that province. Rock Trolls west of Kaerna are not magically beyond the realm of Zoluren guards because it's beyond a barricade and JUSTICE says you won't be automatically charged with crimes there.
Is there more leeway in that direction? Sure, but there ARE mechanically supported instances (in which no GM has hit the often-bashed ARREST button) where you'll get nabbed by provincial guards outside of regular justice and city zones.
GM Jaedren
P1-P5 Events Guy
Just for the record (Without saying this is what Gort's player meant)... 'Justice Zones' (mechanically supported zones in which JUSTICE tells you it's a justice-controlled area) are not the end-all be all of a provinces lawful control. If it is in a province, it can ultimately be deemed an area covered by the law of that province. Rock Trolls west of Kaerna are not magically beyond the realm of Zoluren guards because it's beyond a barricade and JUSTICE says you won't be automatically charged with crimes there.
Is there more leeway in that direction? Sure, but there ARE mechanically supported instances (in which no GM has hit the often-bashed ARREST button) where you'll get nabbed by provincial guards outside of regular justice and city zones.
GM Jaedren
P1-P5 Events Guy
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 04:20 PM CDT
>>1) Remove the ban list
>>2) Make social outrage function for more than just Necromancers, with the high end extreme being deportation instead of hounding and the capability of just being limited to a specific province.
>>3) Have GMs manually set the SO of people who warrant it.
Or RP out the corruption taking place.
Also, 2 and 3 won't make people very happy. They're already complaining about deporting. They will still complain about deporting if this was implemented. It's really up to the GM involved(and I doubt it's only Q deporting, I've seen it happen in other provinces) to be careful about when they do it.
I've never been on the receiving end of justice in Therengia, but it seems that Quarel generally takes criticism into mind and works on improving gameplay anytime there's a legitimate complaint.
That said, I don't think every complaint in this thread is legitimate.
>>2) Make social outrage function for more than just Necromancers, with the high end extreme being deportation instead of hounding and the capability of just being limited to a specific province.
>>3) Have GMs manually set the SO of people who warrant it.
Or RP out the corruption taking place.
Also, 2 and 3 won't make people very happy. They're already complaining about deporting. They will still complain about deporting if this was implemented. It's really up to the GM involved(and I doubt it's only Q deporting, I've seen it happen in other provinces) to be careful about when they do it.
I've never been on the receiving end of justice in Therengia, but it seems that Quarel generally takes criticism into mind and works on improving gameplay anytime there's a legitimate complaint.
That said, I don't think every complaint in this thread is legitimate.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 04:33 PM CDT
Confirmed as banned in Therengia:
Plus any members unmentioned of Arkarms and Idon Raiders.
Plus those who show themselves to be Necromancers or supporters there-of. I am well aware that this is a very, very shaky area also another place where the list starts getting to be beyond insane. I'm not bothering putting this list up since it currently has a combination of *over 100* confirmed and unconfirmed Necromancers plus their supporters. It's far too easy for people go rabid on this, but we can't add supporters of supporters since soon everyone in Elathia will appear on this list! The Watch requires proof before being added to our necro/supporter list, but I won't say this is a list that is consistent through all brigades.
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
Plus any members unmentioned of Arkarms and Idon Raiders.
Plus those who show themselves to be Necromancers or supporters there-of. I am well aware that this is a very, very shaky area also another place where the list starts getting to be beyond insane. I'm not bothering putting this list up since it currently has a combination of *over 100* confirmed and unconfirmed Necromancers plus their supporters. It's far too easy for people go rabid on this, but we can't add supporters of supporters since soon everyone in Elathia will appear on this list! The Watch requires proof before being added to our necro/supporter list, but I won't say this is a list that is consistent through all brigades.
Player of: Lyathe and Saslisena
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 04:34 PM CDT
>>>Does anyone get what actually happened? The answer is not a whole lot. We were poking people with a stick on the gweth trying to get a reaction, then Jondong didn't kill Seb while Seb was hunting.
>Fixed that for you.
[Mer'Kresh, Gull Circle]
Behind a towering white fence sulks a pale crescent-shaped building resting atop a series of terraces. Richly colored plants of various species crowd the sculptured steppes, some fronds and leaves poking through the gaps in the fence to tickle the paving stones. Though the street itself is basalt colored, a wild assortment of shades is provided by the brightly painted facades of the nearby buildings.
You also see a white-washed arch.
Also here: Lord General Sebestyen.
