I Commander Mikey, wanna make sure that at a time when stuff not so good over there on Aesry that Aesry folks know that Ratha will welcome with open arms, any Aesry folks that wish to come over for a spell to get out of the way of the occupation. I am in talks with fellow Rathan Commanders at this time to work out the best ways we can offer Aesry Commanders help if they so wish us too. Rathans being Rathans we are very wary of strangers bearing gifts so we will go through the proper channels to offer our assistance and do it through the Aesry Military, as there is no way we wish to offend anyone in any way shape or form. we hold in great asteem and consider Aesry as kinda like a sister Island. I look forward to meeting Aesry Commanders to discuss how we can help at all.
Commander Michael Tristramm of the Rathan Fencible Regiment
Need forged plate armor?
IM TincanX
Aesry Surlaenis'a
04/23/2004 01:52 PM CDT
I would venture to say Jourok seems to be overly confident of himself. Surlaenis'a is not for the taking and Aedem better be prepared to venture elsewhere.
Perhaps a strategic suggestion here for Captain Aedem: If he cares to use aesry as a tactical move to achieve greater power beware our island's resolve and history of repelling tyranny, however if his aims relate to a more personal matter of righting past wrongs, our island has been a haven for the victims of the same tyranny's we have repelled. A choice is available.
Our library as well as the scribe to council are not for barter. Any citizen of the realms may read AND RETURN its treasures. Again the aforementioned choice exists. Remain a pawn sacrificing for others tactical advantage, or with a clear minded choice reach for the other side of the board.
Where is Sallador hiding? Seems these pirates are doing all the work.
It is clear however that the manuscript Aedem still holds of the Menhir Stones still worries me, any ambitious pirate seeking certain knowledge other than coin worries me. I as well wonder if a black colored manuscript means anything in particular when it refers to things holy.
Surlaenis'a is not for the taking nor shall it ever be.
Fly with the gull rather than swim with sharks.
By my Hand on this day 351 Dolefaren, 375 AV,
Emissary Divy Teolfe
Perhaps a strategic suggestion here for Captain Aedem: If he cares to use aesry as a tactical move to achieve greater power beware our island's resolve and history of repelling tyranny, however if his aims relate to a more personal matter of righting past wrongs, our island has been a haven for the victims of the same tyranny's we have repelled. A choice is available.
Our library as well as the scribe to council are not for barter. Any citizen of the realms may read AND RETURN its treasures. Again the aforementioned choice exists. Remain a pawn sacrificing for others tactical advantage, or with a clear minded choice reach for the other side of the board.
Where is Sallador hiding? Seems these pirates are doing all the work.
It is clear however that the manuscript Aedem still holds of the Menhir Stones still worries me, any ambitious pirate seeking certain knowledge other than coin worries me. I as well wonder if a black colored manuscript means anything in particular when it refers to things holy.
Surlaenis'a is not for the taking nor shall it ever be.
Fly with the gull rather than swim with sharks.
By my Hand on this day 351 Dolefaren, 375 AV,
Emissary Divy Teolfe
Pirates on Aesry Surlaenis
05/02/2004 10:13 AM CDT
(Sunday morning May 2nd)
There are at least 2 pirate archers wandering around the path leading into Wolves/Bobcats. They shot me dead pretty quick on my way back from snow gobs, so watch yourself if you plan on traveling through the area. If you see my corpse when you pass by I'd appreciate a drag too.
- Tathlenia
There are at least 2 pirate archers wandering around the path leading into Wolves/Bobcats. They shot me dead pretty quick on my way back from snow gobs, so watch yourself if you plan on traveling through the area. If you see my corpse when you pass by I'd appreciate a drag too.
- Tathlenia
Re: Pirates on Aesry Surlaenis
05/02/2004 11:56 AM CDT
I got rescued via moongate from Cloudcrest, Kuldar, and Annalyse. Still pirates roaming by the trail though....
