:he sits back in his chair, looking over at the fire Raging in the fireplace of his cottage, and then down to the table, where the parchment sits..lifting the quill he begins to write::
I don't know if you will read this, if you are even in Zoluren, or if you are even alive anymore. I have so much to tell you, 20 years worth of tellings, but it is hard to put all in a letter. I will try and sum it up as best I Can. Father is dead, his mind broke and he found comfort in drink, but not for long, and then went mad. I am sure that was not the easiest way to put it, but it is such, and I don't know of any other way to put it.
Myself, I am a Warrior Mage, and I feel I am beginning to make a name for myself. I am slowly progressing through the circles...I have paused in my achievements to become more rounded, and while I do not judge myself against the circles I have attained, I do look forward to the spells I will learn. But it is not an end all be all to my life.
::he pauses a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing writing::
On the Affairs of my soul and belief, I do not hold to the 13, and I am beginning to question the Pantheon as well. Well, I should say this is a recent development, I should clarify that up until about I was twenty-one or so I chased after Meraud blindly and without question. Since father told me nothing of my past, I had to seek answers to questions on my own, and as I studied, I began to realize that perhaps my faith in beings that I have not seen with my own eyes, and had to take on blind faith from others that exist...I just could not in good conscience continue on that path, and so I turned to the Albarian Gods and yet, they too are simply tales told, with no proof of their existence and so my faith in them is also low. I have faith now in those around me, especially one, my Wife.
You would like her I think, she is a strong Elven woman. Quite strong willed and never backs down from a good fight. Which can lead to interesting evenings at home. I have taken to calling a young Halfling lass daughter, she is a good one as well. Mischievous as the day is long, but good hearted, there is nothing I would not do for her as well.
I have a lot of questions for you, I am old enough to understand that sometimes people cannot live together, and given the chance would rather stab each other while they slept. But importantly, how could you simply walk away from me. I am not angry, more curious than anything else. Perhaps I will not get an answer to this question, but it is OK. It is asked.
If this letter does not find you Mother, and perhaps someone else reads this, I ask either if you knew Her or my Father, to please send me word if she is in good health or if she too has left this world,or to tell me of him, who he was before I was born... or to send this to her so she may read it.
With Respect,
:He read the letter over slowly as he let the ink dry, and then leaning down and scratching his cat, he sets the rolled up parchment on the ground and the cat delicately picks it up, and then runs off, heading in the Direction of River Crossing, where it then places the letter in the Foyer of the Clerics guild, where someone will find it.::