An eloquently written scroll left on the desk of Varne, duplicated for Aigadyn
03/04/2009 01:14 AM CST
After returning from an extensive hunting and scouting trip to the mainlands, primarily in the southern regions, it saddens me to see the current state of affairs regarding our militia.
I humbly request audience to speak with either yourself, the High Marshall, or one of your functionaries regarding this matter. I fear what small amount of stability and peace our citizens enjoy may be in jeopardy by more than one looming threat. I dare not say more, lest the wrong eyes peruse this page.
As for other matters, I hope your beautiful daughter is fairing well. It has been some time since we have spoken.
By my hand,
Soye Sanborroc Nazaruss Stormfall, Blademaster of Ratha.