- Tathlenia
- Tathlenia
Scroll to General Chiarik and the Aesry Council
05/06/2004 09:23 PM CDT
The Commanders of Aesry request a meeting on the status of us all being recommisioned as our badges have been gone now for quite awhile and we have not seen niether the General or the Council since the Outcasts first invaded. Please if you wish us to defend Aesry help us by recommisioning those in Command so that we may lead as you would have us do.
Commander Klurn Odarien
Aesry Dragoons
Commander Klurn Odarien
Aesry Dragoons
Re: Somewhere in Aesry
04/09/2005 08:08 PM CDT
and here I thought resistance was futile.
oh well.
Player of a few too many
Pol-i-tics (pol-i-tiks) n. 1. "Poli" meaning many. 2. "Tics" meaning blood-sucking insects.
oh well.
Player of a few too many
Pol-i-tics (pol-i-tiks) n. 1. "Poli" meaning many. 2. "Tics" meaning blood-sucking insects.
Aesry Council
08/24/2005 07:27 PM CDT
I would like to request a formal audience with the council at their earliest convenience.
Father Jarle Shannarrah
Speaker of Li Tumbra Mir
Li Tumbra Mir
"If it ain't drunk, Drink it."
Father Jarle Shannarrah
Speaker of Li Tumbra Mir
Li Tumbra Mir
"If it ain't drunk, Drink it."
A parchment stolen from Aesry Surlaenis'a
12/07/2009 06:07 PM CST
[Aesry Surlaenis'a, Shadaer]
Weathered by the sun and the salty sea air, the wooden pier stretches to the south. Ships of all types anchor near the pier, or sail away with sails billowing in the wind. Several dolphins frolic in the water, leaping over the wakes of passing ships. You also see a pool of black shadows, the Lunar Guardian, an ebony slate, the Lybadel's schedule and a wooden ladder.
Your mind hears Diece thinking, "{faintly}" "Does the lybadel get hit by pirates?"
>think No pirates on the Lybadel
You hear your mental voice echo, No pirates on the Lybadel
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
A rigger plods into the area, with a withering glare.
A pirate lascar just arrived!
The pirate lascar begins to advance on you!
The pirate lascar is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
The rigger begins to advance on you!
The rigger is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
A pirate lascar runs in screaming "Hold ye bilge rats!"
The pirate lascar begins to advance on you!
The pirate lascar is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
>think I stand corrected, pirates invading the dock on Aesry
You hear your mental voice echo, I stand corrected, pirates invading the dock on Aesry
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
These were followed by netmen, crossbowmen and others, which slowly made their way to town. With the help of some folks from Ratha we took the fight to them, including a cyclops and greater skeletons.
The pirates took a parchment from the bank which was apparently their intended target - the skeletons were a distraction. Upon taking the parchment they retreated. We raced to the docks to try to stop them escaping, but alas we were too late...
>You arrive just in time to see a pirate ship sailing away, the capitan seems to be holding a parchment.
We were at a loss as to what the parchment was. Were these pirates in the employ of someone else perhaps?
Ranger Synyster Shadowmaiden, Lookout of Aesry Surlaenis'a
Weathered by the sun and the salty sea air, the wooden pier stretches to the south. Ships of all types anchor near the pier, or sail away with sails billowing in the wind. Several dolphins frolic in the water, leaping over the wakes of passing ships. You also see a pool of black shadows, the Lunar Guardian, an ebony slate, the Lybadel's schedule and a wooden ladder.
Your mind hears Diece thinking, "{faintly}" "Does the lybadel get hit by pirates?"
>think No pirates on the Lybadel
You hear your mental voice echo, No pirates on the Lybadel
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
A rigger plods into the area, with a withering glare.
A pirate lascar just arrived!
The pirate lascar begins to advance on you!
The pirate lascar is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
The rigger begins to advance on you!
The rigger is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
A pirate lascar runs in screaming "Hold ye bilge rats!"