Obvious paths: east, west.
Mapped exits: go white-washed arch
You say, "Leave."
'or die
You say, "Or die."
Don't "correct" me.
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
>Fixed that for you.
[Mer'Kresh, Gull Circle]
Behind a towering white fence sulks a pale crescent-shaped building resting atop a series of terraces. Richly colored plants of various species crowd the sculptured steppes, some fronds and leaves poking through the gaps in the fence to tickle the paving stones. Though the street itself is basalt colored, a wild assortment of shades is provided by the brightly painted facades of the nearby buildings.
You also see a white-washed arch.
Also here: Lord General Sebestyen.
Obvious paths: east, west.
Mapped exits: go white-washed arch
You say, "Leave."
'or die
You say, "Or die."
Don't "correct" me.
Markat says, "Pleasant people without moral faults, going to church every week and abstaining from sins such as vanity and zombies. Feh...."
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 04:40 PM CDT
Just as an aside on the whole assassination incident, I'd like to point out that Therengia doesn't have some exclusivity on underhanded dealings like this. For example, the province of Ilithi has been known to employ the Grey to accomplish assassinations and other sundry shady dealings. More recently, the Mountain dispatched Captain Herrick to settle a vendetta with certain dishonorable (to the Mountain) folks. I'm sure there are more examples but those are two that came to mind easily.
Additionally, deportation has been exercised on disruptive personages in the High Temple by Inquisitor Khurek. Also, I may be wrong but I'm fairly certain that it has also been exercised by Vorclaf of Zoluren and Captain Cierzen of Ilithi.
Additionally, deportation has been exercised on disruptive personages in the High Temple by Inquisitor Khurek. Also, I may be wrong but I'm fairly certain that it has also been exercised by Vorclaf of Zoluren and Captain Cierzen of Ilithi.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 04:43 PM CDT
I seem to recall Therengia getting pretty pissed about the Grey carrying out missions in Theren. Then again, that was a long time ago so I might be misremembering.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 05:05 PM CDT
>>Additionally, deportation has been exercised on disruptive personages in the High Temple by Inquisitor Khurek. Also, I may be wrong but I'm fairly certain that it has also been exercised by Vorclaf of Zoluren and Captain Cierzen of Ilithi.
Not much more to add other than to confirm having been deported by Ilithi when the Raiders showed up to support a seemingly random invasion of Idon-themed critters in Shard. That was good times.
"Take chances and see what you can get away with, it only costs you a favor or two if you mess up." -Issus
Not much more to add other than to confirm having been deported by Ilithi when the Raiders showed up to support a seemingly random invasion of Idon-themed critters in Shard. That was good times.
"Take chances and see what you can get away with, it only costs you a favor or two if you mess up." -Issus
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 05:14 PM CDT
Klurn goes by a list given to all Commanders and told to enforce the list by the Baron. I would much rather hunt than be called away from it to enforce the list. Also numerous times i have been called on by those on it to enforce it while at the bin. Sometimes i try to enforce it and I am usually one shot killed and i do so knowing i will be. Other times i observe and make the Court aware, as adding another body to the list of those dieing is uneccessary for the work already piling up on the empaths and cleric. I/Klurn enforce the list strictly as given by the Baron... no one in any brigade has the power to add anyone to the list. If it wasn't there i'd be more than happy but that's not the way it is at the moment and Klurn's duty is to try to enforce it till it goes away.
Klurn Odarien
Speaker Order of the Theren Guard
rub other gweth
[Assuming you mean the Barbarian Guildleader Les.]
You rub your jadeite gwethdesuan.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 05:39 PM CDT
<<Additionally, deportation has been exercised on disruptive personages
Little known fact #1: Madigan has been deported by the Sisters of Somethingortheother for killing Ternith and his crew during peace negotiations between Theren and Ilithi. I rather enjoyed the boat ride.
Little known fact #1: Madigan has been deported by the Sisters of Somethingortheother for killing Ternith and his crew during peace negotiations between Theren and Ilithi. I rather enjoyed the boat ride.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 07:13 PM CDT
I'm curious why Marssi was originally put on the list. I've never heard the story on this other than she is an Arkarm.
Re: An interesting turn of events
06/12/2012 07:32 PM CDT
If I recall correctly, she healed a necromancer known to one of the Theren orders, but didn't know it herself, and blamm-o. Her affiliation with the Arkarms may be a contributing factor.