additional games at micro-trans events 01/31/2020 08:28 PM CST
So I realize the main focus of the MT events is to sell tickets for RL money, but I was thinking it'd be neat at these events to have a traveling branch of the Fate's Fortune group set up in a room off the end-loot area that would have one/some of the games ( set up to play for IG currency.

I would imagine a large generic pool of prizes, similar to the ones set up for the permanent MT event, but then in the "Tier 1" prizes you'd have a chance to pull a random incidental or collection component piece from the current event, and then maybe a pass to the current MT event as an Ultra Rare prize.

Seems like it might be a win/win if you could get another IG currency-sink into the game while also offering some free advertisement (ie. the game-wide messaging when an UR item is found). Plus it might offer an incentive to players to stick around the event and be available for collection component trading if they've got something to do while killing time...

~*~ Kythryn ~*~
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway
Re: additional games at micro-trans events 01/31/2020 09:02 PM CST

Or even better they could add things to buy with plats instead of funneling even more of our real life cash on top of subscription fees