The pirate lascar begins to advance on you!
The pirate lascar is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
>think I stand corrected, pirates invading the dock on Aesry
You hear your mental voice echo, I stand corrected, pirates invading the dock on Aesry
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
These were followed by netmen, crossbowmen and others, which slowly made their way to town. With the help of some folks from Ratha we took the fight to them, including a cyclops and greater skeletons.
The pirates took a parchment from the bank which was apparently their intended target - the skeletons were a distraction. Upon taking the parchment they retreated. We raced to the docks to try to stop them escaping, but alas we were too late...
>You arrive just in time to see a pirate ship sailing away, the capitan seems to be holding a parchment.
We were at a loss as to what the parchment was. Were these pirates in the employ of someone else perhaps?
Ranger Synyster Shadowmaiden, Lookout of Aesry Surlaenis'a
Re: A parchment stolen from Aesry Surlaenis'a
12/08/2009 07:49 AM CST
I didn't think much of it at the time, but a few weeks ago Ratha experienced a similar pirate invasion. It started off with a little boy running through the Third Tier Green with a sundial, followed by a wave of rats, eels, vipers then river boas. After the boas were dispersed several waves of pirates swarmed the scene. Eventually the monsters were repelled and the little boy was forced by his mother to return the sundial. Afterwards, the NPC wild sea-worn monk paid those of us still alive on the Green a visit and briefly mentioned something about a Pirate Trader before taking off. We couldn't get much information out of the monk, he seemed extremely hesitant to discuss the topic any further.
Re: A parchment stolen from Aesry Surlaenis'a
12/08/2009 09:47 AM CST
A few bits of conversation I overheard during the heist from random pirates -
(While at the docks in the beginning of the invasion)
Screams and smoke can be seen coming from the direction of the city proper!
(While in town, fighting near the bank area)
One priate yells out, "Send in the monsters, while we get the loot!"
"The monsters will get them! Make for the bank!
A gelv cyclops snorts, "Kill 'em, crush 'em, grind 'em, eat 'em."
(After killing a few Cyclops in short order)
"The Cyclops aren't working, they're all too strong!", shouts a lousy deckhand.
"This should slow em down, we captured it in Riverhaven! Release the Skeleton!", shouts a pirate as he waves his hands signalling to someone.
NOTE: This skeleton was a beast, Elfverhan was the only one there who could touch it.
(After messing around with the skeleton for a bit)
"Me tinks dey almost got it, start r'treat'n back to the docks! You filthy Bilge Rats!"
"We got what the boss came for, make a run for it, back to the docks!" A pirate yells as it dies.
(Synyster and I ran to the docks at this point only to see)
You arrive just in time to see a pirate ship sailing away, the capitan seems to be holding a parchement.
Very fun event, thanks to whoever ran it. Stuff like this is great.
(While at the docks in the beginning of the invasion)
Screams and smoke can be seen coming from the direction of the city proper!
(While in town, fighting near the bank area)
One priate yells out, "Send in the monsters, while we get the loot!"
"The monsters will get them! Make for the bank!
A gelv cyclops snorts, "Kill 'em, crush 'em, grind 'em, eat 'em."
(After killing a few Cyclops in short order)
"The Cyclops aren't working, they're all too strong!", shouts a lousy deckhand.
"This should slow em down, we captured it in Riverhaven! Release the Skeleton!", shouts a pirate as he waves his hands signalling to someone.
NOTE: This skeleton was a beast, Elfverhan was the only one there who could touch it.
(After messing around with the skeleton for a bit)
"Me tinks dey almost got it, start r'treat'n back to the docks! You filthy Bilge Rats!"
"We got what the boss came for, make a run for it, back to the docks!" A pirate yells as it dies.
(Synyster and I ran to the docks at this point only to see)
You arrive just in time to see a pirate ship sailing away, the capitan seems to be holding a parchement.
Very fun event, thanks to whoever ran it. Stuff like this is great.